Vengeance (comics)

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Vengeance on the cover to Ghost Rider (vol. 2) #46.

Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance
Created by
Alter ego Michael Badilino
Affiliations NYPD, Midnight Sons (former), Venom
Notable aliases Ghost Rider
  • Superhuman strength
  • Immune to non-magical harm
  • Ability to make a person realize and feel the pain they have caused others
  • Ability to project both regular and ethereal flame
  • Wields a bone chain
  • Controls supernatural motorcycle

Vengeance is the name of a former supervillain turned superhero in the Marvel Universe.


[edit] Character biography

When Zarathos' hellfire (the source of the mystical flames that encompass the bones of both Vengeance and Ghost Rider) caused serious psychological damage to a police officer named Badilino, he went on to kill his wife, daughter and himself, leaving only his young son, Michael Badilino, alive. With his sister's death, Michael inherited both quarters of the "Medallion of Power" that had been entrusted to his family millennia ago by the Blood. During his twenties, Badilino joined a special task force in the army but left to join the New York City police force, after the "death" of Anton Hellgate. Eventually, Badilino was promoted to lieutenant.

When Daniel Ketch became the new Ghost Rider, Michael Badilino believed him to be the same demon that had destroyed his family. He led a task force to destroy Ghost Rider, but failed repeatedly to do so. In frustration, he turned to Mephisto, trading his soul in exchange for the power to destroy the Ghost Rider. Mephisto made the deal, but unknown to Badilino the power was the dormant portion of the shard of Medallion of Power that was bound to Badilino and only awakened by Mephisto's actions.

In his superhuman form, Badilino was called Vengeance, and originally attempted to kill Ghost Rider, believing him to be Zarathos. Eventually, Vengeance was won over to the side of good when Ghost Rider was proven not to be the demon Zarathos, the one truly responsible for Badilino's hatred. Vengeance would also take on the role of the Ghost Rider and even semi-seriously referred to himself by the name when confronted by Spider-Man shortly after the apparent death of Ghost Rider in battle with Zarathos and his acolytes, The Fallen.

Upon the return of Ghost Rider, Vengeance left New York, and re-joined a special governmental task force. One of their first missions was to free hostages, and stop the terrorist. When they found the hostages, Badilino was shocked to discover that the hostages had already been murdered prior to their arrival. Badilino transformed into Vengeance and went insane, setting out to kill anyone who had done but the smallest of sins. Vengeance's actions were brought to the attention of Ghost Rider and Blaze and they immediately set out to show Vengeance the error of his ways or destroy him. Badilino however, realizing that his alter ego Vengeance was out of control, killed himself, along with the villain Hellgate, by triggering a massive explosion through his hellfire.

Badilino's death meant that he was damned to Hell for all eternity, where his punishment was eternal stinging by scorpions. Vengeance was discovered by Daniel Ketch, and Naomi Kale in Hell, while they were on a mission. After being freed by Dan and Naomi, Vengeance reappeared in the last four issues of Ghost Rider Vol. 2, involved in Blackheart's plans to kill Noble Kale. Vengeance aided the Ghost Rider in the ensuing battle, and Blackheart was destroyed. Noble Kale asked Vengeance to aid him in governing Hell. Vengeance's current status is unknown.

[edit] Powers and Appearance

He possesses powers more in line with those of the Zarathos version of Ghost Rider, though he did possess the Penance Stare and his motorcycle also seemed to share characteristics with the version used by Noble Kale. He was characterised by his skull being deep purple, and multiple spikes protruding from his skeleton. He can detach some of these and use them as weapons. Vengeance has a slightly different appearance in the Ghost Rider video game. His Skull is no longer purple but still retains the protruding spikes. He has a more demonic look with his rib cage poping out of his chest. His Cycle is slightly different in that it has a dragon head skull instead of a normal skull. His Bone Chain is also alittle different. [1]

Vengeance's powers come from a shard of "Medallion of Power" that has been bound to him since his birth. Contrary to frequent assumptions that Badilino possesses half of the medallion (two parts, one originally belonging to him and one to his sister), it has been confirmed in replies to fan letters that Vengeance only possesses a single part of the artifact, i.e. one third.

[edit] Appearances in other media

[edit] Video games

  • In addition, a Vengeance action figure was created in the Ghost Rider movie line based on this game appearance, though he didn't actually appear in the movie, other than this Hellcycle.[3]

[edit] External links

  1. ^ Vengeance 3D Model. Marvel Comics. Retrieved on March 11, 2007.
  2. ^ Ghost Rider cheats. GameFAQs. Retrieved on February 28, 2007.
  3. ^ Ghost Rider Vengeance Figure. Retrieved on February 28, 2007.
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