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[edit] Preview

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Western Philosophy
21st-century philosophy
VolatileChemical, nicknamed the "Longhorns Pope"
Name: VolatileChemical
Birth: 20th century (America)
Death: Sometime in the future
School/tradition: Unknown
Main interests: Economics, anarchism, military methodology, communism
Notable ideas: Nothing original
Influences: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, George Orwell, Joseph Stalin
Influenced: Extremely little to none
My View of Wikipedia
Image:Thumbs down.jpg
Pfeffer's Flamboyant Cuttlefish
Thing That Makes the Wikiworld Go 'Round Infoboxes
ya dig?
Status of Wikipedia Articles What Don't Have Infoboxes So lame
ya dig?
This article documents a current event.
Information may change rapidly as the event progresses.

Freedom is the freedom to believe that two plus two makes whate-
ver you want it to make. If that is granted, nothing else must follow.

This is a Wikipedia user page.

This is not an encyclopedia article. If you find this page on any site other than Wikipedia, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated and that the user this page belongs to may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikipedia itself. The original page is located at

Aren't I just the coolest guy ever? Aren't I, though? My proudest accomplishment is all those title boxes and succession boxes down below. Hey, anaphora! My second proudest accomplishment is a massive experiment I've undertaken to occasionally make every word I type be a link, and then create all of the non-existent pages I linked to, regardless of my knowledge of how to define them.

My Wikiholic score is 929.5458001423343. Those Top 20 guys make me feel guilty...or less guilty. Are those guys better Wikipedians or worse?

The Original Barnstar
I award you this for your contributions and your aid.Zazzer 20:13, 7 January 2007 (UTC)
The Generous User Award
I can't think of any single Wikipedian who deserves this barnstar more than you VolatileChemical. It's about time you recieved one. :-) | Zazzer Talk | Sign Here 17:15, 9 January 2007 (UTC)
The Photographer's Barnstar
I can't think of any single Wikipedian who does more photography than you, VolatileChemical. It's about time you recieved this. :-) | Zazzer Talk | Sign Here 17:15, 9 January 2007 (UTC)
Screenshot of the Cuban Missile Crisis article from late 2006. A particularly inspired and thought out piece of spam that I don't want to fall into the cracks.
Screenshot of the Cuban Missile Crisis article from late 2006. A particularly inspired and thought out piece of spam that I don't want to fall into the cracks.
WikiProject Films This user is a member of WikiProject Films.
BA This user is a member of WikiProject Blackadder.
This user ought to reconsider being a member of WikiProject: A Series of Unfortunate Events.
This user is not a Wikipedia administrator but would like to be one someday.
This user has studiously observed man's hitherto and likely future inability to create an economic or political system that can keep the majority of the citizens of a realistically sized and populated state content with their society and has made an informed descision that political, economic and social misanthropy is the answer.
IE This page works best (and possibly only) in Internet Explorer.


[edit] Pages I Created, In Alphabetical Order

Movies Special Regular
American Boyfriends Category:Ace Ventura 4-8-4+4-8-4
The Billion Dollar Hobo Category:And Now For Something Completely Different A. G. Lafley
Blackout Effect Template:Blackadder episodes Animalism (Animal Farm)
Black River (1993 film) Category:Carolus Linnaeus Calvin Coolidge Presidential Library and Museum
Burglar (film) Category:Civil conflicts in England Court Scene with Cardinal Richelieu
Choose Me Category:Dirk Gently Desmond McKenzie
The Crimson Rivers Category:Duck Dodgers Heinrich von Eckardt
Endgame (film) Template:Ecumenical councils Kilimanjaro Expedition
House (film) Template:Edmund Blackadder Killbot
Small Tragedy Category:The Exorcist King of Spain (disambiguation)
Steel Dawn Category:Final Destination Ministry of Plenty
Wake Me When The War Is Over Category:George Orwell characters Ministry of Peace
Wisdom (film) Category:Karl Marx Post- och Inrikes Tidningar
Category:Mr. Bean Ray Fearon
Template:Music genre infobox request Silverdocs
Category:Needs music genre infobox Skyline Aviation Software
Category:NPOV disputes from December 2006 Ted Gatsas
Category:Saw Whole Sort of General Mish Mash
Category:Ship articles without an infobox Woodward & Bernstein
Template:Ship infobox request Xanthus (historian)
Category:Scream films
Category:Whaling by country

[edit] Places I've Been (Idea Shanghai'd from Swid)

Travel Within the World
France Jamaica Germany Switzerland Italy Mexico United Kingdom England Cayman Islands United States
France Jamaica Germany Switzerland Italy Mexico United Kingdom ( England Cayman Islands ) United States
Preceded by
Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
Succeeded by
Preceded by
George W. Bush
Presidents of the United States of America
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Elizabeth II
King of the United Kingdom
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Emperor of Japan
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Stéphane Dion
Leader of the Liberal Party
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Whoever's Next
Democratic Party presidential nominee
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Rowan Williams
Archbishop of Canterbury
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Benedict XVI
Succeeded by

Prime Ministers of Canada Flag of Canada
Macdonald | Mackenzie | Abbott | Thompson | Bowell | Tupper | Laurier | Borden | Meighen | King | Bennett | St. Laurent | Diefenbaker | Pearson | Trudeau | Clark | Turner | Mulroney | Campbell | Chrétien | Martin | Harper | Chemical

Presidents of the United States Flag of the United States
Washington | J Adams | Jefferson | Madison | Monroe | JQ Adams | Jackson | Van Buren | W Harrison | Tyler | Polk | Taylor | Fillmore | Pierce | Buchanan | Lincoln | A Johnson | Grant | Hayes | Garfield | Arthur | Cleveland | B Harrison | Cleveland | McKinley | T Roosevelt | Taft | Wilson | Harding | Coolidge | Hoover | F Roosevelt | Truman | Eisenhower | Kennedy | L Johnson | Nixon | Ford | Carter | Reagan | GHW Bush | Clinton | GW Bush | Chemical

Monarchs of Ireland Flag of Ireland
Henry II | Richard I | John I | Henry III | Edward I | Edward II | Edward III | Richard II | Henry IV | Henry V | Henry VI | Edward IV | Edward V | Richard III | Henry VI | Henry VII | Edward VI of England | Jane I | Mary I | Elizabeth I | James I | Charles I | Charles II | James II | Mary II | William III | Anne I | George I | George II | George III | George IV of the United Kingdom | William IV | Victoria I | Edward VII | George V | Edward VIII | George VI | Elizabeth II | Chemical I

Monarchs of Wales Flag of Wales
Henry II | Richard I | John I | Henry III | Edward I | Edward II | Edward III | Richard II | Henry IV | Henry V | Henry VI | Edward IV | Edward V | Richard III | Henry VI | Henry VII | Edward VI of England | Jane I | Mary I | Elizabeth I | James I | Charles I | Charles II | James II | Mary II | William III | Anne I | George I | George II | George III | George IV of the United Kingdom | William IV | Victoria I | Edward VII | George V | Edward VIII | George VI | Elizabeth II | Chemical I

Monarchs of Scotland Flag of Scotland
Kenneth I | Donald I | Constantine I | Aehd | Eochard I | Giric I | Donald II | Constantine II | Malcolm | Indulf I | Dubh I | Culen | Kenneth II of Scotland | Constantine III of Scotland | Kenneth III of Scotland | Malcolm II of Scotland | Duncan I of Scotland | Macbeth of Scotland | Lulach of Scotland | Malcolm III of Scotland | Donald III of Scotland | Edmund I of Scotland | Duncan II of Scotland | Edgar of Scotland | Alexander I of Scotland | David I of Scotland | Malcolm IV of Scotland | William I of Scotland |Alexander II of Scotland | Alexander III of Scotland | Margaret I of Scotland | John Balliol | Robert I of Scotland | David II of Scotland | Robert II of Scotland | Robert III of Scotland | James I of Scotland | James II of Scotland | James III of Scotland | James IV of Scotland | James V of Scotland | Mary I of Scotland | James VI | Charles I | Charles II | James VII | Mary II | William II | Anne I | George I | George II | George III | George IV of the United Kingdom | William IV | Victoria I | Edward VII | George V | Edward VIII | George VI | Elizabeth II | Chemical I

Monarchs of England Flag of England
Alfred I | Eadweard I | Ethelred I | Athelstan I | Edmund I | Edred I | Edwy I | Edgar I | St Edward | Ethelred II | Edmund II | Sweyn I | Canute I | Harold I | Harthacanute I | St Edward | Harold II | Edgar II | William I | William II | Henry I | Stephen I | Matilda I | Henry II | Richard I | John I | Henry III | Edward I | Edward II | Edward III | Richard II | Henry IV | Henry V | Henry VI | Edward IV | Edward V | Richard III | Henry VI | Henry VII | Edward VI of England | Jane I | Mary I | Elizabeth I | James I | Charles I | Charles II | James II | Mary II | William III | Anne I | George I | George II | George III | George IV of the United Kingdom | William IV | Victoria I | Edward VII | George V | Edward VIII | George VI | Elizabeth II | Chemical I

Emperors of Japan Flag of Japan
Jimmu | Suizei | Annei | Itoku | Kōshō | Kōan | Kōrei | Kōgen | Kaika | Sujin | Suinin | Keikō | Seimu | Chūai | Jingū | Ōjin | Nintoku | Richū | Hanzei | Ingyō | Ankō | Yūryaku | Seinei | Kenzō | Ninken | Buretsu | Keitai | Ankan | Senka | Kimmei | Bidatsu | Yōmei | Sushun | Suiko | Jomei | Kōgyoku | Kōtoku | Saimei | Tenji | Kōbun | Temmu | Jitō | Mommu | Gemmei | Genshō | Shōmu | Kōken | Junnin | Shōtoku | Kōnin | Kammu | Heizei | Saga | Junna | Nimmyō | Montoku | Seiwa | Yōzei | Kōkō | Uda | Daigo | Suzaku | Murakami | Reizei | En'yū | Kazan | Ichijō | Sanjō | Go-Ichijō | Go-Suzaku | Go-Reizei | Go-Sanjō | Shirakawa | Horikawa | Toba | Sutoku | Konoe | Go-Shirakawa | Nijō | Rokujō | Takakura | Antoku | Go-Toba | Tsuchimikado | Juntoku | Chūkyō | Go-Hirikawa | Shijō | Go-Saga | Go-Fukakusa | Kameyama | Go-Uda | Fushimi | Go-Fushimi | Go-Nijō | Hanazono | Go-Daigo | Kōgon | Kōmyō | Sukō | Go-Kōgon | Go-En'yū | Go-Komatsu | Go-Murakima | Chōkei | Go-Kameyama | Go-Komatsu | Shōkō | Go-Hanazono | Go-Tsuchimikado | Go-Kashiwabara | Go-Nara | Ōgimachi | Go-Yōzei | Go-Mizunoo | Meishō | Go-Kōmyō | Go-Sai | Reigen | Higashiyama | Nakamikado | Sakuramachi | Momozono | Go-Sakyramachi | Kōkaku | Ninkō | Kōmei | Meiji | Taishō | Shōwa | Akihito | Chemical

Archbishops of Canterbury Arms of the Archbishop of Canterbury
Augustine | Laurentius | Mellitus | Justus | Honorius | Deusdedit | Wighard | Adrian | Theodore | Bertwald | Tatwin | Nothelm | Cuthbert | Bregwin | Jænbert | Æthelhard] | Wulfred | Syred | Feologild | Ceolnoth | Æthelred | Plegmund | Athelm | Wulfhelm | Odo | Aelfsige | Dunstan | Athelgar | Sigeric | Ælfric | Alphege | Lyfing | Æthelnoth | Edsige | Robert | Stigand | Lanfranc | Anselm | d'Escures | Corbeil | Theobald | Becket | Richard | Baldwin | Fitz-Jocelin | Walter | Reginald | de Grey | Langton | d'Eynsham | le Grant | Neville | John | Blund | Rich | Boniface | Chillenden | Kilwardby | Burnell | Peckham | Winchelsey | Cobham | Reynolds | Mepeham | de Stratford | de Ufford | Bradwardine | Islip | Edington | Langham | Whittlesey | Sudbury | Courtenay | Arundel | Walden | Arundel | Chichele | Stafford | Kemp | Bourchier | Morton | Langton | Dean | Warham | Cranmer | Pole | Parker | Grindal | Whitgift | Bancroft | Abbot | Laud | Juxon | Sheldon | Sancroft | Tillotson | Tenison | Wake | Potter | Herring | Hutton | Secker | Cornwallis | Moore | Manners-Sutton | Howley | Sumner | Longley | Tait | Benson | Temple | Davidson | Lang | Temple | Fisher | Ramsey | Coggan | Runcie | Carey | Williams | Chemical

Popes of the Roman Catholic Church Flag of the Vatican
Peter | Linus | Anacletus | Clement I | Evaristus | Alexander I | Sixtus I | Telesphorus | Hyginus | Pius I | Anicetus | Soter | Eleuterus | Victor I | Zephyrinus | Callixtus I | Urban I | Pontian | Anterus | Fabian | Cornelius | Lucius I | Stephen I | Sixtus II | Dionysius | Felix I | Eutychian | Caius | Marcellinus | Marcellus I | Eusebius | Miltiades | Silvester I | Mark | Julius I | Liberius | Damasus I | Siricius | Anastasius I | Innocent I | Zosimus | Boniface I | Celestine I | Sixtus III | Leo I | Hilarius | Simplicius | Felix III | Gelasius I | Anastasius II | Symmachus | Hormisdas | John I | Felix IV | Boniface II | John II | Agapetus I | Silverius | Vigilius | Pelagius I | John III | Benedict I | Pelagius II | Gregory I | Sabinian | Boniface III | Boniface IV | Adeodatus I | Boniface V | Honorius I | Severinus | John IV | Theodore I | Martin I | Eugene I | Vitalian | Adeodatus II | Donus | Agatho | Leo II | Benedict II | John V | Conon | Sergius I | John VI | John VII | Sisinnius | Constantine | Gregory II | Gregory III | Zachary | Stephen II | Paul I | Stephen III | Adrian I | Leo III | Stephen IV | Paschal I | Eugene II | Valentine | Gregory IV | Sergius II | Leo IV | Benedict III | Nicholas I | Adrian II | John VIII | Marinus I | Adrian III | Stephen V | Formosus | Boniface VI | Stephen VI | Romanus | Theodore II | John IX | Benedict IV | Leo V | Sergius III | Anastasius III | Lando | John X | Leo VI | Stephen VII | John XI | Leo VII | Stephen VIII | Marinus II | Agapetus II | John XII | Leo VIII | Benedict V | John XIII | Benedict VI | Benedict VII | John XIV | John XV | Gregory V | Silvester II | John XVII | John XVIII | Sergius IV | Benedict VIII | John XIX | Benedict IX | Silvester III | Benedict IX | Gregory VI | Clement II | Benedict IX | Damasus II | Leo IX | Victor II | Stephen IX | Nicholas II | Alexander II | Gregory VII | Victor III | Urban II | Paschal II | Gelasius II | Callixtus II | Honorius II | Innocent II | Celestine II | Lucius II | Eugene III | Anastasius IV | Adrian IV | Alexander III | Lucius III | Urban III | Gregory VIII | Clement III | Celestine III | Innocent III | Honorius III | Gregory IX | Celestine IV | Innocent IV | Alexander IV | Urban IV | Clement IV | Gregory X | Innocent V | Adrian V | John XXI | Nicholas III | Martin IV | Honorius IV | Nicholas IV | Celestine V | Boniface VIII | Benedict XI | Clement V | John XXII | Benedict XII | Clement VI | Innocent VI | Urban V | Gregory XI | Urban VI | Boniface IX | Innocent VII | Gregory XII | Martin V | Eugene IV | Nicholas V | Callixtus III | Pius II | Paul II | Sixtus IV | Innocent VIII | Alexander VI | Pius III | Julius II | Leo X | Adrian VI | Clement VII | Paul III | Julius III | Marcellus II | Paul IV | Pius IV | Pius V | Gregory XIII | Sixtus V | Urban VII | Gregory XIV | Innocent IX | Clement VIII | Leo XI | Paul V | Gregory XV | Urban VIII | Innocent X | Alexander VII | Clement IX | Clement X | Innocent XI | Alexander VIII | Innocent XII | Clement XI | Innocent XIII | Benedict XIII | Clement XII | Benedict XIV | Clement XIII | Clement XIV | Pius VI | Pius VII | Leo XII | Pius VIII | Gregory XVI | Pius IX | Leo XIII | Pius X | Benedict XV | Pius XI | Pius XII | John XXIII | Paul VI | John Paul I | John Paul II | Benedict XVI | Volatile I

<div style="font-family: sans-serif">
<div class="usermessage">You have <u style="color:#4B0082">new messages</u> (<u style="color:#002BB8">last change</u>).</div>
{{quotation|'''Freedom is the freedom to believe that two plus two makes whatever you want it to make. If that is granted, nothing else must follow.'''}}
{{switch|{{Mediawiki:Sitenotice}}|case -=<div id="titlehack" class="firstHeading"
style="display: none; font-size: 188%; padding-top: 0.5em; padding-bottom: 0.17em; text-align: right; float: left; position: absolute; left: 0.5em; top: 0%; width: 98%; background-color:#FFFFFF">{{{1|{{PAGENAME}}}}}</div>}}
::<b style="color:#e32636">Remember that this is only a preview; changes have not yet been saved!
{{Infobox_Philosopher |
<!-- Scroll down to edit this page -->
<!-- Philosopher Category -->
region = Western Philosophy |
era = [[Contemporary philosophy|21st-century philosophy]]|
color = #B0C4DE |
image_name = Corna saint.png |
image_caption = VolatileChemical, nicknamed the "Longhorns Pope" |
name = VolatileChemical |
birth = [[20th century]] ([[Americas|America]]) |
death = Sometime in the [[future]] |
school_tradition = Unknown |
main_interests = [[Economics]], [[anarchism]], [[Military tactics|military methodology]], [[communism]] |
influences = [[Karl Marx]], [[Friedrich Engels]], [[George Orwell]], [[Joseph Stalin]] |
influenced = Extremely little to none |
notable_ideas = Nothing original |
[[Image:Cuban missile crisis alternate history.png|thumb|215px|Screenshot of the [[Cuban Missile Crisis]] article from late 2006. A particularly inspired and thought out piece of spam that I don't want to fall into the cracks.]]
{| class="infobox bordered" style="width: 18em; text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"
|+ style="font-size: larger;" | '''My View of Wikipedia'''
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" | [[Image:Thumbs up.jpg|200px|Thumbs Up From Me to Thou]]<br>[[Pfeffer's Flamboyant Cuttlefish]]
! Thing That Makes the Wikiworld Go 'Round
| [[Help:Infobox|Infoboxes]]<br>ya dig?
! Status of Wikipedia Articles What Don't Have Infoboxes
| So lame<br>ya dig?
{| class="messagebox current" style="width: auto;"
| [[Image:Current event marker.png|50px]]
| '''This article documents a [[Portal:Current events|current event]].''' <br>
<small>Information may change rapidly as the event progresses.</small>
Image:Bushplane.jpg|I think these two images<br>yet provide a fortunate<br>the viewer<br>compares the
Image:Hitler ueber Deutschland 1932.jpg|look unsettlingly similar<br>coincidence in where<br>subconsciously<br>two leaders
[[Contraction (grammar)|Aren't]] [[Pronoun|I]] [[Adjective|just]] [[Article (grammar)|the]] [[Adjective|coolest]] [[Noun|guy]] [[Adverb|ever]][[Punctuation|?]] [[Contraction (grammar)|Aren't]] [[Pronoun|I]][[Punctuation|,]] [[Contradiction|though]][[Punctuation|?]] My proudest accomplishment is all those title boxes and succession boxes down below. Hey, [[anaphora]]! <u style="color:#002BB8">My</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">second</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">proudest</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">accomplishment</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">is</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">a</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">massive</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">experiment</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">I've</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">undertaken</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">to</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">occasionally</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">make</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">every</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">word</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">I</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">type</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">be</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">a</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">link,</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">and</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">then</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">create</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">all</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">of</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">the</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">non-existent</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">pages</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">I</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">linked</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">to,</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">regardless</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">of</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">my</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">knowledge</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">of</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">how</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">to</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">define</u> <u style="color:#002BB8">them.</u>
My [[Wikipedia:Are You a Wikipediholic Test|Wikiholic score]] is 929.5458001423343. Those [[Wikipedia:Are You a Wikipediholic Test#Top 20 scores|Top 20 guys]] make me feel guilty...or less guilty. Are those guys better Wikipedians or worse?
{{User WikiProject Films}}
{{User:Jitterro/Userboxes/ASUE project}}
{{User:Lawilkin/UBX/admin someday}}
<div style="float: left; border:solid {{{1|#808080}}} 1px; margin: 1px;">
{| cellspacing="0" style="width: 480px; background: #DBDBDB;"
| style="width: 45px; height: 45px; background: #BDBDAD; text-align: center; font-size: {{{5|{{{id-s|14}}}}}}pt; color: {{{id-fc|black}}};" | [[Image:Misanthropy.png|60px]]
| style="font-size: {{{info-s|8}}}pt; padding: 4pt; line-height: 1.25em; color: {{{info-fc|black}}};" | This user has studiously observed man's hitherto and likely future inability to create an [[economic system|economic]] or [[political system]] that can keep the majority of the citizens of a realistically sized and populated [[state]] content with their [[society]] and has made an [[informed consent|informed descision]] that political, economic and social '''[[misanthropy]]''' is the answer.
{| style="border: 1px solid {{{border|gray}}}; background-color: {{{color|#fdffe7}}};" |rowspan="2" valign="middle" | [[Image:Barnstar.png|100px]]
|rowspan="2" |
|style="font-size: x-large; padding: 0; vertical-align: middle; height: 1.1em;" | '''The Original Barnstar'''
|style="vertical-align: middle; border-top: 1px solid gray;" |I award you this for your contributions and your aid.[[User:Zazzer|Zazzer]] 20:13, 7 January 2007 (UTC)
{| style="border: 1px solid {{{border|gray}}}; background-color: {{{color|#fdffe7}}};" |rowspan="2" valign="top" | [[Image:Society barnstar 2.png|100px]]
|rowspan="2" |
|style="font-size: x-large; padding: 0; vertical-align: bottom; height: 1.1em;" | '''The Generous User Award'''
|style="vertical-align: top; border-top: 1px solid gray;" |I can't think of any single Wikipedian who deserves this barnstar more than you [[User:VolatileChemical|VolatileChemical]]. It's about time you recieved one. :-) | [[User:Zazzer|<font
color="#7b68ee">'''Zazzer'''</font>]] <small><sup><font face="Times New Roman" color="Tan">[[User talk:zazzer|''Talk'']]</font> | <font face="Times New Roman" color="Tan">
[[User:Zazzer/My Autograph Book|''Sign Here'']]</font></sup></small> 17:15, 9 January 2007 (UTC) |}
{| style="border: 1px solid {{{border|gray}}}; background-color: {{{color|#fdffe7}}};" |rowspan="2" valign="top" | [[Image:Barnstar-camera.png|100px|]]
|rowspan="2" |
|style="font-size: x-large; padding: 0; vertical-align: bottom; height: 1.1em;" | '''The Photographer's Barnstar'''
|style="vertical-align: top; border-top: 1px solid gray;" |I can't think of any single Wikipedian who does more photography than you, [[User:VolatileChemical|VolatileChemical]]. It's about time you recieved this. :-) | [[User:Zazzer|<font color="#7b68ee">'''Zazzer'''</font>]] <small><sup><font face="Times New Roman" color="Tan">[[User talk:zazzer|''Talk'']]</font> | <font face="Times New Roman" color="Tan">[[User:Zazzer/My Autograph Book|''Sign Here'']]</font></sup></small> 17:15, 9 January 2007 (UTC)
==Pages I Created, In Alphabetical Order==
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 width="70%"
|- bgcolor=#eeeeee
! Movies !! Special !! Regular
| align=center | [[American Boyfriends]]
| align=center | [[:Category:Ace Ventura]]
| align=center | [[4-8-4+4-8-4]]
| align=center | [[The Billion Dollar Hobo]]
| align=center | [[:Category:And Now For Something Completely Different]]
| align=center | [[A.G. Lafley]]
| align=center | [[Blackout Effect]]
| align=center | [[:Category:Civil conflicts in England]]
| align=center | [[Animalism (Animal Farm)]]
| align=center | [[Black River (1993 film)]]
| align=center | [[:Category:Dirk Gently]]
| align=center | [[King of Spain (disambiguation)]]
| align=center | [[Burglar (film)]]
| align=center | [[:Category:Duck Dodgers]]
| align=center | [[Court Scene with Cardinal Richelieu]]
|- | align=center | [[Choose Me]]
| align=center | [[:Template:Ecumenical councils]]
| align=center | [[Desmond McKenzie]]
| align=center | [[The Crimson Rivers]]
| align=center | [[:Template:Edmund Blackadder]]
| align=center | [[Heinrich von Eckardt]]
| align=center | [[Endgame (film)]]
| align=center | [[:Category:The Exorcist]]
| align=center | [[Kilimanjaro Expedition]]
| align=center | [[House (film)]]
| align=center | [[:Category:Final Destination]]
| align=center | [[Killbot]]
| align=center | [[Small Tragedy]]
| align=center | [[:Category:George Orwell characters]]
| align=center | [[Ministry of Plenty]]
| align=center | [[Steel Dawn]]
| align=center | [[:Category:Karl Marx]]
| align=center | [[Ministry of Peace]]
|- | align=center | [[Wake Me When The War Is Over]]
| align=center | [[:Category:Mr. Bean]]
| align=center | [[Post-och Inrikes Tidningar]]
| align=center | [[Wisdom (film)]]
| align=center | [[Template:Music genre infobox request]]
| align=center | [[Ray Fearon]]
| align=center |
| align=center | [[:Category:Needs music genre infobox]]
| align=center | [[Silverdocs]]
| align=center |
| align=center | [[:Category:NPOV disputes from December 2006]]
| align=center | [[Skyline Aviation Software]]
| align=center |
| align=center | [[:Category:Saw]]
| align=center | [[Ted Gatsas]]
| align=center |
| align=center | [[:Template:Ship infobox request]]
| align=center | [[Whole Sort of General Mish Mash]]
| align=center |
| align=center | [[:Category:Ship articles without an infobox]]
| align=center | [[Woodward & Bernstein]]
| align=center |
| align=center | [[:Template:USSRpremier]]
| align=center |
| align=center |
| align=center | [[:Category:Whaling by country]]
| align=center |
==Places I've Been (Idea Shanghai'd from [[User:Swid|Swid]])==
{| style="float: left; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 0.5em; border: #2222dd solid 1px; background-color: #c5ccf9;"
| colspan="13" style="background-color: #e8ecff; text-align: center;" | '''Travel Within the World''' [[Image:Flag of the United Nations.svg|30px]]
|- style="text-align: center;"
| [[Image:Flag of France.svg|50px|France]]
| [[Image:Flag of Jamaica.svg|50px|Jamaica]]
| [[Image:Flag of Germany.svg|50px|Germany]]
| [[Image:Flag of Switzerland.svg|50px|Switzerland]]
| [[Image:Flag of Italy.svg|50px|Italy]]
| [[Image:Flag of Mexico.svg|50px|Mexico]]
| [[Image:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|50px|United Kingdom]]
| [[Image:Flag of England.svg|50px|England]]
| [[Image:Flag of the Cayman Islands.svg|50px|Cayman Islands]]
| [[Image:Flag of the United States.svg|50px|United States]]
|- style="font-size: smaller; text-align: center;"
| [[France]]
| [[Jamaica]]
| [[Germany]]
| [[Switzerland]]
| [[Italy]]
| [[Mexico]]
| [[United Kingdom]]
| style="font-size: smallest; | ( [[England]]
| style="font-size: smallest; | [[Cayman Islands]] )
| [[United States]]
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{{succession box|before= <u style="color:#002BB8">Stephen Harper</u>|title= [[List of Prime Ministers of Canada|Prime Minister of Canada]] | years= [[2008]]–present |after= Incumbent}}
{{succession box|title=[[List of Presidents of the United States|Presidents of the United States of America]]| before=<u style="color:#002BB8">[[George W. Bush]]</u>| years=[[2008]]–present| after=Incumbent}}
{{succession box| title=[[List of monarchs in the British Isles|King of the United Kingdom]]| before=[[Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom|Elizabeth II]]| years= [[2008]]–present| after= Incumbent}}
{{succession box|title=[[List of Emperors of Japan|Emperor of Japan]]|before= [[Akihito]]|years= [[2008]]–present|after=Incumbent|}}
{{succession box | before=[[Stéphane Dion]] | title=[[Liberal Party of Canada#Leaders of the Liberal Party|Leader of the Liberal Party]] | years=[[2008]]–present | after=Incumbent}}
{{succession box | before=[[Official and potential 2008 United States presidential election Democratic candidates|Whoever's Next]] | title=[[List of United States Democratic Party presidential tickets|Democratic Party presidential nominee]] | years=[[2008]]–present | after=Incumbent}}
{{succession box | before=[[Rowan Williams]] | title=[[List of Archbishops of Canterbury|Archbishop of Canterbury]] | after=Incumbent | years=[[2008]]–present}} {{succession box | before=[[Pope Benedict XVI|Benedict XVI]] | title=[[List of popes|Pope]] | after=Incumbent | years=[[2008]]–present|}}
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! align="center" style="background:#ccccff" width="100%" colspan="2"|[[Prime Minister of Canada|Prime Ministers of Canada]] || [[Image:Flag of Canada.svg|50px|Flag of Canada]]
! valign="left" halign="top" |<small>[[John A. Macdonald|Macdonald]] | [[Alexander Mackenzie|Mackenzie]] | [[John Joseph Caldwell Abbott|Abbott]] | [[John Sparrow David Thompson|Thompson]] | [[Mackenzie Bowell|Bowell]] | [[Charles Tupper|Tupper]] | [[Wilfrid Laurier|Laurier]] | [[Robert Laird Borden|Borden]] | [[Arthur Meighen|Meighen]] | [[William Lyon Mackenzie King|King]] | [[Richard Bedford Bennett, 1st Viscount Bennett|Bennett]] | [[Louis St. Laurent|St. Laurent]] | [[John Diefenbaker|Diefenbaker]] | [[Lester B. Pearson|Pearson]] | [[Pierre Trudeau|Trudeau]] | [[Joe Clark|Clark]] | [[John Turner|Turner]] | [[Brian Mulroney|Mulroney]] | [[Kim Campbell|Campbell]] | [[Jean Chretien|Chrétien]] | <u style="color:#002BB8">Martin</u> | <u style="color:#002BB8">Harper</u> | [[User:VolatileChemical|Chemical]]
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! align="center" style="background:#ccccff" width="100%" colspan="2"|[[List of Presidents of the United States|Presidents of the United States]] || [[Image:USPresidentialSeal.jpg|50px|Flag of the United States]]
! valign="left" halign="top" |<small>[[George Washington|Washington]] | [[John Adams|J Adams]] | [[Thomas Jefferson|Jefferson]] | [[James Madison|Madison]] | [[James Monroe|Monroe]] | [[John Quincy Adams|JQ Adams]] | [[Andrew Jackson|Jackson]] | [[Martin Van Buren|Van Buren]] | <u style="color:#002BB8">W Harrison</u> | [[John Tyler|Tyler]] | [[James K. Polk|Polk]] | [[Zachary Taylor|Taylor]] | [[Millard Fillmore|Fillmore]] | [[Franklin Pierce|Pierce]] | [[James Buchanan|Buchanan]] | [[Abraham Lincoln|Lincoln]] | [[Andrew Johnson|A Johnson]] | [[Ulysses S. Grant|Grant]] | [[Rutherford B. Hayes|Hayes]] | [[James A. Garfield|Garfield]] | [[Chester A. Arthur|Arthur]] | [[Grover Cleveland|Cleveland]] | [[Benjamin Harrison|B Harrison]] | [[Grover Cleveland|Cleveland]] | [[William McKinley|McKinley]] | [[Theodore Roosevelt|T Roosevelt]] | [[William Howard Taft|Taft]] | [[Woodrow Wilson|Wilson]] | [[Warren G. Harding|Harding]] | [[Calvin Coolidge|Coolidge]] | [[Herbert Hoover|Hoover]] | [[Franklin D. Roosevelt|F Roosevelt]] | [[Harry S. Truman|Truman]] | [[Dwight D. Eisenhower|Eisenhower]] | [[John F. Kennedy|Kennedy]] | [[Lyndon B. Johnson|L Johnson]] | [[Richard Nixon|Nixon]] | [[Gerald Ford|Ford]] | [[Jimmy Carter|Carter]] | [[Ronald Reagan|Reagan]] | [[George H. W. Bush|GHW Bush]] | [[Bill Clinton|Clinton]] | [[George W. Bush|GW Bush]] | [[User:VolatileChemical|Chemical]]
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! align="center" style="background:#ccccff" width="100%" colspan="2"|[[List of monarchs in the British Isles|Monarchs of Ireland]] || [[Image:St Patrick's saltire.svg|50px|Flag of Ireland]]
! valign="left" halign="top" |<small> [[Henry II of England|Henry II]] | [[Richard I of England|Richard I]] | [[John of England|John I]] | [[Henry III of England|Henry III]] | [[Edward I of England|Edward I]] | [[Edward II of England|Edward II]] | [[Edward III of England|Edward III]] | [[Richard II of England|Richard II]] | [[Henry IV of England|Henry IV]] | [[Henry V of England|Henry V]] | [[Henry VI of England|Henry VI]] | [[Edward IV of England|Edward IV]] | [[Edward V of England|Edward V]] | [[Richard III of England|Richard III]] | [[Henry VI of England|Henry VI]] | [[Henry VII of England|Henry VII]] | [[Edward VI of England]] | [[Lady Jane Grey|Jane I]] | [[Mary I of England|Mary I]] | [[Elizabeth I of England|Elizabeth I]] | [[James I of England|James I]] | [[Charles I of England|Charles I]] | [[Charles II of England|Charles II]] | [[James II of England|James II]] | [[Mary II of England|Mary II]] | [[William II of England|William III]] | <u style="color:#002BB8">Anne I</u> | [[George I of Great Britain|George I]] | [[George II of Great Britain|George II]] | <u style="color:#002BB8">George III</u> | [[George IV of the United Kingdom]] | [[William IV of the United Kingdom|William IV]] | <u style="color:#002BB8">Victoria I</u> | [[Edward VII of the United Kingdom|Edward VII]] | [[George V of the United Kingdom|George V]] | [[Edward VIII of the United Kingdom|Edward VIII]] | [[George VI of the United Kingdom|George VI]] | [[Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom|Elizabeth II]] | [[User:VolatileChemical|Chemical I]]
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! align="center" style="background:#ccccff" width="100%" colspan="2"|[[List of rulers of Wales|Monarchs of Wales]] || [[Image:Flag_of_Wales_2.svg|50px|Flag of Wales]]
! valign="left" halign="top" |<small> [[Henry II of England|Henry II]] | [[Richard I of England|Richard I]] | [[John of England|John I]] | [[Henry III of England|Henry III]] | [[Edward I of England|Edward I]] | [[Edward II of England|Edward II]] | [[Edward III of England|Edward III]] | [[Richard II of England|Richard II]] | [[Henry IV of England|Henry IV]] | [[Henry V of England|Henry V]] | [[Henry VI of England|Henry VI]] | [[Edward IV of England|Edward IV]] | [[Edward V of England|Edward V]] | [[Richard III of England|Richard III]] | [[Henry VI of England|Henry VI]] | [[Henry VII of England|Henry VII]] | [[Edward VI of England]] | [[Lady Jane Grey|Jane I]] | [[Mary I of England|Mary I]] | [[Elizabeth I of England|Elizabeth I]] | [[James I of England|James I]] | [[Charles I of England|Charles I]] | [[Charles II of England|Charles II]] | [[James II of England|James II]] | [[Mary II of England|Mary II]] | [[William II of England|William III]] | <u style="color:#002BB8">Anne I</u> | [[George I of Great Britain|George I]] | [[George II of Great Britain|George II]] | <u style="color:#002BB8">George III</u> | [[George IV of the United Kingdom]] | [[William IV of the United Kingdom|William IV]] | <u style="color:#002BB8">Victoria I</u> | [[Edward VII of the United Kingdom|Edward VII]] | [[George V of the United Kingdom|George V]] | [[Edward VIII of the United Kingdom|Edward VIII]] | [[George VI of the United Kingdom|George VI]] | [[Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom|Elizabeth II]] | [[User:VolatileChemical|Chemical I]]
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! align="center" style="background:#ccccff" width="100%" colspan="2"|[[List of monarchs in the British Isles|Monarchs of Scotland]] || [[Image:Flag of Scotland.svg|50px|Flag of Scotland]]
! valign="left" halign="top" |<small> [[Kenneth I of Scotland|Kenneth I]] | [[Donald I of Scotland|Donald I]] | [[Constantine I of Scotland|Constantine I]] | [[Aedh of Scotland|Aehd]] | [[Eochaid of Scotland|Eochard I]] | [[Giric of Scotland|Giric I]] | [[Donald II of Scotland|Donald II]] | [[Constantine II of Scotland|Constantine II]] | [[Malcolm I of Scotland|Malcolm]] | [[Indulf of Scotland|Indulf I]] | [[Dubh of Scotland|Dubh I]] | [[Culen of Scotland|Culen]] | [[Kenneth II of Scotland]] | [[Constantine III of Scotland]] | [[Kenneth III of Scotland]] | [[Malcolm II of Scotland]] | [[Duncan I of Scotland]] | [[Macbeth of Scotland]] | [[Lulach of Scotland]] | [[Malcolm III of Scotland]] | [[Donald III of Scotland]] | [[Edmund I of Scotland]] | [[Duncan II of Scotland]] | [[Edgar of Scotland]] | [[Alexander I of Scotland]] | [[David I of Scotland]] | [[Malcolm IV of Scotland]] | [[William I of Scotland]] |[[Alexander II of Scotland]] | [[Alexander III of Scotland]] | [[Margaret I of Scotland]] | [[John Balliol]] | [[Robert I of Scotland]] | [[David II of Scotland]] | [[Robert II of Scotland]] | [[Robert III of Scotland]] | [[James I of Scotland]] | [[James II of Scotland]] | [[James III of Scotland]] | [[James IV of Scotland]] | [[James V of Scotland]] | [[Mary I of Scotland]] | [[James I of England|James VI]] | [[Charles I of England|Charles I]] | [[Charles II of England|Charles II]] | [[James II of England|James VII]] | [[Mary II of England|Mary II]] | [[William III of England|William II]] | <u style="color:#002BB8">Anne I</u> | [[George I of Great Britain|George I]] | [[George II of Great Britain|George II]] | <u style="color:#002BB8">George III</u> | [[George IV of the United Kingdom]] | [[William IV of the United Kingdom|William IV]] | <u style="color:#002BB8">Victoria I</u> | [[Edward VII of the United Kingdom|Edward VII]] | [[George V of the United Kingdom|George V]] | [[Edward VIII of the United Kingdom|Edward VIII]] | [[George VI of the United Kingdom|George VI]] | [[Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom|Elizabeth II]] | [[User:VolatileChemical|Chemical I]]
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! align="center" style="background:#ccccff" width="100%" colspan="2"|[[List of monarchs in the British Isles|Monarchs of England]] || [[Image:Flag of England.svg|50px|Flag of England]]
! valign="left" halign="top" |<small> [[Alfred the Great|Alfred I]] | [[Edward the Elder|Eadweard I]] | [[Ethelweard|Ethelred I]] | [[Athelstan|Athelstan I]] | [[Edmund I of England|Edmund I]] | [[Edred of England|Edred I]] | [[Edwy of England|Edwy I]] | [[Edgar of England|Edgar I]] | [[Edward the Martyr|St Edward]] | [[Ethelred the Unready|Ethelred II]] | [[Edmund II of England|Edmund II]] | [[Sweyn I of Denmark|Sweyn I]] | [[Canute the Great|Canute I]] | [[Harold Harefoot|Harold I]] | [[Harthacanute|Harthacanute I]] | [[Edward the Confessor|St Edward]] | [[Harold Godwinson|Harold II]] | [[Edgar Atheling|Edgar II]] | [[William I of England|William I]] | [[William II of England|William II]] | [[Henry I of England|Henry I]] | [[Stephen of England|Stephen I]] | [[Empress Maud|Matilda I]] | [[Henry II of England|Henry II]] | [[Richard I of England|Richard I]] | [[John of England|John I]] | [[Henry III of England|Henry III]] | [[Edward I of England|Edward I]] | [[Edward II of England|Edward II]] | [[Edward III of England|Edward III]] | [[Richard II of England|Richard II]] | [[Henry IV of England|Henry IV]] | [[Henry V of England|Henry V]] | [[Henry VI of England|Henry VI]] | [[Edward IV of England|Edward IV]] | [[Edward V of England|Edward V]] | [[Richard III of England|Richard III]] | [[Henry VI of England|Henry VI]] | [[Henry VII of England|Henry VII]] | [[Edward VI of England]] | [[Lady Jane Grey|Jane I]] | [[Mary I of England|Mary I]] | [[Elizabeth I of England|Elizabeth I]] | [[James I of England|James I]] | [[Charles I of England|Charles I]] | [[Charles II of England|Charles II]] | [[James II of England|James II]] | [[Mary II of England|Mary II]] | [[William II of England|William III]] | <u style="color:#002BB8">Anne I</u> | [[George I of Great Britain|George I]] | [[George II of Great Britain|George II]] | <u style="color:#002BB8">George III</u> | [[George IV of the United Kingdom]] | [[William IV of the United Kingdom|William IV]] | <u style="color:#002BB8">Victoria I</u> | [[Edward VII of the United Kingdom|Edward VII]] | [[George V of the United Kingdom|George V]] | [[Edward VIII of the United Kingdom|Edward VIII]] | [[George VI of the United Kingdom|George VI]] | [[Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom|Elizabeth II]] | [[User:VolatileChemical|Chemical I]]
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! align="center" style="background:#ccccff" width="100%" colspan="2"|[[List of Emperors of Japan|Emperors of Japan]] || [[Image:Flag of Japan.svg|50px|Flag of Japan]]
! valign="left" halign="top" |<small>[[Emperor Jimmu|Jimmu]] | [[Emperor Suizei|Suizei]] | [[Emperor Annei|Annei]] | [[Emperor Itoku|Itoku]] | [[Emperor Kosho|Kōshō]] | [[Emperor Koan|Kōan]] | [[Emperor Korei|Kōrei]] | [[Emperor Kogen|Kōgen]] | [[Emperor Kaika|Kaika]] | [[Emperor Sujin|Sujin]] | [[Emperor Suinin|Suinin]] | [[Emperor Keiko|Keikō]] | [[Emperor Seimu|Seimu]] | [[Emperor Chuai|Chūai]] | [[Jingu of Japan|Jingū]] | [[Emperor Ojin|Ōjin]] | [[Emperor Nintoku|Nintoku]] | [[Emperor Richu|Richū]] | [[Emperor Hanzei|Hanzei]] | [[Emperor Ingyo|Ingyō]] | [[Emperor Anko|Ankō]] | [[Emperor Yuryaku|Yūryaku]] | [[Emperor Seinei|Seinei]] | [[Emperor Kenzo|Kenzō]] | [[Emperor Ninken|Ninken]] | [[Emperor Buretsu|Buretsu]] | [[Emperor Keitai|Keitai]] | [[Emperor Ankan|Ankan]] | [[Emperor Senka|Senka]] | [[Emperor Kimmei|Kimmei]] | [[Emperor Bidatsu|Bidatsu]] | [[Emperor Yomei|Yōmei]] | [[Emperor Sushun|Sushun]] | [[Empress Suiko|Suiko]] | [[Emperor Jomei|Jomei]] | [[Empress Kogyoku|Kōgyoku]] | [[Emperor Kotoku|Kōtoku]] | [[Empress Saimei|Saimei]] | [[Emperor Tenji|Tenji]] | [[Emperor Kobun|Kōbun]] | [[Emperor Temmu|Temmu]] | [[Empress Jito|Jitō]] | [[Emperor Mommu|Mommu]] | [[Empress Gemmei|Gemmei]] | [[Empress Gensho|Genshō]] | [[Emperor Shomu|Shōmu]] | [[Empress Koken|Kōken]] | [[Emperor Junnin|Junnin]] | [[Empress Shotoku|Shōtoku]] | [[Emperor Konin|Kōnin]] | [[Emperor Kammu|Kammu]] | [[Emperor Heizei|Heizei]] | [[Emperor Saga|Saga]] | [[Emperor Junna|Junna]] | [[Emperor Nimmyo|Nimmyō]] | [[Emperor Montoku|Montoku]] | [[Emperor Seiwa|Seiwa]] | [[Emperor Yozei|Yōzei]] | [[Emperor Koko|Kōkō]] | [[Emperor Uda|Uda]] | [[Emperor Daigo|Daigo]] | [[Emperor Suzaku|Suzaku]] | [[Emperor Murakami|Murakami]] | [[Emperor Reizei|Reizei]] | [[Emperor En'yu|En'yū]] | [[Emperor Kazan|Kazan]] | [[Emperor Ichijo|Ichijō]] | [[Emperor Sanjo|Sanjō]] | [[Emperor Go-Ichijo|Go-Ichijō]] | [[Emperor Go-Suzaku|Go-Suzaku]] | [[Emperor Go-Reizei|Go-Reizei]] | [[Emperor Go-Sanjo|Go-Sanjō]] | [[Emperor Shirakawa|Shirakawa]] | [[Emperor Horikawa|Horikawa]] | [[Emperor Toba|Toba]] | [[Emperor Sutoku|Sutoku]] | [[Emperor Konoe|Konoe]] | [[Emperor Go-Shirakawa|Go-Shirakawa]] | [[Emperor Nijo|Nijō]] | [[Emperor Rokujo|Rokujō]] | [[Emperor Takakura|Takakura]] | [[Emperor Antoku|Antoku]] | [[Emperor Go-Toba|Go-Toba]] | [[Emperor Tsuchimikado|Tsuchimikado]] | [[Emperor Juntoku|Juntoku]] | [[Emperor Chukyo|Chūkyō]] | [[Emperor Go-Horikawa|Go-Hirikawa]] | [[Emperor Shijo|Shijō]] | [[Emperor Go-Saga|Go-Saga]] | [[Emperor Go-Fukakusa|Go-Fukakusa]] | [[Emperor Kameyama|Kameyama]] | [[Emperor Go-Uda|Go-Uda]] | [[Emperor Fushimi|Fushimi]] | [[Emperor Go-Fushimi|Go-Fushimi]] | [[Emperor Go-Nijo|Go-Nijō]] | [[Emperor Hanazono|Hanazono]] | [[Emperor Go-Daigo|Go-Daigo]] | [[Emperor Kogon|Kōgon]] | [[Emperor Komyo|Kōmyō]] | [[Emperor Suko|Sukō]] | [[Emperor Go-Kogon|Go-Kōgon]] | [[Emperor Go-En'yu|Go-En'yū]] | [[Emperor Go-Komatsu|Go-Komatsu]] | [[Emperor Go-Murakami|Go-Murakima]] | [[Emperor Chokei|Chōkei]] | [[Emperor Go-Kameyama|Go-Kameyama]] | [[Emperor Go-Komatsu|Go-Komatsu]] | [[Emperor Shoko|Shōkō]] | [[Emperor Go-Hanazono|Go-Hanazono]] | [[Emperor Go-Tsuchimikado|Go-Tsuchimikado]] | [[Emperor Go-Kashiwabara|Go-Kashiwabara]] | [[Emperor Go-Nara|Go-Nara]] | [[Emperor Ogimachi|Ōgimachi]] | [[Emperor Go-Yozei|Go-Yōzei]] | [[Emperor Go-Mizunoo|Go-Mizunoo]] | [[Empress Meisho|Meishō]] | [[Emperor Go-Komyo|Go-Kōmyō]] | [[Emperor Go-Sai|Go-Sai]] | [[Emperor Reigen|Reigen]] | [[Emperor Higashiyama|Higashiyama]] | [[Emperor Nakamikado|Nakamikado]] | [[Emperor Sakuramachi|Sakuramachi]] | [[Emperor Momozono|Momozono]] | [[Empress Go-Sakuramachi|Go-Sakyramachi]] | [[Emperor Kokaku|Kōkaku]] | [[Emperor Ninko|Ninkō]] | [[Emperor Komei|Kōmei]] | [[Emperor Meiji|Meiji]] | [[Emperor Taisho|Taishō]] | [[Hirohito|Shōwa]] | [[Akihito]] | [[User:VolatileChemical|Chemical]]
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! align="center" style="background:#ccccff" width="100%" colspan="2"|[[List of Archbishops of Canterbury|Archbishops of Canterbury]] || [[Image:Archbishcantarms.PNG|50px|Arms of the Archbishop of Canterbury]]
! valign="left" halign="top" |<small> [[Augustine of Canterbury|Augustine]] | [[Laurence of Canterbury|Laurentius]] | [[Mellitus]] | [[Justus]] | [[Saint Honorius|Honorius]] | [[Deusdedit of Canterbury|Deusdedit]] | [[Wighard]] | [[Adrian (archbishop)|Adrian]] | [[Theodore of Tarsus|Theodore]] | [[Bertwald]] | [[Tatwin]] | [[Nothelm]] | [[Cuthbert of Canterbury|Cuthbert]] | [[Bregwin]] | [[Jaenbert|Jænbert]] | [[Æthelhard]]] | [[Wulfred]] | [[Syred]] | [[Feologild]] | [[Ceolnoth]] | [[Ethelred, Archbishop of Canterbury|Æthelred]] | [[Plegmund]] | [[Athelm]] | [[Wulfhelm]] | [[Oda the Severe|Odo]] | [[Aelfsige]] | [[Saint Dunstan|Dunstan]] | [[Æthelgar|Athelgar]] | [[Sigeric the Serious|Sigeric]] | [[Ælfric]] | [[Alphege]] | [[Lyfing, Archbishop of Canterbury|Lyfing]] | [[Aethelnoth|Æthelnoth]] | [[Edsige]] | [[Robert of Jumieges|Robert]] | [[Stigand]] | [[Lanfranc]] | [[Anselm of Canterbury|Anselm]] | [[Ralph d'Escures|d'Escures]] | [[William de Corbeil|Corbeil]] | [[Theobald of Bec|Theobald]] | [[Becket]] | [[Richard of Dover|Richard]] | [[Baldwin of Exeter|Baldwin]] | [[Reginald Fitz-Jocelin|Fitz-Jocelin]] | [[Hubert Walter|Walter]] | [[Reginald]] | [[John de Grey|de Grey]] | [[Stephen Langton|Langton]] | [[Walter d'Eynsham|d'Eynsham]] | [[Richard le Grant|le Grant]] | [[Ralph Neville|Neville]] | [[John of Sittingbourne|John]] | [[List of Archbishops of Canterbury|Blund]] | [[Edmund Rich|Rich]] | [[Boniface of Savoy (Archbishop)|Boniface]] | [[List of Archbishops of Canterbury|Chillenden]] | [[Robert Kilwardby|Kilwardby]] | [[Robert Burnell|Burnell]] | [[John Peckham|Peckham]] | [[Robert Winchelsey|Winchelsey]] | [[List of Archbishops of Canterbury|Cobham]] | [[Walter Reynolds|Reynolds]] | [[Simon Mepeham|Mepeham]] | [[John de Stratford|de Stratford]] | [[John de Ufford|de Ufford]] | [[Thomas Bradwardine|Bradwardine]] | [[Simon Islip|Islip]] | [[List of Archbishops of Canterbury|Edington]] | [[Simon Langham|Langham]] | [[William Whittlesey|Whittlesey]] | [[Simon Sudbury|Sudbury]] | [[William Courtenay|Courtenay]] | [[Thomas Arundel|Arundel]] | [[Roger Walden|Walden]] | [[Thomas Arundel|Arundel]] | [[Henry Chichele|Chichele]] | [[John Stafford|Stafford]] | [[John Kemp|Kemp]] | [[Thomas Bourchier|Bourchier]] | [[John Morton|Morton]] | [[Thomas Langton|Langton]] | [[Henry Dean|Dean]] | [[William Warham|Warham]] | [[Thomas Cranmer|Cranmer]] | [[Reginald Cardinal Pole|Pole]] | [[Matthew Parker|Parker]] | [[Edmund Grindal|Grindal]] | [[John Whitgift|Whitgift]] | [[Richard Bancroft|Bancroft]] | [[Archbishop George Abbot|Abbot]] | [[William Laud|Laud]] | [[William Juxon|Juxon]] | [[Gilbert Sheldon|Sheldon]] | [[William Sancroft|Sancroft]] | [[John Tillotson|Tillotson]] | [[Thomas Tenison|Tenison]] | [[William Wake|Wake]] | [[John Potter|Potter]] | [[Thomas Herring|Herring]] | [[Matthew Hutton (Archbishop of Canterbury)|Hutton]] | [[Thomas Secker|Secker]] | [[Frederick Cornwallis|Cornwallis]] | [[John Moore (Archbishop)|Moore]] | [[Charles Manners-Sutton|Manners-Sutton]] | [[William Howley|Howley]] | [[John Bird Sumner|Sumner]] | [[Charles Thomas Longley|Longley]] | [[Archibald Campbell Tait|Tait]] | [[Edward White Benson|Benson]] | [[Frederick Temple|Temple]] | [[Randall Thomas Davidson|Davidson]] | [[Cosmo Lang|Lang]] | [[William Temple (archbishop)|Temple]] | [[Geoffrey Francis Fisher|Fisher]] | [[Arthur Michael Ramsey|Ramsey]] | [[Frederick Donald Coggan|Coggan]] | [[Robert Alexander Kennedy Runcie|Runcie]] | [[George Leonard Carey|Carey]] | [[Rowan Williams|Williams]] | [[User:VolatileChemical|Chemical]]
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! align="center" style="background:#ccccff" width="100%" colspan="2"|[[List of popes|Popes]] of the [[Roman Catholic Church]] || [[Image:Vatican coa2.png|50px|Image:Flag of the Vatican City.svg|Flag of the Vatican]]
! valign="left" halign="top" |<small> [[Saint Peter|Peter]] | [[Pope Linus|Linus]] | [[Pope Anacletus|Anacletus]] | [[Pope Clement I|Clement I]] | [[Pope Evaristus|Evaristus]] | [[Pope Alexander I|Alexander I]] | [[Pope Sixtus I|Sixtus I]] | [[Pope Telesphorus|Telesphorus]] | [[Pope Hyginus|Hyginus]] | [[Pope Pius I|Pius I]] | [[Pope Anicetus|Anicetus]] | [[Pope Soter|Soter]] | [[Pope Eleuterus|Eleuterus]] | [[Pope Victor I|Victor I]] | [[Pope Zephyrinus|Zephyrinus]] | [[Pope Callixtus I|Callixtus I]] | [[Pope Urban I|Urban I]] | [[Pope Pontian|Pontian]] | [[Pope Anterus|Anterus]] | [[Pope Fabian|Fabian]] | [[Pope Cornelius|Cornelius]] | [[Pope Lucius I|Lucius I]] | [[Pope Stephen I|Stephen I]] | [[Pope Sixtus II|Sixtus II]] | [[Pope Dionysius|Dionysius]] | [[Pope Felix I|Felix I]] | [[Pope Eutychian|Eutychian]] | [[Pope Caius|Caius]] | [[Pope Marcellinus|Marcellinus]] | [[Pope Marcellus I|Marcellus I]] | [[Pope Eusebius|Eusebius]] | [[Pope Miltiades|Miltiades]] | [[Pope Silvester I|Silvester I]] | [[Pope Mark|Mark]] | [[Pope Julius I|Julius I]] | [[Pope Liberius|Liberius]] | [[Pope Damasus I|Damasus I]] | [[Pope Siricius|Siricius]] | [[Pope Anastasius I|Anastasius I]] | [[Pope Innocent I|Innocent I]] | [[Pope Zosimus|Zosimus]] | [[Pope Boniface I|Boniface I]] | [[Pope Celestine I|Celestine I]] | [[Pope Sixtus III|Sixtus III]] | [[Pope Leo I|Leo I]] | [[Pope Hilarius|Hilarius]] | [[Pope Simplicius|Simplicius]] | [[Pope Felix III |Felix III]] | [[Pope Gelasius I|Gelasius I]] | [[Pope Anastasius II|Anastasius II]] | [[Pope Symmachus|Symmachus]] | [[Pope Hormisdas|Hormisdas]] | [[Pope John I|John I]] | [[Pope Felix IV|Felix IV]] | [[Pope Boniface II|Boniface II]] | [[Pope John II|John II]] | [[Pope Agapetus I|Agapetus I]] | [[Pope Silverius|Silverius]] | [[Pope Vigilius|Vigilius]] | [[Pope Pelagius I|Pelagius I]] | [[Pope John III|John III]] | [[Pope Benedict I|Benedict I]] | [[Pope Pelagius II|Pelagius II]] | [[Pope Gregory I|Gregory I]] | [[Pope 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