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Voccer is a hybrid of volleyball and soccer played predominately in urban slums within Brazil. Using a makeshift net, the game entails kicking a regular soccer ball back and forth across the net similar to volleyball.

[edit] Background

Due the informal nature of the sport, a detailed history is unknown. The sport however is played in confined spaces where a formal soccer game is not feasible. The game is usually played in a quarto longo, Portuguese for a long room with two to four players. Sometimes the players gamble money on the game, but often the game is used to refine soccer skills. The game is similar to warm-up exercises soccer players conduct in the locker rooms.

[edit] Rules

The room in which Voccer is played is divided into two halves using a makeshift net like fishing line. Two to four people can play at a time with the players evenly divided into the two halves. While concrete rules or a regulating body for rules does not exist, there are basic rules to the game that are followed. Here are the rules:

  • The playing area must be evenly divided by a net (or makeshift obstacle) that is not more than 1 meter high.
  • The area surrounding the net, through which the ball must pass through, should be about the height and width of a standard doorway.
  • Players can only touch the ball twice before sending back over the net.
  • If, after two kicks, the ball doesn't cross the net to the other side of the playing "field," the other team gets a point.
  • If a player kicks the ball and it touches the net, even if it crosses to the other side, the opposing player/team gets a point.
  • The first team to five points (or another predetermined amount), wins.
