Vilanova Artigas

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João Batista Vilanova Artigas
Image:259483 4.jpg
Personal Information
Name João Batista Vilanova Artigas
Nationality Brazilian Flag of Brazil
Birth date 23 de junho de 1915
Birth place Curitiba, Brazil
Date of death 12 de janeiro de 1985
Place of death São Paulo
Practice Name Vilanova Artigas
Significant Buildings
Significant Projects Morumbi Stadium[1]

Vilanova Artigas was one of the most important brazilian architects, your work is linked to the Brutalism. Even so born in Curitiba, Artigas is considered the main name of architecture history of São Paulo, by the much of his projects that build in this state.

Índice Brazilian architect.

[edit] External links

Vilanova Artigas Institute [2]

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