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My name is Eli Rector. I am a certified Elementary Instructor currently living in Bernville, PA with my wife and daughter. The name "Vidoqo" comes from an art project in which I took photographs of my younger brother, Josiah, in which he went about Seattle, WA in a suit and red sunglasses posing in various dada-esque activities. I then put the pictures in a childrens book and replaced the original text with random snippets from an obscure homosexual Russian love story by a local Seattle author. In one picture, my brother is seated at a table in the Greenlake branch of the Seattle library, reading from, "I Am Vidocq", by Vincent Mc Connor. Mistaking the title name, I called my book "I Am Vidoco". Transfomed into the mean of the two, the name Vidoqo stuck.
I am currently fascinated with the root of assumptions that inform liberal & conservative, red & blue, religious & agnostic, etc. These seem to boil down to perspectives on relativism & free will, from which notions of personal responsibility and moral truth ultimately emanate.