Viparita Karani

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Viparita Karani

In Sanskrit, ‘Viparita’ means inverted while ‘Karani’ refers to action. This asana or pose is also called legs-up-the-wall pose. It is a basic yoga asana, in which the practitioner lies down on a mat and lifts his legs perpendicular to the ground. Yoga practitioners consider it as a pose that improves pelvic circulation and increases the blood flow to face, neck and thorax and improves the functioning of adrenal, pituitary and thyroid glands.

[edit] Source

Cummins, Claudia. Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-Wall Pose). Retrieved on 2006-12-02..
Singh, Premananda. Viparita Karani: Methodology and Advantages. Retrieved on 2006-12-04.