Virgo Shaka

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Virgo Shaka is a character from long-time manga-ka Masami Kurumada's hit series, Saint Seiya. Shaka is a Gold Saint, and as such, he was one of the most powerful characters introduced. His constellation is the Virgo, and initially was the guardian of the Sanctuary along side 11 other gold saints.


[edit] Statistics

Virgo Shaka, the Closest Man To God
Virgo Shaka, the Closest Man To God
  • Age: 20
  • Height: 182 cm
  • DOB: Sept 19th
  • Blood: AB type
  • Trained: Basin of the Ganges, India
  • Techniques: 天舞宝輪 (Heaven Dancing Dharma Tembu Hōrin?), 六道輪廻 (Six Paths of Transmigration Rikudō Rinne?), 天魔降伏 (Capitulation of the Demon Tenma Kōfuku?), 天空覇邪魑魅魍魎 (Heaven Supremacy on evil spirits of rivers and mountains Tenkū Haja Chimimōryō?)(See Notes), 転法輪印 (Tenpōrin Seal Tenpōrin In?), ॐ(Aum), Kahn
  • Seiyuu (1986-1991; 2002; 2005-2006; 2006-2007): Yuuji Mitsuya
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] The Closest Man To God

He is said to be the next reincarnation of Buddha, and as a result, has a tremendous cosmos, arguably the most powerful amongst all the Saints. Because of this, Shaka has developed a reputation that is known throughout Sanctuary and the rest of the world as "The Man Closest To God."

Even at a young age, Shaka was gifted with the ability to communicate with Buddha himself. As a child growing up in India, he was depicted to be very curious, and often conversed with Buddha about the various human sufferings around him. With various philosophies learned from his conversations, Shaka eventually became powerful enough to wear the Gold Cloth of Virgo. In the manga, he was shown to be wearing the armor even as a boy.

[edit] His Defense Is Offensive

Shaka is an extremely capable fighter, with a good arsenal of defensive and offensive techniques at his disposal (in other words, his style of combat was BOTH defensive and offensive at the same time). His techniques are usually aimed at crippling his opponents until they can no longer battle, with his main targets being their 5 human senses. Once the opponents have lost the abilities to touch, hear, see, taste, and smell, they are rendered harmless and no longer a threat, much akin to a lifeless corpse.

The Tenbu Hōrin (Heaven Dancing Dharma) (天舞寶輪) is such a technique, and easily Shaka's most powerful. It traps the opponent into a matrix of illusions (normally Buddhist in nature), and is completed in five steps. Each step strikes at one of the opponent's five human senses, until they have lost all of them in a sequential manner. And if that's not enough, as it was the case for Ikki, Shaka can remove the opponent's 6th sense, effectively shutting down the brain. After being hit by this attack, the opponent's life is only sustained by his or her cosmos.

Virgo Shaka, as depicted in "Saint Seiya: Episode G"
Virgo Shaka, as depicted in "Saint Seiya: Episode G"

Rikudō Rinne (Six Paths of Transmigration) (六道輪回)is a strictly illusion-only move where Shaka traps the opponent into one of six deadly worlds, usually after a tour of each. These worlds include: Jigokukai The Realm of Hell, Gakikai: The Realm of Hungry Ghosts, Chiku-Shokai: The Realm of Beasts, Shurakai: The Realm of the Demigods, Jinkai: The Realm of Men, and Tenkai: The Realm of Heaven.

  • "Jigokukai" A sea of fire, a mountains of needles and endless terror. Those who go there shall fall for all eternity, writhing in agony.
  • "Gakikai" Your body shall wither to skin and bones, and your belly shall become bloated and distended. Your hunger will lead you to feed on carrion forever.
  • "Chiku-Shokai" A world in which the strong eat the weak. If you want to kill your opponent, you kill him, if you want to devour him, devour him. A beastly world.
  • "Shurakai" Blood and carnage! You will be forced to fight without rest for eternity.
  • "Jinkai" An unstable world whose inhabitants are slaves to emotion, unable to devote themselves to either good or evil.
  • "Tenkai" It is called paradise, but at any moment you can slip and fall into Chikushokai, Gakikai, or Jigokukai. This is the most perilous of all realms.

The two above attacks are based on the Buddhism concept of the wheel of life.

Tenma Kōfuku (Slaying of Sky Demon) (天魔降伏) is Shaka's "standard" attack that deals physical damage to his enemies. Illusions of a virgin maiden on a horse, holding a giant scythe while riding through piles of skeletons along with angels all around, appear to those it targets, thus very effectively creating a mixture of harmony and corruption. It is presumed that the technique will do extra damage to those with evil in their will.

"Kān" is a defensive move that summons a shield to protect Shaka from incoming attacks. The energy can also be manipulated as a means to gather his cosmos in one force (usually his opened palms) to prepare for more devastating attacks, such as the "Tenbu Hōrin" or the "Tenma Kōfuku."

In addition to his main techniques, Shaka is equipped with the standard Gold Saint's fare of light speed abilities, as well as extraordinary telekinetic powers. His command of telekinesis rivals close to that of Aries Mu, a well-established master of the art and a fellow Gold Saint. Finally, while all of his techniques are deadly to those below Gold Saint level, their power can be heightened even further if Shaka chooses to open his eyes and release all restrains on his Cosmo. It is said that Shaka can destroy all that he physically sees. A common mistake most of the audience makes at the beginning is assuming he is blind. In reality, he is restraining the release of his immense cosmo.

[edit] Rise of the Phoenix

In the manga, Shaka and Ikki met early on, when the bronze saint was still fresh from earning his Phoenix cloth from defeating the then-leader of the Black Saints, Jango. Shaka had been sent by the Pope to rid the world of the Black Saints and to sink Death Queen Island, but he had come too late: By that point, a new Bronze Saint by the name of Ikki had already dispatched of Jango, who held the precious Bronze Cloth of Phoenix captive.

Searching for a suitable challenger to test out his new Cloth, Ikki charged Shaka after sensing an enormous cosmos in the Gold Saint. However, the Virgo proved to be a more than adequate challenge to the Phoenix, and immobilized him in fear easily. In the final moments of this match-up, Shaka decided to spare Ikki's life because he did not sense true evil in him. He erased the Phoenix's memory of this meeting, but said that the memory shall be re-awakened along with the fear should they reunite under hostile circumstances.

Eventually, the Phoenix Ikki and the Gold Saint Virgo Shaka confront one another again. Ikki is shocked that his comrades are in the ground easily defeated. Despite Shaka's powerful cosmo he begins to battle. It seems at first like Ikki has a chance at winning this battle, but he is confronted with the harsh reality that it was Shaka who was paralyzing him during his battle in the anime, with his two silver disciples, and continues to paralyze him constantly during this battle. His fears increase once he realizes his cosmo is inferior compared towards the immense cosmos the Virgo Saint has. Shaka comments that it is too late for him now, and uses his Tenbu Hōrin, and starts taking away his five senses.

Sense by sense, the Phoenix Saint was reduced to a living corpse, but before losing his hearing and taste, he asked Shaka why he supported the Grand Pope in his evil ways. The Virgo Saint only said there is no perfect justice and that themes of good and evil did not matter to him. His nature was simply to be guardian of the House of Virgo, and the way he saw things, the Grand Pope was the true master of Sanctuary, and thus had to be obeyed. Shaka decides to take Ikki's last two senses before casting him off.

However, in the conclusive battle, Ikki rose again, true to his title. This time, his cosmo burned higher than Shaka's, and he chose to take Shaka with him in death. For the first time in his life, Shaka became confused: Why was the Phoenix Saint willing to go so far as to sacrifice his own life for others? Shaka hesitated and instead of fighting back, he told Ikki that there was no point in winning a battle if you lose your own life in the end. Ikki only replied that his life ended for the good of others, so that his fellow Bronze Saints could go to the next house and save Athena. Shortly after that, the Virgo Saint and Phoenix Saint both disappeared in the explosion of Ikki's cosmos, apparently dead.

This was not be the end of Virgo Shaka, as he reappears trapped in another dimension together with Phoenix Ikki. He asked Aries Mu to help him cross over; Mu replied that he could that by himself easily, only to be told Shaka had another person he wished to come back with.

Together with Aries Mu's telekinetic abilities, Shaka came back to this plane with an unconscious Ikki. Shaka revived him and asked him to don his Cloth, which had the wonderful ability to regenerate itself, an ability that even his powerful Gold Cloth does not possess. Confused, Ikki asked him why he was helping. The Virgo explained that Ikki made him feel doubt for the first time in his life and hesitate. Shaka realized the errors of his ways, and thanked the Phoenix Saint for helping realize that. He also requested that Ikki save Athena and help the Pegasus Saint, who was engaging the Grand Pope of the Sanctuary: The powerful and deranged Gemini Saga.

[edit] Silver Disciples

In the anime, Shaka and Ikki do not meet until later in the series, after he sent his two disciples to assassinate the Phoenix. Lotus Agora and Peacock Shiva were both Silver Saints with above-average powers; Agora was more of a defense-based fighter, with a special technique that allowed him to lock down Ikki's cosmos. Shiva was the offensive-based of the two, and was the one who took up the physical duties of the mission. When the two Disciples of Virgo teamed up, Agora used his own cosmos to chain down the Phoenix Saint while Shiva took advantage and assaulted a helpless Ikki. Despite the fact that the Phoenix Saint seemed to be even more powerful than both Silver Saints combined, it seemed to Ikki someone kept him from moving to defend himself. However, after a brief interruption from Saori's overwhelming Cosmo, Ikki defeated both Silver Saints, but was left puzzled at who had paralyzed him in the first place. That someone was Gold Saint Virgo Shaka.

[edit] The 8th Sense - Arayashiki

In the Hades arc, Shaka took on a more aggressive role than before. When Saga, Shura, and Camus returned from the dead, it was he who urged his dead comrades to drop their allegiance to Hades and return to the Underworld where they belonged. When the true spectres invaded the 12 temples of Sanctuary, it was Shaka who ultimately rid the Sanctuary of their presence with his "Tenma Kōfuku" technique.

Now that there weren't anymore Spectres to follow Saga, Camus and Shura - he asked them their true intention. Saga only replies that they came back to life by pledging loyalty to Hades. Shaka, opens his eyes - saddened by this reply, he sensed something else, but decides to let them go and face them in the inner part of the Virgo temple. Saga reveals to his fellow Gold Saints that Shaka wishes to fight them to the death. Shura does not hesitate to attack with his "Excalibur" technique, backed up by Camus' "Diamond Dust" - both attacks are effectively blocked by Shaka. Saga also manages to warp Shaka to another dimension through his "Another Dimension" attack - but once again - Shaka manages to escape. Shaka begins to realizes that battling 3 Gold Saints at the same time is a sure way to die. He is against the 3-so-called-strongest-of-Gold-Saints, so he decides use his ultimate and most powerful technique "Tenbu Hōrin" to disable their senses, and urges them to use the forbidden technique that was sealed by Athena many centuries ago. Saga, Shura, and Camus hesitate - for they will branded as lower than beasts. Saga encourages his fellow Gold Saints to remember their purpose and goal.

Shaka continues to fight the three former Gold Saints in a suicidal battle that eventually forces them to team up and use the "Athena Exclamation" -- a forbidden technique that combined the power of three gold saints to create a power equal to the Big Bang. Shaka readies to finalize his last attack, his eyes glaring with his powerful cosmos - but he suddenly stops and smiles.

The Gold Saint of Virgo is consumed by the immense destructive force of the "Athena Exclamation" attack.

With his physical body completely obliterated into dust from the banned attack, Shaka's spirit returns to Earth one last time to write a final message for the goddess Athena herself -- "Arayashiki," the power to travel to the World of the Dead without being bound to it. Overwhelmed by tears - the 3 fallen Gold Saints weep over the loss of their comrade. Shura decides to help Shaka achieve Nirvana and finally put an end to his suffering by assisting his suicide. Shura screams his apologies to Shaka, before his hand (which was said can cut anything) reached Shaka's neck - he sees that Shaka has already died and his body begins to fade away into dust. Saga, Camus and Shura begin to shed tears - mourning over Shaka's death. They also see through Saga's eyes (Shura can only talk, and Camus can only hear, and Saga can only see) that they are still under the watchful eyes of Hades - as they see one of Myu's death butterfly hover over them.

Later on on the Hades arc, it is revealed that Shaka and Athena are still, indeed, alive - they are shown making their way towards Hades' realm. It is said that Shaka was the first one to awake this ability among the saints (Silver Saint of Legends -- Lyra Orphée --, was also quite alive when he made his journey to Hell many years before Hades' war officially began, but this could be because Hades had granted him permission just like the specters). Shaka and Athena eventually located Hades and confronted the Greek God together.

[edit] Virgo Asmita

As seen in the The Lost Canvas manga, Asmita (アルバフィカ Asumita?) is the name of the Virgo Saint living in the 18th Century.
Keeper of the 6th Temple, has been spending all his life meditating into Virgo's temple. Actually, Asmita is projecting his own body into Meikai.
He appears is Chapter 27 in front of the Pegasus Saint, Tenma. In this chapter, he distorts the space-time, making time stop for Yuzuriha and Yato, after that Virgo appears to be a traitor and calls Tenma as "God's Murderer", it appears that Asmita wants to fight Pegasus, the one who always confronted Hades.
The Chapter ended in Asmita's Kahn defending him from the Pegasus Ryu Sei Ken, and a giant Buddha image, with Lotus flowers appearing behind him.
In Chapter 28, Virgo Asmita attacks Pegasus with Tenma Kofuku, Tenma falls, but regains conscience. From the blood of the Pegasus Saint Asmita creates a illusion of a river of blood, after that, Asmita uses Rikudorinne and send Pegasus to one of the 6 worlds of Metempsychosys. Tenma, then, see his childhood with Alone and in Tennkai he sees his mythological encarnation confronting Hades in Elysium Fields. At the end of the chapter we see Sasha's flower bracelet, that allows Pegasus to stay alive in Meikai, almost disappearing. So, at least we see, Tenma on foot saying that he will defeat Asmita even if it leads to his death.

The Lost Canvas manga status as canon is unknown.

Note: there is not an official transliteration of the Saint's name. Asmita is a fan-transliteration based on the katakana, but it may differ from the official spelling, that hasn't been announced yet other than in katakana.

The meaning of Asmita came from the Indian vocabulary, in Indian philosophy Asmita is something that is not what appears to really be, a term which is difficult to translate but which can be described as the identification of a subject with his limiting adjuncts. That needs a clarification.

[edit] Secret Moves

  • Kahn
  • Tenma Kofuku
  • Rikudorinne

[edit] Notes & Trivia

  • One of the Technique of Shaka, 天空覇邪魑魅魍魎 (Heaven Supremacy on evil spirits of rivers and mountains, Tenkū Haja Chimmimōryō) came from Chinese ghost folk lores. 魑魅魍魎/Chimmimōryō is the name of spirit of the forest mountain and river (water related). Chinese's ghost were categorized in how the person died from. For example, die of fire is fire ghost, drowning is water ghost, hunger, hungry ghost etc...and some are based on the status of person, tall person would be tall ghost and short would be short ghost. 魑魅魍魎 (Chimmimōryō) are the spirits that lives in the nature area like mountains and rivers. A water demon named 河童 or Kappa in Japanese would be a type of 魑魅魍魎 (Chimmimōryō). As the character of Tenchi Muyo, Ryoko (魎呼, Ryōko) name has the same word of 魎 (Ryō), one of the ghost name, as Ryoko's name can be translated as "bringer of demons" or "The Devil Caller".
  • Shaka's seiyuu, Yuuji Mitsuya, is one of the few seiyuu to reprise their roles in every instance of the series so far. The others are Leo Aiolia's Hideyuki Tanaka, Ophiuchus Shaina's Mami Koyama, and Aquila Marin's Yuriko Yamamoto.
  • There is a notable difference between the Virgo Cloth in the anime, and the Virgo Cloth in the manga. In the manga, there is a circular connector in the middle of the cloth's chest where the shoulder blades join together; in the anime, this piece is omitted. "Saint Seiya: Episode G", while illustrated by a different manga artist, interestingly retains the anime's version of the Virgo cloth as opposed to Kurumada's original design. Also in the Bandai Virgo figures in the 1980s, the joining of the shoulder pieces of the action figure is different from the picture of its box.
  • His name, Shaka, means "sacred" in Sanskrit
  • As noted above, despite the fact he keeps his eyes closed, Virgo Shaka is not blind. Rather, he chooses to keep his eyes closed to keep his powerful cosmos from being released at full potential. It is said that once he opens his eyes, all beings around him must be vanquished. Also, it may be interpreted as a sign of true illumination and philosophical knowledge the fact that Shaka lives with his eyes closed, with no need to pollute his mind through images.
  • Although he is supposed to be from India, like most characters in Saint Seiya, his physical appearance doesn't match with his ethnicity: Shaka has light skin, blond hair and bright blue eyes.

Saint Seiya characters
Bronze Saints

Pegasus Seiya | Cygnus Hyoga | Dragon Shiryu | Andromeda Shun | Phoenix Ikki

Unicorn Jabu | Lionet Ban | Wolf Nachi | Bear Geki | Hydra Ichi

Chamaeleon June

Silver Saints

Lizard Misty | Centaurus Babel | Auriga Capella | Kerberos Dante | Crow Jamian | Hound Asterion | Whale Moses ("Kaitos Moses" in the anime) | Cepheus Daidalos | Perseus Algol | Musca Dio | Canis Major Sirius | Hercules Algethi | Eagle Marin | Ophiuchus Shaina | Lyra Orphée | Sagitta Tramy

Tarantula Arachne | Lotus Agora | Pavo Shiva

Gold Saints

Aries Mu | Aries Shion | Taurus Aldebaran | Gemini Saga | Gemini Kanon | Cancer Deathmask | Leo Aiolia | Virgo Shaka | Libra Dohko | Scorpion Milo | Sagittarius Aiolos | Capricorn Shura | Aquarius Camus | Pisces Aphrodite

Asgard God Warriors

Phecda Gamma Thor | Alioth Epsilon Fenrir | Benetnasch Eta Mime | Megrez Delta Alberich | Merak Beta Hagen | Mizar Zeta Syd | Alcor Zeta Bud | Dubhe Alpha Siegfried

Poseidon's Marinas

Sea Horse Baian | Scylla Io | Chrysaor Krishna | Lymnades Casa | Kraken Isaac | Siren Sorento | Sea Dragon Kanon

Mermaid Tetis

Hades' Specters

Wyvern Rhadamanthys | Griffin Minos | Garuda Aiacos

Papillon Myu | Deep Niobe | Worm Raimi

Acheron Charon | Balron Lune | Sphinx Pharaoh | Lycaon Phlegyas | Basilisk Sylphid | Harpy Valentine

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