Wikipedia:Version 1.0 Editorial Team/Psychology articles by quality/2

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[edit] Wikipedia:WikiProject Psychology

Contact with WP Psychology
Adolescent psychology [1] Mid January 23, 2007 Stub
Alogia [2] Mid January 27, 2007 Stub
American Imago [3] Mid November 13, 2006 Stub
American Psychiatric Association [4] Mid November 13, 2006 Stub
American Psychological Association [5] Mid August 31, 2006 Stub
Anticipation (emotion) [6] Mid January 2, 2007 Stub
Asian psychology [7] Mid November 13, 2006 Stub
Assessment of suicide risk [8] Mid December 29, 2006 Stub
Australasian Experimental Psychology Society [9] Mid November 13, 2006 Stub
Australian Psychological Society [10] Mid November 13, 2006 Stub
Behavioral Medicine [11] Mid December 8, 2006 Stub
Behaviour therapy [12] Mid November 28, 2006 Stub
Biodata [13] Mid November 14, 2006 Stub
Bitterness (emotion) [14] Mid January 2, 2007 Stub
British Journal of Social Psychology [15] Mid December 14, 2006 Stub
British Psychological Society [16] Mid November 16, 2006 Stub
Calmness [17] Mid January 2, 2007 Stub
Canadian Psychological Association [18] Mid November 16, 2006 Stub
Charles E. Osgood [19] Mid December 8, 2006 Stub
Christian counseling [20] Mid November 14, 2006 Stub
Classical Adlerian Psychotherapy [21] Mid December 14, 2006 Stub
Color psychology [22] Mid September 4, 2006 Stub
Compartmentalization (psychology) [23] Mid December 14, 2006 Stub
Confabulation [24] Mid December 14, 2006 Stub
Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified [25] Mid November 13, 2006 Stub
Developmental stage theories [26] Mid December 14, 2006 Stub
Disappointment [27] Mid January 2, 2007 Stub
Draw-A-Person Test [28] Mid January 9, 2007 Stub
Dysphoria [29] Mid January 2, 2007 Stub
Encounter group [30] Mid December 28, 2006 Stub
Endel Tulving [31] Mid December 8, 2006 Stub
Ernest Hilgard [32] Mid December 8, 2006 Stub
European Psychologist [33] Mid December 28, 2006 Stub
Evolution and Human Behavior [34] Mid December 28, 2006 Stub
Experimental Psychology Society [35] Mid December 28, 2006 Stub
Four stages of competence [36] Mid November 14, 2006 Stub (edit comment)
Frustration [37] Mid February 3, 2007 Stub
Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy [38] Mid November 13, 2006 Stub
Gratification [39] Mid November 14, 2006 Stub
Hermann Rorschach [40] Mid November 14, 2006 Stub
Horror (emotion) [41] Mid January 2, 2007 Stub
Ideomotor effect [42] Mid December 19, 2006 Stub
Impulse control disorder [43] Mid November 28, 2006 Stub
Individual psychology [44] Mid December 29, 2006 Stub
Integrative Psychotherapy [45] Mid January 9, 2007 Stub
James McClelland [46] Mid December 8, 2006 Stub
James W. Fowler [47] Mid November 18, 2006 Stub This article should also be related to one of the religion portals. (edit comment)
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience [48] Mid November 18, 2006 Stub
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy [49] Mid December 7, 2006 Stub
Karl Lashley [50] Mid December 8, 2006 Stub
Kleptomania [51] Mid November 13, 2006 Stub
Lillian Moller Gilbreth [52] Mid November 14, 2006 Stub
List of mood disorders [53] Mid December 7, 2006 Stub
List of psychological research methods [54] Mid December 8, 2006 Stub
Martin Seligman [55] Mid December 8, 2006 Stub
Max Wertheimer [56] Mid December 13, 2006 Stub
Mirror test [57] Mid January 29, 2007 Stub
Moral psychology [58] Mid December 29, 2006 Stub
Narrative therapy [59] Mid November 13, 2006 Stub
Objective test [60] Mid November 13, 2006 Stub
Parasuicide [61] Mid December 30, 2006 Stub
Performance psychology [62] Mid September 4, 2006 Stub
Perspective (cognitive) [63] Mid September 4, 2006 Stub
Projective test [64] Mid November 14, 2006 Stub
Psychoanalytic group therapy [65] Mid January 29, 2007 Stub
Psychological Abstracts [66] Mid January 29, 2007 Stub
Psychological Review [67] Mid January 9, 2007 Stub
Rage (emotion) [68] Mid December 30, 2006 Stub As discussed on the main talk page, this article has no citations, is apparently completely "original research" (if one can even apply the term research at all), is entirely unprofessional and has very doubtful claims. Aleta 21:55, 31 December 2006 (UTC) (edit comment)
Reactance (psychology) [69] Mid September 18, 2006 Stub
Revised NEO Personality Inventory [70] Mid September 1, 2006 Stub
Robert Zajonc [71] Mid December 8, 2006 Stub
Roger Brown (psychologist) [72] Mid December 8, 2006 Stub
Sacrificial love [73] Mid January 17, 2007 Stub
Similarity (psychology) [74] Mid December 10, 2006 Stub
Situationism (psychology) [75] Mid December 8, 2006 Stub
Somatoform disorder [76] Mid December 8, 2006 Stub
Sport psychology [77] Mid November 19, 2006 Stub
Stanford-Binet IQ test [78] Mid November 14, 2006 Stub
Surprise (emotion) [79] Mid January 2, 2007 Stub
Systemic Therapy [80] Mid November 19, 2006 Stub
Theoretical psychology [81] Mid September 4, 2006 Stub
Ulric Neisser [82] Mid December 8, 2006 Stub
United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy [83] Mid November 13, 2006 Stub
Urie Bronfenbrenner [84] Mid September 8, 2006 Stub
Victor Vroom [85] Mid December 13, 2006 Stub
Walter Mischel [86] Mid December 8, 2006 Stub
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence [87] Mid November 13, 2006 Stub
Wolfgang Köhler [88] Mid December 13, 2006 Stub
Behavioral and Brain Sciences [89] Low December 13, 2006 Stub
Bibliomania [90] Low January 27, 2007 Stub
Bioenergetic analysis [91] Low December 13, 2006 Stub
Cognitive-shifting [92] Low March 18, 2007 Stub
Combative psychology [93] Low December 14, 2006 Stub
Core process psychotherapy [94] Low December 14, 2006 Stub
Cyberpsychology [95] Low November 28, 2006 Stub
Dance therapy [96] Low November 14, 2006 Stub
Distributed cognition [97] Low December 14, 2006 Stub
Dynamicism [98] Low December 14, 2006 Stub
Emotional clearing [99] Low December 28, 2006 Stub
Higher nervous activity [100] Low September 4, 2006 Stub
Human Behavior and Evolution Society [101] Low January 3, 2007 Stub
In a Different Voice [102] Low September 1, 2006 Stub
Johari window [103] Low November 18, 2006 Stub
Journal of Psychohistory [104] Low December 7, 2006 Stub
List of scientific journals in psychology [105] Low November 28, 2006 Stub
London School of Differential Psychology [106] Low September 4, 2006 Stub
Mowgli Syndrome [107] Low January 3, 2007 Stub
Pain disorder [108] Low January 3, 2007 Stub
Password psychology [109] Low November 14, 2006 Stub
Pastoral counseling [110] Low December 29, 2006 Stub The article states "Most pastoral counselors hold secular counseling credentials, as opposed to many Christian Counselors." This statement would not be verifiable, because it is not true. The statement is likely made from a position of bias against Christian Counseling. In most states, there are laws governing psychotherapy, and for someone to provide mental health services they must have secular counseling credentials. Pastoral Counselors are not required to be licensed psychotherapists, so unlike Christian counselors, they do not need secular credentials.Billkmfcc 17:28, 17 January 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology [111] Low December 29, 2006 Stub
Phonological loop [112] Low December 3, 2006 Stub
Pseudologia fantastica [113] Low November 20, 2006 Stub
Psy.S [114] Low January 3, 2007 Stub
PsycLit [115] Low December 28, 2006 Stub
Relational frame theory [116] Low November 13, 2006 Stub
Righteous indignation [117] Low January 2, 2007 Stub
Self-pity [118] Low February 3, 2007 Stub
Serenity (spirituality) [119] Low January 2, 2007 Stub
Suicidology [120] Low September 4, 2006 Stub
Systemic psychology [121] Low November 19, 2006 Stub
The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis [122] Low December 11, 2006 Stub
UK Synaesthesia Association [123] Low November 13, 2006 Stub
Visuospatial sketchpad [124] Low December 8, 2006 Stub
Youth & Society [125] Low November 13, 2006 Stub
Ambivalence [126] March 20, 2007 Stub
Descriptive ethics [127] March 24, 2007 Stub
Donald Pennington [128] March 20, 2007 Stub
Doubt [129] March 16, 2007 Stub
Fanaticism [130] March 8, 2007 Stub
IBP Integrative Body Psychotherapy [131] March 20, 2007 Stub
Internal Family Systems Model [132] March 20, 2007 Stub
International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology [133] March 20, 2007 Stub
International Transpersonal Association [134] March 20, 2007 Stub
Learning and Individual Differences [135] March 20, 2007 Stub
Manchester Area Psychogeographic [136] March 20, 2007 Stub
Method of Levels [137] March 20, 2007 Stub
Multimodal Therapy [138] March 20, 2007 Stub
Philosophy of psychology [139] March 16, 2007 Stub
Positive psychotherapy [140] March 20, 2007 Stub
Post-cognitivist psychology [141] March 20, 2007 Stub
Primal integration [142] March 20, 2007 Stub
Psychonomics [143] March 20, 2007 Stub
Psychophysical parallelism [144] March 20, 2007 Stub
Psychotherapeutic Postural Integration [145] March 20, 2007 Stub
Separation anxiety disorder [146] January 25, 2007 Stub
Stimulus-response theory [147] March 20, 2007 Stub
Transvestic fetishism [148] January 27, 2007 Stub
Wilhelm Stekel [149] March 16, 2007 Stub
See also: assessed article categories. Last update: March 26, 2007

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