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Gender Male
Race Jungle Troll (Warcraft)
Character class Shadow Hunter
Affiliation Darkspear Tribe
Occupation Leader of the Darkspear Tribe

In the fictional Warcraft Universe, Vol'jin is a troll witch doctor of the Darkspear Tribe.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Throughout his young life, Vol'jin was the apprentice and son of the Troll witchdoctor Sen'jin, while the exiled Darkspear Tribe lived on the Broken Isles. During this time period, the Darkspear Trolls were nearly wiped out by a group of ferocious murlocs. Only through the intervention of Thrall and the Horde were the trolls able to survive. However, Sen'jin died bravely on the islands trying to save as many trolls as he could. With Sen'jin's death, Vol'jin became chief witchdoctor for the tribe. In order to repay Thrall and the Horde for saving his people, Vol'jin pledged his loyalty and service to Horde for all time.

During the Third War, Vol'jin and the Darkspear Tribe fought alongside the Horde against the Burning Legion. After the war, Vol'jin and the Darkspear Tribe settled upon the Echo Isles, just off the shores of Durotar. It wasn't long before a new threat appeared however, when human raiders from Kul Tiras began attacking the islands. Vol'jin aided Rexxar, Rokhan and Chen Stormstout in evacuating the Darkspear tribe, turning the three into Wyverns allowing them to attack the Alliance fleet from above, and supplying them with a squadron of Troll Batriders. After helping the Horde beat back the human invasion, Vol'jin reestablished the Darkspear Tribe in Sen'jin Village along the southern coast of Durotar near the Valley Of Trials.

Vol'jin currently resides in Orgrimmar and has left Master Gadrin in charge of the village while he is helping to assist the Warchief with matters of the highest importance.

Warcraft Universe
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