Venomous mammals

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Venomous mammals are animals of the class Mammalia that produce venom, which they use to kill or disable prey, or to defend from predators. In modern nature, venomous mammals are quite rare. Venom is much more common among other vertebrates; there are many more species of venomous/poisonous reptiles (e.g. snakes), amphibians (e.g. poison dart frogs), and fish (e.g. stonefish). There are no species of venomous bird, however some birds are poisonous to eat or touch, such as the pitohui and the ifrita and the rufous shrike-thrush.

The Cuban solenodon has a venomous bite
The Cuban solenodon has a venomous bite

There are suggestions that venomous mammals were once more common. Canine teeth dated at 60 million years old from two extinct species, the shrew-like Bisonalveus browni and another unidentified mammal, show grooves that some paleontologists have argued are indicative of a venomous bite. However, other scientists have questioned this conclusion given that many living nonvenomous mammals (e.g., many primates, coatis and fruit bats) also have deep grooves down the length of their canines, suggesting that this feature does not always reflect an adaptation to venom delivery.

To explain the rarity of venom delivery in Mammalia, Mark Dufton of the University of Strathclyde has suggested that modern animals do not need venom because they are smart and effective enough to kill quickly with tooth or claw; whereas venom, no matter how sophisticated, takes time to disable prey. Indeed, the venomous insectivore, the solenodon, is now being driven from its native habitats by introduced dogs, cats, and mongooses.

Listed below are mammals that are venomous or that use poisonous or noxious chemicals in some form.


[edit] Venomous

Cuban Solenodon (Atopogale cubana) & Haitian Solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus)
Solenodons look similar to big hedgehogs with no coat of spines. They both have venomous bites; the venom is delivered from modified salivary glands via grooves in their second lower incisors.
The calcaneous spur found on the male platypus's hind limb is used to deliver venom.
The calcaneous spur found on the male platypus's hind limb is used to deliver venom.
Platypus (Ornithorhyncus anatinus)
Males have a venomous spur on their hind legs. Echidnas, the other monotremes, have spurs but no functional venom glands.
Eurasian water shrew (Neomys fodiens)
Capable of delivering a venomous bite.
Northern Short-tailed Shrew (Blarina brevicauda)
Capable of delivering a venomous bite.
Southern Short-tailed Shrew (Blarina carolinensis) & Elliot's Short-tailed Shrew (Blarina hylophaga)
Possibly have a venomous bite.

[edit] Venomous/poisonous

Slow loris (Nycticebus coucang)
Glands on the inside of their elbows secrete a toxin that smells like sweaty socks. They cover their babies in the toxin to protect them from predators, and put it in their mouths to give themselves a venomous bite, delivering the toxin via their lower incisors.

[edit] Chemical defense

Family Mephitidae
Skunks can eject a noxious fluid from glands near their anus. It is not only foul smelling, but can cause skin irritation and, if it gets in the eyes, temporary blindness. Some members of the mustelid family, such as the striped polecat (Ictonyx striatus), also have this capacity to an extent. Pangolins can also emit a noxious smelling fluid from glands near the anus.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  • Fox RC, Scott CS (2005). "First evidence of a venom delivery apparatus in extinct mammals". Nature 435 (7045): 1091-3.  PMID 15973406
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