Wikipedia:Votes for deletion/David Peran Hayes

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David Peran Hayes was proposed for deletion. This page is an archive of the discussion about the proposed deletion. This page is no longer live. Further comments should be made on the article's talk page rather than here so that this page is preserved as an historic record. The result of the debate was to delete the article.

The style and tone of this article suggests to me that it is invented, and I have been unable to trace down any other references to this person or legend. As the linked articles to this item are factually incorrect, I feel that this too is spurious. Would welcome other views, however. Timberline 20:49, 10 Nov 2004 (UTC)

  • "His mother was a gynecologist"? Suuuure. Delete, BJAODN if such a consensus is reached. Ashibaka 21:02, 10 Nov 2004 (UTC)
  • Delete, obvious prank, incorrect information. Not funny enough for BJAODN. [[User:Dpbsmith|Dpbsmith (talk)]] 21:38, 10 Nov 2004 (UTC)
  • Delete. "David Peran Hayes" gets a single Wikipedia mirror hit, and the 11 hits for David Peran Hayes pez are unrelated. Niteowlneils 22:07, 10 Nov 2004 (UTC)
  • Delete: Prank/hoax of the usual sort. One kid making fun of another. Geogre 01:12, 11 Nov 2004 (UTC)
  • Blinded his father and slept with his mother, eh? Oedipus wrecks everything. Delete. Bearcat 01:26, 11 Nov 2004 (UTC)

This page is now preserved as an archive of the debate and, like other '/delete' pages is no longer 'live'. Subsequent comments on the issue, the deletion or on the decision-making process should be placed on the relevant 'live' pages. Please do not edit this page.