Vincenz Fettmilch

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Vincenz Fettmilch was a grocer and gingerbread baker who settled in Frankfurt in 1602. He led the Fettmilch riots in 1613 to get rid of foreigners and Jews in the city. On 22 August 1614 elements of the citizenry stormed the Judengasse (Jews' Lane). The 1,380 Jews had to leave the city but returned again in 1616, at the emperor's command. Fettmilch and six of his fellow-conspirators were arrested and publicly beheaded on the Rossmarkt (Horse Market) in 1616, in the presence of Frankfurt's citizens. As a deterrent, their heads were placed on iron spikes next to the bridge tower. To commemorate their salvation from destruction Frankfurt's Jews celebrate a special feast, the "Purim Vinz".

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