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[edit] Wikipedia:WikiProject Molecular and Cellular Biology

Contact with WP Molecular and Cellular Biology
Bacteria [1] Top December 3, 2006 Featured article FA 0.5 (edit comment)
Cell nucleus [2] Top December 21, 2006 Featured article FA
DNA [3] Top January 10, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5 (edit comment)
Enzyme [4] Top September 5, 2006 Featured article FA (edit comment)
Immune system [5] Top January 10, 2007 Featured article FA
Metabolism [6] Top March 30, 2007 Featured article FA
Action potential [7] High November 14, 2006 Featured article FA 0.5
DNA repair [8] High August 29, 2006 Featured article FA 0.5
RNA interference [9] High February 23, 2007 Featured article FA The subject of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - absolutely should be an FA. – ClockworkSoul (edit comment)
Antioxidant [10] Mid March 10, 2007 Featured article FA
Baby Gender Mentor [11] Mid March 14, 2007 Featured article FA
Caffeine [12] Mid September 3, 2006 Featured article FA (edit comment)
Chromatophore [13] Mid November 14, 2006 Featured article FA 0.5
Enzyme inhibitor [14] Mid September 20, 2006 Featured article FA (edit comment)
Enzyme kinetics [15] Mid October 8, 2006 Featured article FA
Proteasome [16] Mid January 10, 2007 Featured article FA
Sequence alignment [17] Mid August 29, 2006 Featured article FA 0.5
Cyclol [18] Low December 3, 2006 Featured article FA
Carbon dioxide [19] Top February 19, 2007 A 0.5
Apoptosis [20] Mid December 28, 2006 A (edit comment)
Adenosine triphosphate [21] Top January 3, 2007 Good article GA Changed rating to "top" as high school/SAT biology content and based on ATP being the universal "energy currency" in all cells and thus essential info for cell and molecular biology. - tameeria 23:08, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Amino acid [22] Top March 14, 2007 Good article GA (edit comment)
Antibody [23] Top April 4, 2007 Good article GA high school/SAT biology content + general/public knowledge - changed rating from high to top - tameeria 15:07, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Bioinformatics [24] Top February 18, 2007 Good article GA
Cancer [25] Top August 29, 2006 Good article GA 0.5
Cell (biology) [26] Top December 24, 2006 Good article GA 0.5
Eukaryote [27] Top September 19, 2006 Good article GA
Genetic code [28] Top September 21, 2006 Good article GA high school/SAT biology content - this is so central to molecular biology that I think it should be rated top rather than high - tameeria 15:28, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Human genome [29] Top October 25, 2006 Good article GA
Mitochondrion [30] Top August 29, 2006 Good article GA
Mitosis [31] Top January 25, 2007 Good article GA
Protein [32] Top August 29, 2006 Good article GA 0.5
Stem cell [33] Top August 29, 2006 Good article GA (edit comment)
Virus [34] Top October 18, 2006 Good article GA 0.5
Vitamin [35] Top October 16, 2006 Good article GA (edit comment)
Polymerase chain reaction [36] High August 29, 2006 Good article GA
Prion [37] High August 29, 2006 Good article GA
Vitamin C [38] High March 12, 2007 Good article GA
Heparin [39] Mid October 25, 2006 Good article GA
Insulin [40] Mid August 29, 2006 Good article GA
Multiple sequence alignment [41] Mid October 25, 2006 Good article GA
Photosynthetic reaction centre [42] Mid August 29, 2006 Good article GA 0.5
Arp2/3 complex [43] Low August 29, 2006 Good article GA
Structural alignment [44] Low October 2, 2006 Good article GA
Taurine [45] Low January 2, 2007 Good article GA The reason one contact lens solution company put taurine in their Multi-Purpose Solution was because of the benefits to the eye's. It helps reduce osmotic stress on the eye when inserting the contact lens into the eye for the first time, makes it a lot more comfortable. Also taurine may modulate the release of histamine, and help with ocular allergies. They did tests with the solution, same solution, but one with taurine and one without. The one with the taurine had less itching, redness and watery eye's. If it helps cats eye's, why wouldn't it help humans eye's? 21:54, 6 April 2007 (UTC) 20:23, 6 April 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Antibiotic [46] Top February 18, 2007 B rated top as topic of general/public interest - tameeria 16:58, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Antibiotic resistance [47] Top February 18, 2007 B rated top as important medical problem with considerable media coverage (edit comment)
Archaea [48] Top August 29, 2006 B Nature vol 442/17 August 2006, Letters, Archea predominate among ammonia-oxidizing prokaryotes in soil. Leininger et al (edit comment)
Atherosclerosis [49] Top February 19, 2007 B Rated "top" as topic of general/medical interest. - tameeria 04:00, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Biochemistry [50] Top February 17, 2007 B rated top as intro to high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:24, 17 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Carbohydrate [51] Top November 9, 2006 B
Cell biology [52] Top September 8, 2006 B I think this should be "top" importance as one of the two main topics of the Molecular and Cellular Biology project. - tameeria 14:31, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Cell culture [53] Top August 30, 2006 B
Cell growth [54] Top September 8, 2006 B Changed rating to "top" as this is high school/SAT biology content and generally important cell biology topic. - tameeria 21:51, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Cell signaling [55] Top September 26, 2006 B high school/SAT biology content and important MCB overview; changed rating from high to top - tameeria 15:16, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Cholesterol [56] Top February 19, 2007 B Rated "top" as high school/SAT biology content + general/medical interest due to role in atherosclerosis. - tameeria 05:34, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Chromosome [57] Top September 3, 2006 B
DNA replication [58] Top September 3, 2006 B The article is generally scientifically correct, but it badly needs to be translated into plainer English. – ClockworkSoul 04:48, 7 November 2006 (UTC)

Changing the rating to "top" as this is high school/SAT biology topic and a central mechanism of molecular biology. - tameeria 03:40, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Electron transport chain [59] Top November 16, 2006 B Changed rating to "top" as this is high school/SAT biology content and an important mechanism in cell biology, both for respiration as well as photosynthesis. - tameeria 21:48, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Gene [60] Top August 29, 2006 B This was once an FA, but has been demoted. Currently has few references, and its discussion is mostly at high-school level. (edit comment)
Gene expression [61] Top September 8, 2006 B high school/SAT biology topic; important overview of central MCB topic (most molecular biology research revolves around gene expression in one way or another); changed rating from high to top - tameeria 15:23, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Gene therapy [62] Top February 19, 2007 B Rated "top" due to medical interest and media coverage. - tameeria 23:50, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Genetic fingerprinting [63] Top February 19, 2007 B Rated "top" due to public interest/media coverage and use in forensics. - tameeria 23:55, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Genetic testing [64] Top February 19, 2007 B Rated "top" due to medical and public interest/media coverage. - tameeria 23:53, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Genetically modified food [65] Top February 19, 2007 B Rated "top" as highly controversial topic with media coverage. - tameeria 01:29, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Glucose [66] Top March 10, 2007 B Rated "top" as highschool/SAT biology content; important sugar in metabolism. - tameeria 04:34, 9 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Hemoglobin [67] Top October 23, 2006 B Very nicely done article: should need relatively little work to advance it to FA status. – ClockworkSoul (edit comment)
Membrane potential [68] Top February 19, 2007 B rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:50, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

I'm not an expert on membrane potential, so please adjust the rating if B doesn't seem right. - tameeria 18:50, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Microorganism [69] Top October 18, 2006 B (edit comment)
Microscope [70] Top August 30, 2006 B
Neuron [71] Top February 19, 2007 B rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:53, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

The article seems fairly complete to me, but I'm no expert on neurology. If the B rating seems wrong, please adjust. - tameeria 19:14, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Origin of life [72] Top February 17, 2007 B rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:57, 17 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Oxygen [73] Top February 19, 2007 B 0.5 This article could be improved by giving more biological context for oxygen, e.g. the role of oxygen in cell metabolism and the natural production of oxygen in plants and algae. - tameeria 05:17, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Photosynthesis [74] Top September 5, 2006 B
Protein structure [75] Top August 30, 2006 B high school/SAT biology content and important MCB overview; changed rating from high to top - tameeria 15:19, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
RNA [76] Top August 29, 2006 B
Red blood cell [77] Top December 30, 2006 B Why does it keep saying "davio pawns all nooblets" randomly throughout this page? This MUST be a mistake.

FrameLA 02:59, 21 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Ribosome [78] Top August 29, 2006 B
Signal transduction [79] Top February 19, 2007 B rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 15:06, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

This article needs references. It needs a better discussion of the amplification effect of signal transduction cascades, resulting in just small amounts of hormones being able to trigger a cellular or organismal response. It only discusses molecular stimuli, but not physical stimuli (e.g. light signal transduction in retina and plant cells). Those should be added. Receptor and effector sections need expanding (under construction). - tameeria 20:12, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Spermatozoon [80] Top February 17, 2007 B rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 15:12, 17 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Water (molecule) [81] Top February 19, 2007 B This article could be improved by expanding the "water in biology" section, e.g. including the role of water in cell metabolism (hydrolysis reactions) and oxygen-formation by water-splitting in plants. - tameeria 05:21, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
ABO blood group system [82] High March 6, 2007 B
Acetylcholine [83] High March 6, 2007 B
Actin [84] High September 7, 2006 B Changed rating to high as this is high school/SAT biology content (especially with microfilament redirecting here). - tameeria 21:08, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Activation energy [85] High February 19, 2007 B Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content; important for enzyme catalysis. - tameeria 22:58, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Adult stem cell [86] High August 30, 2006 B Changed rating to "high" for consistency with embryonic stem cell. - tameeria 22:56, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Amylase [87] High March 6, 2007 B
Androgen [88] High March 6, 2007 B
Bacterial conjugation [89] High March 6, 2007 B
Calvin cycle [90] High March 6, 2007 B
Cellular respiration [91] High December 3, 2006 B high school/SAT biology content; changed importance to "high" for consistency with other cell metabolism subtopics - tameeria 14:59, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Chromatin [92] High August 30, 2006 B great diagram. it really helped me understand what was being said.

--Jedi101 02:25, 11 December 2006 (UTC) (edit comment)

Chromatography [93] High August 29, 2006 B
DNA microarray [94] High September 8, 2006 B
Endoplasmic reticulum [95] High February 21, 2007 B
Endospore [96] High December 25, 2006 B
Epinephrine [97] High March 6, 2007 B
Glycolysis [98] High February 19, 2007 B rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:37, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

changed rating to "high" for consistency with other metabolic pathways (e.g. citric acid cycle), part of cell metabolism - tameeria 14:56, 18 February 2007 (UTC)

Discovery of glycolysis and disease sections are stubs. - tameeria 20:47, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Golgi apparatus [99] High November 16, 2006 B Needs a bit more detail, and more inline references. (edit comment)
Heme [100] High October 23, 2006 B
History of molecular biology [101] High January 4, 2007 B
Intermediate filament [102] High September 8, 2006 B Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content as part of cytoskeleton. - tameeria 22:41, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Messenger RNA [103] High January 2, 2007 B
Microtubule [104] High November 18, 2006 B
Molecular structure of Nucleic Acids [105] High August 31, 2006 B
Mutation [106] High November 17, 2006 B
Nucleolus [107] High November 18, 2006 B
Nucleosome [108] High September 2, 2006 B
Operon [109] High August 29, 2006 B
Optical microscope [110] High February 19, 2007 B
Organelle [111] High November 18, 2006 B
Oxidative phosphorylation [112] High March 30, 2007 B
Peptide bond [113] High August 29, 2006 B
Peripheral membrane protein [114] High February 16, 2007 B Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 22:19, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Peroxisome [115] High August 29, 2006 B
Phosphatase [116] High January 15, 2007 B (edit comment)
Plastid [117] High August 29, 2006 B
Platelet [118] High January 12, 2007 B The lists need to be formed into coherent paragraphs. Ciar 02:06, 12 January 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Primary structure [119] High August 29, 2006 B
Protein nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [120] High August 29, 2006 B
Protein sequencing [121] High August 30, 2006 B Changed rating to "high" as this is an important method in molecular biology. - tameeria 22:14, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
RNA polymerase [122] High September 2, 2006 B
Reverse transcriptase [123] High January 2, 2007 B
Secondary structure [124] High August 29, 2006 B
Serpin [125] High March 8, 2007 B In my opinion, the broad content in the serpin page is now scientificaly accurate, up-to-date, reasonably concise and appropriately structured (I have to admit to some bias, however, having written some of it!). I feel that the only major omission is a picture of a model of a serpin polymer (which I am making). I think there is still quite a bit of stylistic correction and cleanup to do. Major references in the field have been added, however, secondary references should probably be added too? I think the time is right for some more general feedback from the MCB comunity, however, I'm unsure how to start the review process.

Jcwhizz 09:42, 11 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Spermatogenesis [126] High February 19, 2007 B rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 15:11, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

changed rating from top to high for consistency with similar MCB pages - tameeria 15:02, 18 February 2007 (UTC)

I'm no expert on this, so if the B rating seems wrong, please adjust. - tameeria 21:02, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Transcription (genetics) [127] High September 3, 2006 B
Translation (biology) [128] High October 23, 2006 B
Transmembrane protein [129] High November 17, 2006 B changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. This article seems to overlap with integral membrane protein. - tameeria 22:40, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
5-HT2A receptor [130] Mid March 6, 2007 B
Adrenergic receptor [131] Mid March 6, 2007 B
Affinity chromatography [132] Mid November 16, 2006 B
Agrobacterium tumefaciens [133] Mid March 6, 2007 B
Alpha helix [134] Mid August 29, 2006 B
Amyloid [135] Mid November 22, 2006 B
Angiogenesis [136] Mid November 4, 2006 B
Aquaporin [137] Mid October 2, 2006 B This article is the result of a recent merger between two older articles. As a result, it is basically just two articles on one page. Needs a full going-over. – ClockworkSoul 21:40, 2 October 2006 (UTC) (edit comment)
Auxin [138] Mid March 12, 2007 B
Bacterial cell structure [139] Mid September 26, 2006 B
Bcl-2 [140] Mid March 6, 2007 B
Beta sheet [141] Mid August 29, 2006 B 07:57, 15 March 2007 (UTC)the description under the diagram of beta sheet is wrong, the one on the left should be parallel and the one on the right should be antiparallel instead. 07:57, 15 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Botulinum toxin [142] Mid November 14, 2006 B
Caspase [143] Mid December 8, 2006 B
Chemotaxis [144] Mid October 18, 2006 B
Chymotrypsin [145] Mid October 18, 2006 B
Complement system [146] Mid September 5, 2006 B
DNA sequencing [147] Mid March 6, 2007 B
Eicosanoid [148] Mid January 4, 2007 B David.Throop is trying to get this article up to A-class standard, all alone. He's added a ton of info, but needs help with some things. Please check out the page! Ciar 17:09, 13 January 2007 (UTC)
I've asked for Peer review.David.Throop 23:42, 26 January 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
G protein [149] Mid November 23, 2006 B
G protein-coupled receptor [150] Mid December 15, 2006 B
Immunoglobulin E [151] Mid January 25, 2007 B
Immunostaining [152] Mid December 3, 2006 B
Interferon [153] Mid January 1, 2007 B
Interleukin 2 [154] Mid January 1, 2007 B
Leukotriene [155] Mid January 4, 2007 B
Lymphocyte [156] Mid November 17, 2006 B
Macrophage [157] Mid January 3, 2007 B
Major histocompatibility complex [158] Mid December 30, 2006 B
Methionine [159] Mid August 29, 2006 B Hi, I would like to know information about SAMe (s-adenosyl-methionine) and in particular, claims that it can aid in recovery of depression. (edit comment)
MicroRNA [160] Mid December 7, 2006 B
NF-kB [161] Mid November 26, 2006 B
Nuclear transport [162] Mid October 2, 2006 B
Osteoclast [163] Mid January 12, 2007 B
P53 [164] Mid September 27, 2006 B
Pichia pastoris [165] Mid February 17, 2007 B
Prostaglandin [166] Mid January 4, 2007 B
Protein purification [167] Mid August 30, 2006 B
RuBisCO [168] Mid August 30, 2006 B
SNARE (protein) [169] Mid September 21, 2006 B
Small interfering RNA [170] Mid September 8, 2006 B
Superantigen [171] Mid January 15, 2007 B
T cell receptor [172] Mid January 1, 2007 B
TATA Binding Protein [173] Mid November 17, 2006 B
TGF beta signaling pathway [174] Mid August 29, 2006 B
Telomere [175] Mid September 20, 2006 B
Thymocyte [176] Mid December 11, 2006 B
Trypsin [177] Mid October 18, 2006 B
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha [178] Mid January 1, 2007 B
Turn (biochemistry) [179] Mid August 29, 2006 B
Western blot [180] Mid August 30, 2006 B
CD36 [181] Low January 21, 2007 B
CD90 [182] Low December 7, 2006 B
Cancer stem cell [183] Low September 28, 2006 B
Chemotaxis assay [184] Low October 18, 2006 B
Cyanine [185] Low December 25, 2006 B
DNA clamp [186] Low November 19, 2006 B
Interleukin 17 [187] Low January 4, 2007 B
Microbial metabolism [188] Low December 31, 2006 B
Phi value analysis [189] Low August 29, 2006 B (edit comment)
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 [190] Low October 18, 2006 B
Urokinase [191] Low October 18, 2006 B
Vitronectin [192] Low October 18, 2006 B
Acetylcholine receptor [193] Top February 20, 2007 Start
Active transport [194] Top February 18, 2007 Start rated top as high school level/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:17, 17 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Adhesion [195] Top February 18, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:19, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

This page could use some more detail on molecular (biochemical) adhesion, including definition and differences between adhesion and cohesion. - tameeria 17:32, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Amphiphile [196] Top February 18, 2007 Start Talk:Amphiphile/Comments (edit comment)
Asexual reproduction [197] Top February 19, 2007 Start Rated "top" as high school/SAT biology topic and general knowledge/interest. The article needs expansion, specifically reproduction via asexual spores in certain fungi etc. - tameeria 04:03, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Autotroph [198] Top February 19, 2007 Start Rated "top" as high school/SAT biology content and general concept of metabolism. - tameeria 05:01, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Base pair [199] Top February 19, 2007 Start Rated "top" as high school/SAT biology content and crucial to understanding DNA structure, replication, and transcription. - tameeria 23:22, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Biomolecule [200] Top October 29, 2006 Start high school biology/SAT content + general knowledge/overview; changed rating from high to top - tameeria 15:11, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Biotechnology [201] Top November 27, 2006 Start
Capillary action [202] Top February 19, 2007 Start Rated "top" as high school/SAT biology content and important biophysical concept, e.g. water conduction in plant cells. The article could need some expansion with biological examples and context. - tameeria 05:10, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Catecholamine [203] Top February 25, 2007 Start
Cell cycle [204] Top September 9, 2006 Start high school/SAT biology knowledge and important overview; changed rating from high to top - tameeria 15:12, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Cell division [205] Top September 5, 2006 Start Changed rating to "top" as cell division is a basic principle of cell biology and important e.g. to understand cancer - tameeria 19:37, 22 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Cell membrane [206] Top August 29, 2006 Start Fluid mosaic model should get the top importance rating; it currently redirects here, which is not completely correct as it applies to biological membranes and not just the plasmalemma - tameeria 17:13, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Cell wall [207] Top August 29, 2006 Start
Central dogma of molecular biology [208] Top February 18, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content, fundamental concept in molecular biology - tameeria 14:27, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

This article needs some expert attention, e.g. "messenger DNA" section etc. - tameeria 17:55, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Chloroplast [209] Top August 29, 2006 Start
Cloning [210] Top February 19, 2007 Start Rated "top" due to public interest and media coverage of the topic. -

tameeria 03:18, 19 February 2007 (UTC)

What are the procedures for cloning?

~Alvin Pak (edit comment)

Cytoplasm [211] Top August 29, 2006 Start
Diffusion [212] Top February 18, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:30, 17 February 2007 (UTC) - Also: Concentration gradient redirects here - tameeria 19:28, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

The article could need an expansion on diffusion in biological systems. The current diffusion across biological membranes section is just a list of bullet points. - tameeria 17:59, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Electrochemical gradient [213] Top February 18, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:31, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

The biology section needs expansion. The importance of electrochemical gradients in nerve cells and neurotransmission, e.g. generation of action potential, is not even mentioned. - tameeria 18:04, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Endosymbiotic theory [214] Top February 19, 2007 Start Rated "top" as important theory of cell evolution. The article could be improved by adding a figure. It should be expanded with a section on the endosymbiotic theory of the origin of the nucleus and its problems. - tameeria 23:41, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Fat [215] Top February 22, 2007 Start Rated "top" as high school/SAT biology content and basic biomolecule of public interest - tameeria 19:57, 22 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Fermentation (biochemistry) [216] Top February 19, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:33, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

The article has no references. - tameeria 18:07, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Fertilisation [217] Top February 19, 2007 Start Rated "top" as topic of general interest. This article needs expansion, clarification of plant fertilization (e.g. flowering plants, non-flowering plants, algae etc.), addition of fungi (fertilization via plasmogamy, growth as dikaryon, and karyogamy) etc. - tameeria 04:54, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Genetic recombination [218] Top February 19, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 15:05, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

The article needs a clearer definition/distinction between meiotic recombination (chromosome crossover) and other types of naturally occuring genetic recombination, e.g. in prokaryotes or in immune cells, yeast mating type determination etc. - tameeria 18:14, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Genetically modified organism [219] Top February 19, 2007 Start Rated "top" as controversial topic with media coverage. Article may need to be looked over for NPOV. - tameeria 01:16, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Genome [220] Top September 3, 2006 Start
Heterotroph [221] Top February 19, 2007 Start Rated "top" as high school/SAT biology content and general concept of metabolism. - tameeria 05:02, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Homeostasis [222] Top March 10, 2007 Start Rated "top" as highschool/SAT biology content and important concept in an organism's survival in its environment. The biology section only talks about thermoregulation - should be expanded (e.g. with mention of osmoregulation). - tameeria 04:51, 9 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Homology (biology) [223] Top March 10, 2007 Start Rated "top" as highschool/SAT biology content; important concept in biology/evolution. - tameeria 04:55, 9 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Hormone [224] Top February 19, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:39, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

This article has no references. Also, chemical messenger redirects here, which is not entirely correct as chemical messengers can be different from hormones (e.g. second messengers, pheromones). - tameeria 18:23, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Human cloning [225] Top February 19, 2007 Start
Hydrogen bond [226] Top March 10, 2007 Start Rated "top" as high school/SAT biology content and important mechanism in biochemistry and molecular biology. - tameeria 00:01, 11 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Hydrolysis [227] Top February 19, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content, fundamental biochemical reaction of many enzymes - tameeria 14:41, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

This article needs a section on biology/biochemistry, e.g. enzymatic hydrolysis, ATP hydrolysis = energy within cells etc. - tameeria 18:27, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Knockout mouse [228] Top March 10, 2007 Start
Lipid [229] Top November 10, 2006 Start
Lipid bilayer [230] Top August 29, 2006 Start
Macromolecule [231] Top March 10, 2007 Start Rated "top" as high school/SAT biology content; applies to many biomolecules such as DNA and proteins. - tameeria 01:09, 11 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Meiosis [232] Top February 19, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:48, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

The article would benefit from having pictures of the meiotic stages, e.g. prophase I stages. It needs a section on chromosome crossover and meiotic recombination. - tameeria 18:48, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Molecular biology [233] Top August 30, 2006 Start
Molecular clock [234] Top February 19, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:51, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

This article could use figures and references. Also, it should include several sections: The evolutionary molecular clock and molecular clocks for circadian rhythms and other temporal cycles in cells and organisms (e.g. hormone cycles in mammals, seasonal flowering time control in plants). - tameeria 19:04, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Molecular evolution [235] Top February 19, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:52, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

The article could benefit from a figure and a section on evolutionary models in bioinformatics, e.g. evolutionary look-back horizon in sequence comparison, point accepted mutations and PAM matrix extrapolations etc. - tameeria 19:11, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Mutant [236] Top August 30, 2006 Start high school/SAT biology content + general knowledge and popular culture (e.g. Marvel comics); changed rating from high to top - tameeria 15:25, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Neurotransmitter [237] Top February 19, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:54, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

This article has no references. Also, neurotransmission redirects here. I feel it should be a separate page describing the general mechanism of neurotransmission, whereas this one should describe the different types of neurotransmitters in more detail. - tameeria 19:20, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide [238] Top February 19, 2007 Start Rated "top" as high school/SAT biology content and for NAD's central role in electron transfer reactions in metabolism (importance rating similar to ATP). - tameeria 00:09, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Nucleic acid [239] Top September 7, 2006 Start
Osmosis [240] Top February 19, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:58, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

This article could use some cleanup/copyediting, references and a section on (or at least mention of) osmotic shock. The two example pictures don't work in my browser. - tameeria 19:25, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Ovum [241] Top February 19, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:55, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

This article is very animal-centric. It needs a section on egg cells in plants and algae, e.g. ova production in oogonia and female gametophytes. - tameeria 19:29, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Passive transport [242] Top February 19, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 14:59, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

This article has no references. Also, the picture illustrating osmosis doesn't work in my browser. - tameeria 19:30, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Peptide [243] Top October 2, 2006 Start
Ploidy [244] Top February 19, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 15:03, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

This article could benefit from pictures. I feel that diploid and haploid are important enough to have their own pages instead of redirecting here. In either case, a better explanation of diplont and haplont organisms and ploidy in biological life cycles would be helpful. - tameeria 19:51, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Prokaryote [245] Top August 30, 2006 Start
Protein biosynthesis [246] Top August 30, 2006 Start high school/SAT biology content and important MCB overview/intro to transcription, translation etc.; changed rating from high to top - tameeria 15:17, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Protein targeting [247] Top August 30, 2006 Start Changed rating to "top" as high school/SAT Biology content and overview of important mechanism in cell biology - tameeria 20:59, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Protist [248] Top November 21, 2006 Start
Secretion [249] Top February 19, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 15:08, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

This article needs to be rewritten in non-technical terms so that the average high school kid understands what it is talking about. It only talks about cellular secretion and needs biological context, sections on secretory organs (e.g. kidney) and differences between water- and land-dwellers etc. - tameeria 19:57, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Sexual reproduction [250] Top February 19, 2007 Start Rated "top" as topic of general interest. The article needs a more general intro figure. The picture only applies to diplontic organisms (aka animals) and excludes plants, fungi, most protists etc. Clear definitions and explanations of different forms of sexual reproduction are needed, e.g. sporic meiosis and alternation of phases, gametic meiosis and zygotic meiosis. Mechanisms of fertilization need to be explained as well, e.g. isogamy, anisogamy (egg and sperm cells), syngamy and karyogamy in fungi etc. - tameeria 04:23, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Spore [251] Top February 19, 2007 Start
Stem cell controversy [252] Top October 31, 2006 Start changed importance from high to top based on public interest/media coverage - tameeria 17:02, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Steroid [253] Top August 29, 2006 Start
Toxin [254] Top February 19, 2007 Start Rated "top" as high school/SAT biology content and topic of general interest. The article is more stub than start and needs references. - tameeria 01:08, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Transgenic plant [255] Top February 19, 2007 Start Rated "top" as controversial topic with media coverage. The article could use some figures to make content clearer. - tameeria 01:24, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
White blood cell [256] Top December 30, 2006 Start
Zygosity [257] Top February 19, 2007 Start rated top as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 15:15, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

This article needs references. Homo- and heterozygote is a completely different concept from mono- and dizygotic. I think the distinction needs to be made clearer, possibly by splitting the article. - tameeria 20:38, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

ATP synthase [258] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content. The article needs expansion (e.g. ATP synthase in different organisms) and references. - tameeria 23:05, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
ATPase [259] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content. The article would benefit from figures and expansion beyond transmembrane ATPases (e.g. adding other families such as AAA+ ATPases etc.) - tameeria 23:02, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Acetyl-CoA [260] High February 19, 2007 Start rated High as high school/SAT biology topic, part of cell metabolism - tameeria 14:47, 18 February 2007 (UTC)

This article has no references/sources. - tameeria 20:43, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Adenine [261] High September 7, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 21:09, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Adenosine monophosphate [262] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 03:51, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Alanine transaminase [263] High March 6, 2007 Start I set article importance to "high", given that this appears to be a standard part of common blood test batteries. linas 03:54, 5 April 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Allele [264] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content. This article needs an explanation what an allele is from a molecular biology perspective. The current explanation is extremely insufficient. - tameeria 23:14, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Amine [265] High February 19, 2007 Start Amine group redirects here. It is a term used in high school. As such, I gave it a "high" rating. The article could use some more biological context, e.g. amine groups in amino acids. - tameeria 03:56, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Amoebozoa [266] High February 8, 2007 Start
Anaerobic respiration [267] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated high as high school/SAT biology content. This article overlaps with fermentation (biochemistry). - tameeria 23:11, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Anaphase [268] High November 19, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 21:20, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Angiotensin [269] High March 18, 2007 Start
Antigen [270] High March 6, 2007 Start
Autologous [271] High December 3, 2006 Start Changed rating to high based on medical/general importance of the term. - tameeria 21:56, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
B cell [272] High January 4, 2007 Start
BRCA1 [273] High March 6, 2007 Start
BRCA2 [274] High March 6, 2007 Start
Beta-galactosidase [275] High March 8, 2007 Start
Binary fission [276] High March 6, 2007 Start
Biological life cycle [277] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content. This article ties in with ploidy. It could use some references/sources. - tameeria 23:17, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
C3 carbon fixation [278] High March 8, 2007 Start
C4 carbon fixation [279] High March 8, 2007 Start
Carboxylic acid [280] High February 19, 2007 Start Carboxyl group redirects here. Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content. The article needs a section on biological context, e.g. carboxyl groups on amino acids etc. - tameeria 05:26, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Carotenoid [281] High September 2, 2006 Start
Catalase [282] High February 14, 2007 Start
Cell adhesion [283] High January 8, 2007 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 21:46, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Cell envelope [284] High December 25, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 22:00, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Cellulose [285] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content, part of plant cell walls. - tameeria 05:28, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Centromere [286] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content, part of chromosome. - tameeria 05:30, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Centrosome [287] High August 29, 2006 Start
Chitin [288] High October 18, 2006 Start
Chlorophyll [289] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 05:32, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Chromosomal crossover [290] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content, part of meiosis and genetic recombination. - tameeria 23:27, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Citric acid cycle [291] High September 26, 2006 Start Comment: This is high school/SAT biology content, part of cell metabolism. - tameeria 14:54, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Coenzyme A [292] High March 6, 2007 Start
Collagen [293] High September 24, 2006 Start
Condensation reaction [294] High February 22, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content (dehydration synthesis redirects here) - tameeria 19:43, 22 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Consensus sequence [295] High September 4, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is important for molecular biology (promoters) and bioinformatics (DNA pattern recognition). The article needs to be expanded to include biological significance (e.g. binding sites for transcription factors) and examples (e.g. TATA box) etc. - tameeria 22:46, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Crista [296] High February 22, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content, part of mitochondrion - tameeria 19:30, 22 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Cysteine [297] High September 4, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this amino acid is specifically mentioned in high school/SAT biology prep material - tameeria 19:32, 22 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Cytochrome c [298] High February 22, 2007 Start rated "high" as this protein is specifically mentioned in high school/SAT biology prep material - tameeria 19:34, 22 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Cytokinesis [299] High November 19, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 21:44, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Cytosine [300] High September 7, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 21:10, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Cytoskeleton [301] High August 30, 2006 Start
Cytosol [302] High December 7, 2006 Start
DNA polymerase [303] High November 17, 2006 Start
DNA sequence [304] High March 6, 2007 Start
Deoxyribose [305] High February 22, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content; building piece of DNA - tameeria 19:44, 22 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Electron microscope [306] High February 19, 2007 Start
Embryonic stem cell [307] High September 28, 2006 Start There are three articles that can be made into one: Stem cells, Adult stem cells, and embryonic stem cells.

Changed rating from top to high to make it consistent with adult stem cell and because this is also covered by stem cell and stem cell controversy. - tameeria 17:04, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Endocytosis [308] High September 4, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 21:15, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Ethanol fermentation [309] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content, part of metabolism. - tameeria 23:43, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Exocytosis [310] High September 8, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 21:16, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Exon [311] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content, part of gene structure. - tameeria 23:48, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Extremophile [312] High December 25, 2006 Start
Fatty acid [313] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content, part of biomolecules. - tameeria 23:45, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Flagellum [314] High August 30, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 21:42, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Flavin [315] High February 22, 2007 Start FADH2 redirects here, probably should redirect/be merged with FAD - rated "high" for high school/SAT biology content (FADH2) - tameeria 19:55, 22 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Flavonoid [316] High September 2, 2006 Start
Fructose [317] High March 10, 2007 Start Rated "high" as highschool/SAT biology content. - tameeria 04:29, 9 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
GD2 [318] High March 1, 2007 Start
GM1 [319] High March 1, 2007 Start
Ganglioside [320] High March 1, 2007 Start
Gangliosidosis [321] High March 1, 2007 Start
Gene prediction [322] High January 13, 2007 Start Changed rating to high as important method in bioinformatics analysis of genomes. - tameeria 22:08, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Genetic engineering [323] High March 26, 2007 Start
Genetic linkage [324] High March 10, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content; the article is lacking references. - tameeria 01:05, 11 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Glycogen [325] High March 10, 2007 Start Rated "high" as highschool/SAT biology content. The article needs referencing. - tameeria 04:37, 9 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Growth factor [326] High November 13, 2006 Start
Guanine [327] High September 7, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 21:10, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Helicase [328] High November 17, 2006 Start
Histone [329] High August 30, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 21:51, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Inner membrane [330] High March 10, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content - tameeria 00:28, 11 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Integral membrane protein [331] High September 6, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. The article seems to overlap with transmembrane protein. - tameeria 22:42, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Intermembrane space [332] High March 10, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content; the article should be expanded by adding the intermembrane space of the nuclear envelope. - tameeria 00:30, 11 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Intron [333] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content, part of gene structure. - tameeria 23:56, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Ionic bond [334] High March 10, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 00:33, 11 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Karyotype [335] High February 19, 2007 Start
Kinase [336] High November 25, 2006 Start
Lysosome [337] High August 29, 2006 Start
Metaphase [338] High November 19, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content, part of mitosis and meiosis. - tameeria 21:34, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Molecular motors [339] High August 30, 2006 Start
Monosaccharide [340] High November 28, 2006 Start high school/SAT biology content, part of carbohydrates; changed importance from top to high for consistency with disaccharide - tameeria 15:05, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Negative feedback [341] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content. This article needs biological/biochemical examples of feedback regulation, e.g. of enzyme activity or gene expression. It also needs references. - tameeria 00:17, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Nuclear envelope [342] High September 12, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 21:43, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Nucleotide [343] High September 25, 2006 Start
Oligonucleotide [344] High September 7, 2006 Start rna can be used as a primer for PCR as well. should this point also be added to the page??? (edit comment)
Oxidative stress [345] High January 6, 2007 Start Changed rating to "high" because of medical importance. - tameeria 22:22, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Phospholipid [346] High August 30, 2006 Start I think an entry on phosphatidyl glycerol should be added. I would do it except I don't understand how to add pictures to an article and last time I accidentally uploaded a picture they got mad at me for not sourcing it properly. Lash miller 01:55, 9 November 2006 (UTC) (edit comment)
Plant cell [347] High September 8, 2006 Start
Polysaccharide [348] High August 29, 2006 Start
Positive feedback [349] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content. This article needs biological/biochemical examples of feedback regulation, e.g. of enzyme activity or gene expression. It also needs references. - tameeria 00:19, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Posttranslational modification [350] High August 30, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" for consistency with post-transcriptional modification. - tameeria 00:28, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Promoter [351] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as part of gene structure, goes together with exon, intron and terminator (genetics). The article needs references/sources. - tameeria 01:05, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Protein folding [352] High August 29, 2006 Start
Protein methods [353] High August 31, 2006 Start
Protein structure prediction [354] High August 30, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is an important method in bioinformatics. - tameeria 22:17, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Protein-protein interaction [355] High November 17, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is an overview of protein-protein interaction. The article needs to be expanded to include sections on common interaction domains, biological significance, e.g. homo- and heterodimer formation of transcription factors etc. - tameeria 22:27, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Proteomics [356] High August 30, 2006 Start
Protoplast [357] High September 8, 2006 Start Changed rating to high as this is high school/SAT biology content. The article goes together with plasmolysis and cell wall. - tameeria 22:29, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Purine [358] High September 7, 2006 Start
Pyrimidine [359] High September 7, 2006 Start
RNA world hypothesis [360] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as important theory on the origin of life. This article might need to be looked over by experts for NPOV and updated references. - tameeria 00:33, 19 February 2007 (UTC)

This article misrepresents the role of the RNA world hypothesis in the evolution of life. It is not widely presented as the origin of life, but as an important intermediate between original life and current DNA+protein based life. - Zephyris Talk 15:25, 25 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Receptor (biochemistry) [361] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content, goes together with hormone, chemical messenger and signal transduction. The article is a bit listy and needs references. It is lacking information on molecular photoreceptors, e.g. rhodopsin in retinal cells and phytochrome and cryptochrome in plant cells. - tameeria 00:43, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Resting potential [362] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" for consistency with action potential. Article needs references/sources. - tameeria 00:37, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Restriction enzyme [363] High August 29, 2006 Start
Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction [364] High January 2, 2007 Start is the process of Real time PCR similar to the Reverse transcriptase PCR? (edit comment)
Serine protease [365] High January 21, 2007 Start
Sex-determination system [366] High February 19, 2007 Start "Sex chromosome" redirects here. Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 04:59, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Site-directed mutagenesis [367] High March 14, 2007 Start
Structural biology [368] High August 29, 2006 Start
T cell [369] High January 4, 2007 Start
Telophase [370] High November 19, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as high school/SAT biology content, part of mitosis. - tameeria 22:30, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Tertiary structure [371] High December 18, 2006 Start
Thylakoid [372] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content. Pictures would be helpful. - tameeria 00:58, 19 February 2007 (UTC)

This article could be expanded further with details on thylakoid proteomics studies and thylakoid protein targeting and processing. - tameeria 18:59, 5 April 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Thymine [373] High August 30, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 21:13, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Tissue (biology) [374] High September 8, 2006 Start
Topoisomerase [375] High November 12, 2006 Start
Transcription factor [376] High September 4, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content and central to molecular biology. The article needs serious attention, e.g. an explanation how transcription factors work, more general expansion on classes of transcription factors etc. - tameeria 22:34, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Transfer RNA [377] High February 19, 2007 Start Rated "high" as high school/SAT biology content, important to translation (biology). The article needs references/sources. - tameeria 01:13, 19 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Uracil [378] High September 7, 2006 Start Changed rating to "high" as this is high school/SAT biology content. - tameeria 21:14, 18 February 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Vacuole [379] High August 29, 2006 Start
Vesicle (biology) [380] High August 29, 2006 Start
X-ray crystallography [381] High September 7, 2006 Start The single crystal diffraction section needs a discussion of inorganic materials (e.g. that XRD is used extensively in silicon and compound semiconductor work). (edit comment)
1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate [382] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
5' cap [383] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
5-HT receptor [384] Mid March 6, 2007 Start More references needed throughout. -- MarcoTolo 01:27, 6 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
A-DNA [385] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
ARF (G-Protein) [386] Mid February 23, 2007 Start
ATP-binding cassette transporter genes [387] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
Adaptor protein [388] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
Adenosine deaminase [389] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
Adherens junction [390] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
Adhesin [391] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
Adipocyte [392] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
Adrenocorticotropic hormone [393] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
Advanced glycation endproduct [394] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
Agarose gel electrophoresis [395] Mid March 4, 2007 Start The article has some has some good points but has the following correctable faults. I will try to address these.

1. Confusing use of 'strands' in the first section. No mention of RNA.
Changed TransControl 23:24, 2 March 2007 (UTC)
2. Does not list how or why it is usually used.
3. Diverges into long sections on EtBr (indeed most of the current references are on this) when there are excellent resources on the web about agarose gel electrophoresis.
Changed TransControl 23:24, 2 March 2007 (UTC)
4. Irrelevant material regarding 2D protein gels, should be elsewhere.
Changed TransControl 23:24, 2 March 2007 (UTC)
5. Resolution limits are misleading, most experiments would separate fragments 100bp 20kbp at most. PFE is a separate technique requiring different specialised equipment, should be another article.
PFE article now linked.
6. The details on the 'Preparation' and 'Procedure' are misleading, for example 'Boil solution' implies doing more than bringing it to the boil to dissolve the agarose. As most researchers who have boiled agarose by accident know, boiling for long will ruin your gel and is likely to boil over in the microwave. I think this detailed protocol is not really appropriate for an article, links to external sites with detailed protocols would suffice.
7. The gel photos are not well described or very informative.

(replaced first gel picture Dr d12 00:22, 7 March 2007 (UTC))

Yes very good TransControl 09:35, 9 March 2007 (UTC)
8. "Materials, preparation, procedure, analysis" sections read like a how-to copied directly from an introductory level lab manual. Dr d12 00:29, 7 March 2007 (UTC
Indeed, I'm not sure this detail belongs in wikipedia, 2 above is much more important. TransControl 09:35, 9 March 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Alanine [396] Mid August 29, 2006 Start
Alcohol dehydrogenase [397] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
Aldolase A [398] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
Alkaline phosphatase [399] Mid October 18, 2006 Start
Alu sequence [400] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
Amoeboid [401] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
Amyloid beta [402] Mid November 22, 2006 Start
Androgen receptor [403] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
Aneuploidy [404] Mid March 6, 2007 Start
See also: assessed article categories. Last update: April 7, 2007

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