
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

VKing is the username of somebody, who asks himself, how much longer some other user must go on insulting on his (VKing's) discussionpage, before that other user is blocked permanently, for endless breaking the W-rule about this.

(Aias VKing's command of the English language is not perfect, but it may be sufficiant, to make clear what is meant).

[edit] Contributions

Untill now:

[edit] Reasons for having stopped contributing

Today, 2-1-'07, Vking decided to stop contributing to Wikipedia. The reason is mainly, that it turned out to be possible, that one user keeps insulting one or more other users for weeks, while nothing was done by moderators, to stop this.

Maybe there are simply not enough moderators, so that they haven't got time for that, but that doesn't change anything about the conclusion, that VKing doesn't want to spend any more of his time, to a that unsufficiently organised institution.

The fact, that the reactions of other contributors on his work, to him were as good as all of a quality, that didn't offer any perspective on a worthfull cooperation, is another reason for stopping, be it of secundary importance.

[edit] Occasional comeback


Now that somebody was so kind to remove all insults from the My talk-page, this user has decided, to restart contributing, be it only to finish the discussion on that page.

(All further insults from an other user will be removed as soon as possible).

VKing 04:35, 9 March 2007 (UTC)