Villa María del Triunfo

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Villa María del Triunfo is a district of the Lima Province in Peru. It located in the Cono Sur area of the city of Lima.

Location in the Lima and Callao Metropolitan Area

Officially established as a district on December 28, 1961, the current mayor (alcalde) of Villa María del Triunfo is Washington Armando Ipenza Pacheco. The district's postal code is 35.

[edit] Geography

The district has a total land area of 70.57 km². Its administrative center is located 158 meters above sea level.

[edit] Boundaries

[edit] Demographics

According to a 2002 estimate by the INEI, the district has 329,057 inhabitants and a population density of 4662.8 persons/km². In 1999, there were 71,889 households in the district.
According to Propoli ( :
The principal economic activities in the region are: "Sector maderero, cevicheros, calzado-maquicentros, confecciones, metal mecánica, circuito turístico."
The rate of undernourishment is: 14.76%
The proportion of the population without water is: 34.05%
The proportion of the population without electricity is: 22.9%