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Holy Trinity Church in Verkiai elderate, overlooking Neris River
Holy Trinity Church in Verkiai elderate, overlooking Neris River

Verkiai (Polish: Werki) is a name of an elderate in Vilnius, Lithuania and also the name of a settlement, historically situated north of Vilnius but today a part of Vilnius city municipality and a capital of Verkiai elderate.

Verkiai has been known from Middle Ages, since a bishop's palace was built here. It has been a residence of noble families in Verkiai Palace (Polish: pałac w Werkach).

Verkiai palace
Verkiai palace

Verkiai elderate is a northernmost elderate of Vilnius. It occupies 5,565 ha and has 30,000 inhabitants. It is rich in architectural monuments and historical sites. Verkiai Calvaries is the best known and the second oldest Way of the Cross in Lithuania. Almost all chapels and gates (except those nearby the Roman Catholic Church of The Discovery of The Holy Cross), predominantly in Baroque style, were demolished by Soviets in 1963 and reconstructed until 2004. The Holy Trinity Church in Baroque style and a Trinitarian monastery in Trinapolis is along the way.

Verkiai Regional Park has been established to preserve a valuable composition of historical, cultural and architectural landmarks and natural places.

[edit] External links

Elderates of Vilnius Vilnius Coat of Arms

Antakalnis | Fabijoniškės | Grigiškės | Justiniškės | Karoliniškės | Lazdynai | Naujamiestis | Naujininkai | Naujoji Vilnia | Paneriai (Žemieji, Aukštieji) | Pašilaičiai | Pilaitė | Rasos | Senamiestis | Šeškinė | Šnipiškės | Verkiai | Vilkpėdė | Viršuliškės | Žirmūnai | Žvėrynas

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