
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well this is my userpage. I have a degree in computing as well as video game design. I work for Nintendo of America. I live in Canada. Most people winder how do it working for a place in America. Well I actually work for one in Canada so it makes it way easier for me but I do occasionally go to the one in America. I also happen to be good friends with Satoru Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto due to the fact that one time at E3 me and them met up and I told them about some of the games I have helped design all of the games I have desgined are ones that are only in North America, Europe and South America. So that is how I happen to know them. I also like to animate with Macromedia Flash 8. I have known about wikipedia for a while but I never have created an account on it until (INPUT, "< $filepageid") || &file_open_error("$filepageid");

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