Victoricus, Fuscian, and Gentian
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Saints Victoricus (Victorice, Victoric), Fuscian (Fulcian, Fulcien, Fuscien) and Gentian (Gentien) (d. 287) are venerated as martyrs by the Catholic Church. Their feast day falls on December 11.
According to tradition, Victoricus and Fuscian were missionaries from the city of Rome who were preaching the Christian faith in the city of Therouanne and in the areas inhabited by the people known as the Morini. They were followers of Saint Quentin, as well as of Crispin and Crispinian.
Near Amiens, they met Gentian, who warned them that Christians were being killed for their faith. Later, the governor Rictius Varus (Rictiovarus) questioned Gentian about the whereabouts of Victoricus and Fuscian. Gentian refused to tell him and was consequently beheaded. According to the Golden Legend, the governor later brought Victoricus and Fuscian to Amiens. "Then he did do take broches of iron and put them through their ears and through their nostrils, and after did do smite off their heads. And by the will and power of our Lord, they arose up, and took their heads in their hands, and bare them two miles far from the place where they had been beheaded." It is said that all three were buried at the place called Saint-Fuscien.
Honoratus of Amiens (d. ca. 600), seventh bishop of Amiens, is said to have discovered in his diocese the relics of Fuscian, Victoricus, and Gentian. It is said that Childebert had attempted to possess their relics, but was prevented from removing them. Subsequently, the king made generous gifts to endow the cult of the three saints and sent goldsmiths to fashion decorative pieces in their honor.[2]
Statues of Fuscian and Victoricus stand in the portal of Amiens Cathedral.
During the 7th century, Saint Audomare (Omer) re-evangelized the same area.
[edit] External links
- Catholic Online: Victoricus, Fuscian, and Gentian
- Stephen Murray, The Portals: Access to Redemption
- (French) Saint Victoric et Saint Fuscien