Ventura printers

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From the middle of the XIX century for about 100 years, in Granada there were several firms with the name Ventura in the following related business: bookshop, editor, printer, typography and lithography.


[edit] The firms

The firms could be related, they might have changed their names or merged.

[edit] Paulino Ventura Sabatel

  • Imprenta Paulino Ventura Sabatel (also spelled as Imprenta Paulino Ventura y Sabatel)
  • Librería Paulino Ventura Sabatel
  • Imprenta y Librería de Paulino Ventura Sabatel
  • Imprenta Hermano de Paulino Ventura (also spelled as H° de Paulino Ventura)
  • Imprenta y Libreria de la Viuda é Hijos de Paulino Sabatel

[edit] Paulino Ventura Traveset

  • Tipografía Litografía Paulino Ventura Traveset

[edit] Indalecio Ventura López

  • Imprenta Indalecio Ventura
  • Tipografía Indalecio Ventura López

[edit] Terms

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