Ventura Pons
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Ventura Pons (born July 25, 1945 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) is a Catalan director.
After a decade as a theatre director, Ventura Pons directed his first film in 1977, Ocaña, an Intermittent Portrait, which was officially selected by the 1978 Cannes Film Festival. With sixteen feature films, fourteen of which were produced by his own company Els Films de la Rambla, S.A., founded in 1985, he has become one of the best-known Catalan film directors.
[edit] Filmography
- La Vida Abismal - 2006
- Animals Ferits (Animales Heridos) - 2005
- Idiot Love (Amor idiota) - 2004
- El Gran Gato (The Great Gato) - 2002
- Food Of Love (Menja d'amor) - 2001
- Anita Takes a Chance (Anita no perd el tren) - 2000
- To Die (Or Not) (Morir (o no)) - 1999
- Beloved/Friend (Amic / Amat) - 1998
- Caresses (Carícies) - 1997
- Actresses (Actrius) - 1996
- What It's All About (El perquè de tot plegat) - 1994
- Rosita, Please! - 1993
- Tonight Or Never (Aquesta nit o mai) - 1992
- What's Your Bet, Mari Pili? (Què t'hi jugues, Mari Pili?) - 1990
- Dammed Misery! (Puta misèria!) - 1989
- The Blonde at the Bar (La rossa del bar) - 1986
- The Vicary Of Olot (El vicari d'Olot) - 1981
- Ocaña, an Intermittent Portrait (Ocaña, retrat intermitent) - 1978