Vima Da Boda

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Star Wars character

Position Jedi Knight
Homeworld Unknown
Species Human
Gender Female
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi, Old Republic
Portrayed by N/a

Vima-Da-Boda is a fictional character in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. In the Star Wars comic books in which she appears, she is a Jedi Master during the later years of the Galactic Republic. She spoke in the third person, referring to herself as "Vima".

[edit] Biography

Vima was a sixth-generation descendant of Nomi Sunrider through Vima Sunrider, and an illustrious warrior. She served the Jedi Order faithfully for over a century and was accounted one of the Order's best. The Force-sensitivity passed through Vima to her daughter, Neema. She trained her daughter in the ways of the Force, but it was less than successful; As with many powerful young pupils, Neema grew frustrated by the pace of her training, and grew curious about the dark side. Gradually, the dark side consumed Neema, and she left her mother, falling in with other similarly impatient and rebellious young Jedi. Vima's attempts to guide her only daughter back onto the path of the light failed, and Neema left her.

Years later, Vima received a telepathic plea from her daughter, who had become the wife of an Ottethan warlord who was using her and her friends to aid in his autocratic rule of a dozen systems in the Outer Rim. He had proven to be an unfaithful husband, taking for lovers the very fallen Jedi Neema counted her friends. Neema was enraged by his treatment, and sought to kill him with her nascent dark side power, but he defended himself, being himself adept in the dark side, and imprisoned her. In the months of her captivity, Neema repented, and called on her mother. Vima rushed to the dungeon where her daughter's aid, but was too late; Neema had been been devoured by the wild rancors of Ottetha. Filled with rage, Vima sliced the warlord in half with her lightsaber. Her desire for vengeance quenched, Vima realized she was succumbing to the dark side. Over time, her ability to sense and use the Force slowly faded away.

With the onset of the Great Jedi Purge, Vima went into hiding on Nar Shaddaa. Her weak connection to the Force, coupled with Nar Shaddaa's dense population, may have been the key to her survival.

At some point between 3 ABY and 9 ABY, Vima was imprisoned on Kessel in its Imperial Correctional Facility. Vima discovered Kyp Durron, a young human ripe with extraordinary Force potential. Even with her dulled connection to the Force, Vima could sense the raw, untapped power within Durron. Using what connection she had, Vima taught Durron what minor skills she could before being removed by Imperial authorities under unknown circumstances.

By 10 ABY, Vima had made her way back to Nar Shaddaa. In that year, she sensed the Force presence of Leia Organa Solo. Detecting what she thought to be a Jedi, Vima told her life story and bequeathed to Leia a box containing a 10,000-year-old lightsaber discovered on Ossus nearly 850 BBY.

After the death of Palpatine's clone on Byss, Leia returned to Nar Shaddaa to remove Vima and extract from her knowledge of the Jedi Holocrons and the destroyed Jedi Order. Vima felt unworthy of serving the power she sensed in Leia and her unborn son – but was given little choice after an ambush by Boba Fett. Han Solo and Chewbacca helped the group escape the clutches of Fett.

En route to New Alderaan, the Millennium Falcon was forced to hide from Fett in the gas cloud home to Empatojayos Brand’s Robida Colossus. Upon their arrival, Vima and Brand aided Luke Skywalker in training Jem Ysanna and Kam Solusar, the first of the new Jedi. The wisdom imparted to Luke and his new students would be influential in the creation of the Jedi Praxeum. Shortly thereafter, Vima used her healing skills to rid Luke over a poison injected into him by Dark Jedi agents.

After fleeing to Nespis VIII, Leia, who had been hesitant to tap into her Force potential, learned the ways of the Jedi from Vima, including how to shield her infant son, Anakin. This skill allowed Leia to save Anakin from being possessed by the spirit of Palpatine. Vima, having rekindled her spirit in aiding Leia, Luke and the New Republic, was granted power in the Force once again.

[edit] References

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