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Strike Fighter Squadron 192

VFA-192 Insignia
Active March 26, 1946 - present
Country United States
Branch United States Navy
Type Fighter/Attack
Role Close air support
Air interdiction
Aerial reconnaissance
Part of Carrier Air Wing 5
Garrison/HQ Naval Air Facility Atsugi
Nickname "Golden Dragons"
Motto “Be Ready, our Enemy Must Lose”
Battles/wars Korean War
Vietnam War
Operation Desert Storm
Operation Enduring Freedom
Operation Iraqi Freedom

Strike Fighter Squadron 192 (VFA-192), also known as the "Golden Dragons", are a United States Navy F/A-18C Hornet fighter squadron stationed at Naval Air Facility Atsugi. They are attached to Carrier Air Wing 5.


[edit] History

[edit] Early years

Strike Fighter Squadron 192 established as ‘’’Fighter Squadron 153’’’ on March 26, 1945, flying the F6F Hellcat. The squadron’s first deployment was aboard the USS Antietam (CV-36) on March 30, 1947. Following the deployment, the squadron title was changed to ‘’’Fighter Squadron 15A’’’, and later to ‘’’Fighter Squadron 151’’’. In 1949, the squadron began training in theF8F Bearcat at Naval Air Station Alameda, California. In January of 1950, the squadron sailed from Alameda aboard USS Boxer (CV-21), and upon returning transitioned to the F4U Corsair. The squadron was designated ‘’’Fighter Squadron 192’’’ on February 15, 1950. VF-192 made two deployments aboard USS Princeton (CV-37), participating in the Korean War between November 1950 and November 1952.

Early in 1953, the Golden Dragons moved to NAS Moffet Field , California , and entered the jet age by receiving theF9F Panther fresh off the assembly line. The Dragons departed on the USS Oriskany (CVA-34) in September of 1953, and during that cruise to the Orient, the pilots participated in the filming of The Bridges at Toko-Ri. It was the debut of this film that earned the squadron the name “World Famous Golden Dragons.” On January 19, 1956, the mission of the squadron changed to include the special weapons delivery capability of the new F9F Cougar; on March 15, 1956, the official designation of the squadron was changed from Fighter Squadron to ‘’’Attack Squadron 192’’’.

[edit] The 1960s

Throughout the next few years, the squadron cycled through theFJ-4B Fury, and in July of 1959, following an exchange of aircraft, maintainers and support equipment with VA-216, the Golden Dragons were flying the A-4D-2 Skyhawk which was less formally known as the “Mighty Midget Atomic Bomber.” In December of 1962, the squadron moved from Moffet Field to NAS Lemoore, California , and on November 21, 1964, after completing almost ten months in the Western Pacific, the Dragons returned from their fourth consecutive cruise aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard (CVA-31). After a short four-month turnaround, they deployed aboard the “Bonnie Dick” in April of 1965 for a ten-month Orient cruise. During this deployment, the squadron spent eight months at sea in support of American policy in Southeast Asia . A new and more powerful A-4E “Skyhawk,” with the ability to carry a greater bomb load, was received in June of 1966. In this aircraft, one of the Golden Dragons greatly distinguished himself in the air arena. LCDR Michael J. Estocin earned the Medal of Honor for his gallantry and courage on the 20th and 26th of April 1967, while flying on a SEAD|missile suppression]] mission. In his memory, the Navy’s award for the best F/A-18 Hornet]] squadron is called the Michael J. Estocin Award. In July of 1967, the Golden Dragons became the first operational fleet squadron to receive the new A-4F Skyhawk, and in December of that year the Dragons participated in a deployment aboard the USS Ticonderoga (CVA-14). In April of 1969, the Golden Dragons made their last deployment with the A-4F “Skyhawk” aboard the USS Oriskany (CVA-34). It was during this cruise that the squadron was recognized for an amazing safety record during extensive combat operations. Specifically, this safety record spanned over 55 accident-free months, 30,477 flight hours and 11,580 carrier landings. No other carrier jet squadron had ever achieved such a safety record up to that time.

[edit] The 1970s

The squadron took delivery of their first A-7 Corasir II|A-7E Corsair II]] in February of 1970. On November 6, 1970, having finished a one year turnaround with its newly acquired A-7E aircraft, Attack Squadron 192 deployed again aboard the USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63). During this highly successful cruise, VA-192’s “Laotian Highway Patrol” set an all-time record for ordnance dropped on a single cruise, over 15 million pounds, while flying more than 6,600 flight hours and amassing 2,901 arrested landings. The Dragons delivered this record amount of ordnance on enemy supply routes both day and night, in all kinds of weather, without losing a single man or aircraft. After returning to NAS Lemoore in July of 1971, the Dragons immediately began preparing for another combat cruise to Southeast Asia . On February 17, 1972, the squadron departed on their sixth combat cruise. Once again, flying their first combat sorties on March 5, 1972, the Golden Dragons broke more records by dropping over 19 million pounds of ordnance and flying over 3,600 combat strikes while participating in seven combat line periods over a record 192 days.

From late 1973 to 1978, the squadron made several WestPac deployments aboard the USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63). On March 3, 1979 the squadron embarked aboard USS America (CV-66) at Norfolk, Virginia , for their first Mediterranean cruise.

[edit] The 1980s

The squadron deployed for a second Mediterranean cruise aboard the USS America on April 12, 1981. The Dragons came home to NAS Lemoore on November 12, 1981, after spending 202 out of 220 days at sea.

In November of 1982, the squadron joined Carrier Air Wing 9 and became a part of the USS Ranger (CV-61) team. After completing workups, the “Ranger” set sail for an extended deployment. By early 1985, the Golden Dragons began to prepare for transition to the F/A-18 Hornet. About half of the A-7E’s and personnel who maintained them had been transferred from the squadron, when the Dragons were ordered to MCAS Iwakuni, Japan under the Marine Corps Unit Deployment Program. In less than three months, the squadron was fully manned and equipped with 12 A-7E’s, and on June 3, 1985 launched for a three day transpacific flight to Iwakuni. Upon arrival, the squadron became part of Marine Aircraft Group 12 under the 1st Marine Air Wing. The squadron returned home for Christmas, and on January 10, 1986 the Golden Dragons were re-designated ‘’’Strike Fighter Squadron One Nine Two’’’.

This new beginning also included notification that the squadron would be changing homeport to Yokosuka , Japan to join CVW-5 embarked aboard USS Midway (CV-41). For the next five months, squadron personnel were engaged in F/A-18 transition training. On February 14, 1986, the Dragons transferred the last A-7E, exactly 16 years after the first Dragon Corsair II was accepted. By the end of June, a full complement of eleven FA-18A’s was on board. This busy transition period culminated in November 1986, when the Golden Dragons executed their second transpacific movement in eighteen months in new F/A-18 Hornets to NAF Atsugi, Japan .

1987 began with VFA-192’s first deployment embarked in USS Midway (CV-41) as a member of the restructured CVW-5. The next twelve months included 261 days of embarked fight operations to Australia , Philippines , South China Sea, Okinawa, and the Indian Ocean . During November and December, the Dragons participated in Operation Earnest Will, providing air cover for the internationally significant escort of reflagged Kuwait oil tankers in the North Arabian Sea, Strait of Hormuz and Persian Gulf .

[edit] The 1990s

On October 2, 1990, the squadron set sail on board USS Midway (CV-41) for the Persian Gulf. When hostilities broke out on January 17, 1991, the Golden Dragons were employed using the HARM missile against Iraqi missile batteries during the first night of Operation Desert Storm. Over the next 43 days, the Golden Dragons flew 576 combat sorties, amassing 1317.9 combat flight hours and dropping over 730,000 pounds of ordnance. In March, VFA-192 and the Midway Battle Group departed the Persian Gulf, returning home to Yokosuka following seven months of deployment.

On August 21, 1991, VFA-192 and CVW-5 embarked for the last time aboard USS Midway. In Hawaii , the squadron moved to the USS Independence (CV-62) and traded their F/A-18A aircraft for newer F/A-18C aircraft. On April 15, 1992, the Golden Dragons deployed for the first time aboard the “Independence.” During this cruise, the squadron participated in the 50th anniversary celebration of the Battle of Coral Sea in Sydney, Australia . The Dragons were also a part of the battle group that spearheaded Operation Southern Watch, establishing the Iraqi no-fly zone south of the 32nd parallel.

In November of 1993, the Golden Dragons deployed once again in support of Operation Southern Watch. In the summer of 1995, the squadron deployed for the third time to the Persian Gulf in support of “Southern Watch”.

In January of 1998, the Golden Dragons executed a no-notice deployment to the Persian Gulf for a four and one-half month cruise again in support of Operation Southern Watch. During this cruise, the squadron flew a total of 1002 sorties, amassing over 1900 flight hours and 994 arrested landings. On July 7, 1998, the Golden Dragons and CVW-5 embarked for the last time aboard USS Independence. In Hawaii, the squadron moved to USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63), and upgraded aircraft to newer F/A-18 aircraft. On September 30, 1998 the Golden Dragons sailed aboard the USS Kitty Hawk

The Golden Dragons deployed again on March 2, 1999 for the South Pacific. The Golden Dragons were once again sortied to the Persian Gulf in support of Operation Southern Watch. During their second no-notice deployment to the region in less than eighteen months, the squadron flew 2,779 flight hours and 1,696 arrested landings.

[edit] Global War on Terror

After a weapons training detachment to Andersen Air Force Base, Guam in August 2001, the Dragons returned to NAF Atsugi and began to prepare for their next at-sea period. Their plans for a typical Fall Patrol were quickly changed after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The squadron began preparations for an emergency deployment and began training at Iwo Jima while the Kitty Hawk sortied from Yokosuka. Within a week the Dragons were again carrier qualified and were ready to sail to destinations unknown.

Instead, CVW-5 was divided to fill urgent requirements elsewhere in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. CVW-5 Det A was comprised of Lot 17 FA-18C’s from VFA-192 and VFA-195, S-3’s from VS-21 and HH-60’s from HS-14. This detachment was assigned to the Kitty Hawk and they sailed to the Indian Ocean with a large Special Operations contingent aboard. The Spec Ops force worked from the Kitty Hawk into Afghanistan; Det A provided close air support (CAS) throughout the operations there until November 2001. Det B was comprised of Lot 12 FA-18C’s from VFA-27, led by the VFA-192 XO and manned with pilots from all three CVW-5 Hornet squadrons. On October 1, 2001, this detachment flew to the US Navy Support Facility at the British Indian Ocean Territory of Diego Garcia to provide for the air defense of the tiny island. The Maritime Pre-positioned Fleet harbored there was considered to be extremely vulnerable to terrorist attack, in addition to the USAF bomber force assigned there without fighter protection.

By January 2003, world events made it obvious that VFA-192 would again be going in harm’s way. Late that month they sailed on an early spring patrol of indefinite duration and destination unknown. They sailed for the Persian Gulf to join other aircraft carrier battle groups there in support of Operation Southern Watch.

During Operation Iraqi Freedom the squadron flew 339 combat missions and dropped 224,000 pounds of ordnance including 283 JDAM and LGB bombs. After over 100 days at sea without a port call, the Dragons again returned to Japan in May after having flown 799 sorties, 1757 flight hours and 875 traps.

[edit] Awards

From 1966 to 1969, the Golden Dragons received four consecutive Chief of Naval Operations Safety Awards,. They are five time recipients of the Commander, Naval Air Force Pacific Fleet Battle Efficiency Award, most recently for 2000. They have twice been awarded the Michael J. Estocin award for being the top Strike Fighter Squadron in the Navy. In 1979, the Golden Dragons were awarded the Bruce Carrier Award for excellence in aviation maintenance. Most recently, the World Famous Golden Dragons earned the Commander, Naval Air Force Pacific Safety-S award consecutively for 1999 and 2000. Naval Air Force Pacific Safety-S award consecutively for 2005 and 2006. SECNAV Safety award for 2006.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

This article incorporates text in the public domain from the United States Navy.

    [edit] External links