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Mission Vao holding a vibroblade in Knights of the Old Republic.
Mission Vao holding a vibroblade in Knights of the Old Republic.

In the fictional Star Wars Expanded Universe, vibroweapons are a group of melee weapons which utilize a generator to produce high-speed sonic vibrations through the blade. Their sonic vibrations can turn a regular object into a deadly weapon, a feature not utilized in similar weapons such as the Tusken Raiders' gaffi stick and the lightsaber. Most commonly found on swords, vibrogenerators can also be found on axes, pikes, knives, etc. Almost anything with a blade has the potential to be turned into a vibroweapon. In order to parry lightsaber strikes, designers decided to integrate vibroweapons with cortosis — a mineral that can cause lightsabers to deactivate, or, depending on the composition of the blade, be parried. However, most vibroweapons have only a cortosis weave, meaning they are only partial cortosis.While rarely seen as swords or daggers in the movies, a vibroweapon could be as simple as a royal guard's pike, a Tusken Raider's staff, or a gamorrean's axe.

During the period of the Second Sith War, vibroweapons were legal and commonplace in all Star Wars governments. However, sometime around the events depicted in The Phantom Menace, vibroweapons began to fall into the hands of several criminal organizations. Consequently, vibroweapons were outlawed in almost all but the smallest of the civilized governments of Star Wars.


[edit] Method of operation

Vibrogenerators, most often found in the hilt or handle of the weapon, send out high-frequency sonic pulses that cause anything attached to the generator to vibrate ultrasonically. When a vibroweapon contacts something, notably organic tissue, the vibrations rupture a large area across the material, destroying a much larger portion as well as allowing the blade to cut more deeply. This causes more devastating damage to the target than the original weapon, and even the slightest glancing blow can become a gaping wound. However, all vibroweapons but the vibrorapier emit a low but audible hum when activated, making them less useful for stealth than simpler designs. A cortosis weave can be applied to the weapon to reduce wear and make the weapon immune to lightsabers.

[edit] Types of vibroweapons

Vibroweapons have numerous variations on design, function, and usage. The most common form of vibroweapons is the vibroblade, a light, one meter-long sword that is often duel-wielded by characters. The vibroblade has two major varitations; the vibrosword, are heavier and geared toward two-handed combat style; and the double vibroblade, which features one blade protruding from each end of the handle, similar to that of Darth Maul's lightsaber. The vibrogenerators of all three versions are contained in the hilt.

The vibroaxe (also spelled vibro-ax) evolved from crude axes wielded by Jabba the Hutt's Gamorrean guards, which were synthesized with vibrogenerators for an enhanced effect. However, the generator's vibration effect sends shocks down the wooden hilt, making the Gamorreans the only Star Wars species able to handle such a weapon. Jabba the Hutt's other guards use a more modern design of vibroaxe, with the generator designed as part of the weapon. The six power cells allow the blade to run for up to eight hours. Vibroaxes are depicted in other aspects of Star Wars, as well. For instance, Qui-Gon Jinn suffered a massive shoulder wound in the Jedi Apprentice series when his starship was attacked by Togorian space pirates.

Vibrostaves are one of the deadliest types of vibroweapon; this melee weapon features a long staff, with a rounded hilt roughly three feet long that contains a vibrogenerator. The hilt also contains a 2.5-foot-long blade, sharpened to a razor's edge, that can be activated instantly. Double-bladed vibrostaves were the predominant weapon of choice for trainees of the Emperor's Royal Guard. Taking an idea from his deceased apprentice Darth Maul, the Emperor had double-bladed vibrostaves crafted to equip his newly-formed corps of Imperial Guards. Palpatine employed one of the greatest melee weapon designers in the galaxy, Kolvo Weapons Manufacturing, to produce a limited number of these weapons. Once the order was completed, the manufacturing facilities were the subject of an assault by TIE bombers, effectively destroying all blueprints and machinery capable of producing these unique weapons. A Royal Guardsman trained in the martial art of the Echani, such as Kir Kanos in Crimson Empire, were skilled with these weapons.

The vibroshiv and vibrowhip round out the vibroweapon family. A vibroshiv is a 5 centimeter knife similar to a switchblade, but with a mounted vibrogenerator. Vibroshivs are commonly used in a Jar'Kai stance as an offhand weapon; however, they can be more deadly by combining elements of the Jar'Kai stance (dual wielding) and Tràkata (waiting for the opportune moment to spring the weapon open on an unsuspecting opponent). A vibrowhip is a long coil of flexible, hard material that is effective at transferring motion. By adding a vibrogenerator, the whip becomes as deadly as a sword, with the ability to wrap around an opponent, disabling them with rapid vibrations.

In addition to these, Clone commandos have a special retractable knife-like vibroweapon that are most effective against weak B-1 battle droids and small organisms, such as Geonosians.

[edit] References

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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