Veps language

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Veps language
Spoken in: Russia 
Region: Veps Autonomous Rural district, Republic of Karelia; Vologda Oblast
Total speakers: 6,355 (1989 census [1])
Language family: Uralic
    Veps language
Language codes
ISO 639-1: none
ISO 639-2: fiu
ISO 639-3: vep

The Veps language (also known as Vepsian), spoken by the Vepsians (also known as Veps), belongs to the Baltic-Finnic group of the Finno-Ugric languages.

According to Soviet statistics, 8 000 people were self-designated ethnic Veps at the end of the 1970s.

According to the location of the people, the language is divided into three main dialects: Northern Veps (at Lake Onega to the south of Petrozavodsk, to the north of river Syväri, including the Veps Autonomous Rural district), Central Veps (in the Saint Petersburg region), and Southern Veps (in the Vologda Oblast). The Northern dialect seems the most distinct of the three; however, it is still possible for speakers of one dialect group to understand those of another. Speakers of the Northern dialect call themselves Ludi, or Ludilainen. Their language is sometimes classified as an offshoot of Karelian.


[edit] Grammar

Veps is an agglutinating language.

[edit] Nouns

In Veps, 12 cases exist:

Case Singular Plural
Nominative nado (sister-in-law) nadod
Genitive nadon nadoid'en
Accusative nadon, nado nadod
Partitive nadod nadoid
Translative nadoks nadoikš
Abessive nadota nadoita
Innesive-Elative nados nadoiš
Illative nadoho nadoihe
Adessive-Ablative nadou nadoil'
Allative nadole nadoil'e
Instructive rubl'iń (with rouble) (-)

[edit] Personal pronouns

The personal pronouns are of Finno-Ugric origin:

Veps English
m´ińa I
śińa you
h´än he/she/it
m´ii we
t´ii you (plural)
h´ii they

[edit] Numbers

Number Veps
1 ükś
2 kakś
3 kuume
4 ńel'l'
5 v´iž
6 kuź
7 śiičeme
8 kahesa
9 ühesa
10 k´ümńe

[edit] External links

Finno-Ugric languages
Ugric Hungarian | Khanty | Mansi
Permic Komi | Komi-Permyak | Udmurt
Finno-Volgaic Mari | Erzya | Moksha | Merya† | Meshcherian† | Muromian†
Sami Akkala Sami† | Inari Sami | Kemi Sami† | Kildin Sami | Lule Sami | Northern Sami | Pite Sami | Skolt Sami | Southern Sami | Ter Sami | Ume Sami
Baltic-Finnic Estonian | Finnish | Ingrian | Karelian | Kven | Livonian | Ludic | Meänkieli | South Estonian | Veps | Votic | Võro
† denotes extinct