Victor Hely-Hutchinson

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Christian Victor Hely-Hutchinson (born December 26, 1901, Cape Town, South Africa; died March 11, 1947) was a British composer.

He is best known for his composition the Carol Symphony, used for the title music of the 1984 BBC children's series, an adaptation of John Masefield's The Box of Delights, in particular the variation on the theme of The First Noël.


[edit] Early life

His father, Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson, was the governor of Cape Colony from 1901-10 during the Boer War. He initially lived in Kent, then moved back to South Africa in 1907. He was taught the piano by Sir Brian Dowling, the organust of Cape Town cathedral. Victor was a child prodigy, composing many pieces before the age of ten. In England in 1910, he was taught piano by Donald Tovey, and had his inital education at Heatherdown Preparatory School in Ascot. In 1914, his father died. He was educated at Eton College and Balliol College at the University of Oxford. At the Royal College of Music, he studied conducting under Sir Adrian Boult. In 1922, he returned to Cape Town, to teach at the South African College of Music, which became the University of Cape Town. Here, he married Marjorie Hugo.

[edit] Later life

He joined the BBC at Savoy Hill near Covent Garden in 1926, becoming a conductor, pianist and accompanist. He moved to Hampsted, where his two sons were born. In 1933, he moved to Birmingham to become Midland Regional Director of Music for the BBC, where he formed and conducted the Midland Studio Orchestra. In 1934, he left the BBC to become Professor of Music at the University of Birmingham, taking over from Sir Granville Bantock. In 1938, he saw the ominous signs of war, and moved his family out of Birmingham to a nearby village. During the war he became an ARP warden. He became a DMus from Oxford University in 1941. He also joined the university's officer cadet force. In 1944, he returned to the BBC to become Director of Music. He moved to St John's Wood. He never purchased a car, always using his bicycle.

The winter of 1947 was very long-lasting and Victor refused to switch on the radiators in his office to save fuel (fuel was still rationed). He developed a cold, which became pneumonia. He died on March 11th, 1947 at the premature age of 45. Marjorie died in 1988. Astra Desmond sang at his memorial service.

[edit] Compositions

  • Carol Symphony (1927)
  • Overture to a Pantomine
  • Solemn Prelude
  • Three Fugal Fancies
  • South African Suite
  • Variations, Intermezzo and Finale (1927)

[edit] External links