Volderer See

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Volderer See
Name: Volderer See
Area size: 37,70
Maximum depth: 2 m
Medium depth: 1-1,5 m
Length: 3 m
width: 4 m
Water volume: ~ 70,69 (= 706,90 hl)
Height: 558 m

The small "Volderer See" or "Lake Volders" had formerly been a bigger lake but it lost a large part of its total size. Now the Lake looks like a bigger pond. He lies exactly left by the Karls Church at the motorway bridge by the entrance to the village of Volders.

The Lake has no natural in- and outflow and mainly receives groundwater of the Inn River and from rain. It has a moderate water quality between B and C. Therefore the Lake is often plagued by alga creation. The Lake is surrounded by a small forest with ways to the church or to the village.

A myth tells that once a giant blocked the inflow with a large boulder and that is the reason why the Lake had lost so much of its size.

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