Violin Concerto (John Adams)

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Written in 1993 by the American composer John Adams, the Violin Concerto is commonly accepted as more sophisticated than conventional minimalist works. In it, the solo voice is almost unceasing as the violin weaves through the orchestra, which serves primarily as a backdrop for the violin.

The concerto was premiered by the Minnesota Orchestra in 1994, with violinist Jorja Fleezanis playing the solo part. Fleezanis also collaborated with Adams in writing the solo voice. The piece was co-commissioned by the New York City Ballet, leading to a strong sense of rhythm throughout the entire work. For this work, Adams received the University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition.

The work is in three movements.

  1. Quarter-note = 70
  2. Chaconne: Body through which the dream flows
  3. Toccare

The work is dedicated to David Huntley of Boosey & Hawkes.

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