Video game montage

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A video game montage is a collaboration of stunts pulled off in a video game that are skillful, funny, or just deemed interesting. Montages can be made by applying a capture card, recording video game footage with it and putting it in an editor and changing it up. Most montages are done with some sort of music in the background.

[edit] Capture sources

Video used to make a montage can be captured in a variety of ways. An external capture card can be used, which is connected to the computer through a Firewire or USB port . This is the most common way of recording video for a montage . An internal capture card is connected a computer using the PCI bus on the computer's motherboard. The most uncommon method of recording is using a DVR, or DVD recorder. For computer game montages, recording a demo is necessary. This allows a player to record their actions and then simply type in a command in order to watch his or her footage.