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Regione Veneto
Map highlighting the location of Veneto in Italy
Capital Venice
President Giancarlo Galan
(Forza Italia-House of Freedoms)
Provinces 7
Comuni 581
Area 18,391.22 km²
 - Ranked 8th (6.0 %)
Population (2006 est.)
 - Total

 - Ranked
 - Density

5th (8.0 %)

Veneto or Venetia is one of the 20 regions of Italy. The capital is Venice. Once the cradle of the renowned Venetian Republic, then a land of mass emigration, nowadays Veneto, whose population exceeds 4.7 millions, is among the wealthiest and most industrialized regions of Italy. Veneto natural, historical and artistic beauties make it the most visited Italian region, with about 60 million tourists every year. Spoken languages are Venetian, Ladin, and Italian (a law recognising Venetian as a regional official language has been approved by the regional Parliament 29/03/2007). The Regional Constitution, approved by the Italian Parliament in 1971 with the law n.340, recognizes Veneto inhabitants as a specific people ("popolo" in Italian).


[edit] Geography

Veneto is located in the northeastern part of Italy, bordering on the Italian regions of Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy, the autonomous Italian regions of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol and Friuli Venezia Giulia, and the nation of Austria. It lies between the Alps and the Adriatic Sea and is crossed by the rivers Po, Adige, Brenta and Piave.

The Veneto itself is subdivided into seven provinces:

Map of Veneto.

[edit] History

[edit] The Venetic period

Between 2nd and 1st millenniums BC the region was inhabited first by the Euganei. According to ancient historians, the Veneti (sometimes called the Paleo-Veneti), came from the Balkans at the time of the Fall of Troy, led by prince Antenor, a comrade of Aeneas. In 7th-6th centuries BC the local populations of the Veneto entered into contact with the Etruscans and Greeks. Venetic culture reached a highpoint during the 4th c. B.C. and the Veneti were especially known for their trade in amber, which they acquired from the Baltic, and for their breeding of horses. Cities established by the Veneti include Este, Padua, Oderzo, Adria, Vicenza, Verona, and Altino. See also:

[edit] The Roman period

During the 3rd Century B.C., the Veneti, together with the Cenomani Celts on their western border, sided with the Romans as Rome expanded and struggled against the Insubri and Boi Celts. During the Second Punic War (218 B.C. – 202 B.C.), the Veneti sent a contingent of soldiers to fight alongside Rome against Hannibal and the invading Carthaginians. Veneti were among those slaughtered at the Battle of Cannae (216 B.C.). In 181 B.C., a Roman triumvirate of Publius Scipio Nasica, Caius Flaminius and Lucius Manlius Acidinus led three thousand families, mainly from Samnium but supplemented by native Veneti, to found a Latin colony at Aquileia as a base to protect the territory of the Veneti from incursions of the hostile Carni and Istri. Over time, Roman influence increased. In 148 B.C. the Via Postumia was completed connecting Aquileia to Genua. In 131 B.C., the Via Annia connected Adria to Patavium to Altinum to Concordia to Aquileia. Gradually, the Roman Republic transformed its alliance with the Veneti into a relationship of dominance. After the 91 B.C. Italic rebellion, the cities of the Veneti, together with the rest of Transpadania, were granted partial rights of Roman citizenship according to the Lex Pompeia Transpadanis. Later in 49 B.C., by the Lex Rubria de Gallia Rome granted full Roman citizenship to the Veneti. Such citizens would have benefitted from the Via Claudia completed in 46 B.C. and connecting Altinum to Tarvisium to Feltria to Tridentum (modern Trento). [From Tridentum it continued north to Pons Drusus and south through Verona to Mutina (modern Modena).] After the Battle of Philippi (42 B.C.), which ended the Roman Civil War, the lands of the Veneti, together with the rest of Cisalpine Gaul, ceased to be a province and the territory of the Veneti with Aquileia as its capital became region X (Venetia et Istria) of a new entity named Italia (Italy). In the Roman empire Patavium (modern Padua) became one of the most important cities of northern Italy. Gradually Venetic cities such as Opitergium (modern Oderzo), Tarvisium (modern Treviso), Feltria (modern Feltre), Vicetia (modern Vicenza), Ateste (modern Este), and Altinum (modern Altino) were Romanized.

[edit] Middle Ages

Already in 166 A.D., the Quadi and Marcomanni had briefly invade the region. In the fifth century, the area would be devastated by Alaric and then Attila and the Huns. Next came the Ostrogoths who not only invaded, but settled the land. The Lombards would do the same starting in 568 A.D. and subdivide the territory of the Veneto into numerous feuds ruled by Germanic dukes and counts. A reminder of Lombard hegemony is seen today in the palace names which begin with "[[Farra]]." Lombard duchies included Ceneda, Treviso, Vicenza, and Verona. By the middle of the eight century, the Franks had assumed political control and the Veneto became part of the Carolingian Empire. Though politically dominant these Germanic invaders were gradually absorbed into the Venetian population over the centuries. Meanwhile, the barbarian invasions served as the impetus for the founding of Venice in the uninhabited lagoon at the northwestern head of the Adriatic.

In the tenth century mainland Veneto, after suffering invasions from nearby Magyars and Slavs, was incorporated into the Holy Roman Empire. Gradually, the cities of the mainland grew in power and wealth. In 1167 an alliance (called the Lombard League) among the Venetian cities such as Padua, Treviso, Vicenza, and Verona with other cities of Northern Italy to assert their rights against the Holy Roman Emperor. The Second Treaty of Constance in 1183 confirmed the Peace of Venice of 1177 in which the cities agreed to remain part of the Empire as long as their jurisdiction over their own territories was not infringed upon. The league dissolved at the death of Emperor Frederick II in 1250. The period also witnessed the founding of the second oldest university in Italy, the University of Paduafounded in 1222. Around this time, Padua also served as home to St. Anthony, the beloved saint called simply "il santo" by the inhabitants of the town.

[edit] The Serenissima: The Republic of Venice

As the barbarians were interested in the wealth of the mainland, part of the Venetian population sought refuge on some of the isolated and unoccupied islands of lagoon, from which the city of Venetiae or Venice was born. After a period of Byzantine domination in 8th century, Venice became an independent maritime Republic ruled by its elected dux or doge.

A commercial superpower that lasted through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance it enjoyed 1100 years of uninterrupted influence in the Mediterranean. Part of Venetian Republic were Veneto, Friuli, part of Lombardy and Romagna, Istria and Dalmatia, the Ionian Islands of Corfu, Cefalonia, Ithaca and Zante, the island of Crete from XV - XVI centuries and the island of Cyprus from mid XVth century to mid XVIth century.

See also:

[edit] The modern Veneto

In 1797, Napoleon invaded the territory of the Venetian Republic. Overwhelmed by more powerful forces, Doge Ludovico Manin resigned and the thousand year old Republic disappeared as an independent state. This proved very unpopular in the mainland cities where sympathies were strongly with the Republic of Venice. In many places peasants actively attempted to resist the French invaders who arrogantly claimed to bring them liberty. By the Treaty of Campoformio signed on October 17, 1797 part of the mainland Venetian territory was handed over to the Austrian Empire and a western part was annexed to the Cisalpine Republic. The territory soon reverted back to Napoleon in 1801, but after his defeat it was handed over to Austria again. The Veneto remained in Austrian hands, except certain cities briefly in 1848, until annexed by the Kingdom of Italy.

In 1866 after the Third War of Independence the Veneto was controversely annexed in a much disputed referendum to Italy and occupied by Italian troops, the Carabinieri. In an effort to "italianize" the population, the dialects of Venetian were forbidden while often people's surnames and place names were changed.

Because of the conditions brought about by the new Italian government, the 19th century became a period of emigration. Hundreds of thousands Venetians made the difficult decision to abandon their native land and homes and seek more congenial circumstances in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; Chipilo, Mexico; other parts of South America; Australia, Canada, and the United States of America. In many of these places their descendants have maintained the use of their respective ancestral Venetian dialect.

The First World War began shortly after the Venetian pope, Pius X died. After Italy entered the War, the Veneto became a major front. The flooding of the Piave River would play a decisive part in Italian victory at the Battle of Vittorio Veneto which was fought between October 24 and November 3, 1918.

After the Second World War, the Venetian spirit of sacrifice and a family orientation played a major role in an economic recovery that harmoniously blended traditional agriculture, trade, and industry.

[edit] Economy

After the destruction and bombardments by the allied forces in Second World War the Veneto region became one of the poorest places in Italy. Nevertheless, in short time, things began to turn around. Today, the Veneto, although to a large degree agricultural, is one of the most industrialized regions of Italy, with high annual economic growth and a very dynamic economy. Some Italian newspapers have called this industrialization "The Nord-Est Miracle", due to the economic boom during the last decade of the XX° Century. During the last decade of the XX° century, a large number of Venetian industries opened some branches in eastern european countries like: Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Czech Republic. The Romanian city of Timisoara is also known as "The Newest Venetian Province", due to the high presence of venetian industries. Mr. Mario Moretti Polegato, Owner of the Geox Group (Shoes and sportswear), few years ago was named as Honorary Consul.

[edit] Agriculture

The agriculture of the region has witnessed significant progress during the past 20-30 years. The territory of Veneto is still dominated by small landholdings and agriculture is mixed. The other phenomenon is part-time work in the agricultural sector; after the working-day on a factory, people cultivate their private pieces of land. The principal agricultural products include maize, green peas, vegetables, apples, cherries, sugar beets, forage, tobacco, hemp. Significant production of grapes occurs in hilly zones, leading to the creation of well-regarded wines. The region also has extensive cattle-raising and fishing

[edit] Industry

Thanks to ancient traditional artisan activities industry takes its origins from the past century in some pre-Alpine valleys. In the last 30-40 years industrialization transformed the appearance of the landscape, especially in the plains, where hundreds of industrial complexes were built. Metallurgical and chemical plants were built in Marghera and Mestre. In other parts of the region were affirmed little and medium activities in various sectors: food, textile, chemistry, metal-mechanics, glass, electrotechnics, sight glasses (exported). Artisan production is also quite strong: Murano glass, laces of Burano and gold production of Vicenza. Apart from agriculture and industry should be noticed such activities as commerce, banking and tourism.

[edit] Politics

Once a stronghold of the Christian Democracy, Veneto is now a stronghold of the centre-right House of Freedoms coalition, which had governed the region since 1995, under President Giancarlo Galan (Forza Italia). Veneto is also home for Venetism, a political movement that appeared during the 1970s and '80s, demanding autonomy for the region, considered as a nation separated from Italy, and promoting Venetian culture, language and history. This is the political background in which was founded in 1979 the Łiga Veneta (leading autonomist party, founding member of Lega Nord in 1991), and then other parties such as the Łiga Fronte Veneto and the North-East Project. The Łiga Veneta scores always between 10 and 30%, and in the 2006 regional elections the three parties combined gained 21.5% of the votes. However, from 1999 the strongest party in the region is Forza Italia, led by combactive and autonomist Galan, who forged a strong axis with the Łiga Veneta-Lega Nord.

[edit] Demographics

A land of emigration until the 1970s, the Veneto has come to attract an influx of foreign immigrants since the economic industrial boom of the 1980s. As of 2006, the Italian national institute of statistics ISTAT estimated that 320,793 foreign-born immigrants live in Veneto, equal to 6.7% of the total regional population.

[edit] Religion

Christianity entered the region very early on. The region venerates the second century bishop St. Hermagoras and his deacon St. Fortunatus, both of Aquileia and both marytrs, as patrons. Aquileia became the metropolitan see of Venetia. Aquileia had its own liturgical rites which were used throughout the dioceses of the Veneto until the later Middle Ages when the Roman Rite replaced the Aquileian Rite.

As of 2004, over 95% of the population claimed to be Roman Catholic. The region of the Veneto along with the regions of the Friuli and Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol form the ecclesiastical region of Triveneto under the Patriarchate of Venice. The Patriarchate of Venice is an archdiocese and metroplitan see of an ecclesiastical province which includes suffragan episcopal sees of Adria-Rovigo, Belluno-Feltre, Chioggia, Concordia-Pordenone, Padua, Treviso, Verona, Vicenza, and Vittorio Veneto.[1] The Archdiocese of Venice was elevated to a honorary Patriarchate by the pope on October 8, 1457 when the Patriarchate of Grado was suppressed. The saintly first patriarch of Venice was Laurence, a nobleman of the Giustiniani family. During the twentieth century the patriarch was often also named a cardinal, and three cardinal patriarchs, Giuseppe Sarto, Angelo Roncalli, and Albino Luciani were elected popes Pius X, John XXIII, and John Paul I, respectively. The Patriarchate of Venice claims St. Mark the Evangelist as its patron. His symbol of the winged lion became a typical symbol of the Venetian Republic.

[edit] Language

Most of the people of the Veneto speak standard Italian. However, there is widespread usage of the various local dialects of Venetian. Each of the Venetian dialects derive from the Latin as spoken by the Veneti with words borrowed from Germanic invaders. The Venetian dialects are classified as an Italo-Western Romance language. Variants include an Eastern/Coastal (Venice), a Central type (Padua, Vicenza, Polesine), Western (Verona), North-Central (Treviso), and Northern (Belluno, Feltre, Agordo, Cadore, Zoldo Alto). Each is mutually intelligble to varying degrees. Ladin is spoken in parts of the province of Belluno.

[edit] Venetian Loan words in English

ciao from the greeting "I am your servant (originally: s'ciao vostro)"

zany from "Zani," the name "John"


food: artichoke, radicchio, grappa, polenta, tiramisu, prosecco

navigation: gondola, regatta

politics: ballot[[2]], doge, arsenal, ghetto

[edit] Culture

Veneti are very proud of their culture. Each section of the various towns has its patron saint whose feast day is celebrated. Many other festivals are closely allied to the religious calendar. Among these: Panevin celebrated around Epiphany; Carneval celebrated the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday; Pasqua (Easter Sunday); Saint Mark's feast day (April 25); La Sensa (Ascension Thursday); La festa del Redentor (mid July); Vendemmiare (grape harvest in September); San Nicolo de Bari (St. Nicholas, December 6); Nadal (Christmas);

[edit] Climate

The variations in climate are influenced by the particular morphology. Continental on the plains, the climate is milder along the Adriatic coast, around Lake Garda and in the open hilly areas. Winters are often harsh everywhere due to northeasterly winds: in the mountains, temperatures can be very low, as low as -35/-30°C in places like Marcesina, 1500m, near Asiago, or Cansiglio, 900m; the coastline, with Venice and just to a few kilometers from the sea, is slitghtly milder than the inner plain, but often covered by thick fog as the central and southern plain; snow is usually abundant in the mountains, where on the highest pikes it may fall even during mid summer, less frequent but not unusual at plain. Precipitation is scarce (750 mm. /year) on the lower plain, especially near river Po, more abundant (750-1,100 mm./year) on the upper plain; the highest values (up to 3,200 mm./year) are recorded in the Bellunese Prealps, near Pasubio and on the Asiago plateau.

Venice : January: 2.9 C July: 23.6 C

[edit] Main tourist attractions

The Veneto region ranks first in the tourist sector in Europe, with about 60 million tourists every year.

[edit] The cities of art

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Venice: The kaleidoscopic scenario born of an amazing, intricate and harmonious communication network of water and stone casts light and shadows unique in the world upon a city already singular for its art, history and culture. Venice and its lagoon are listed as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.

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Verona: The city of the most famous lovers in history: Romeo and Juliet.It is one of the cities that has better preserved its artistic heritage in Italy. Verona has been named a UNESCO world heritage site.

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Padua: also known as the City of the Saint, is a city of huge importance for its cultural, historical and economic aspects and the Orto botanico di Padova is on UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites.

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Vicenza is on UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites, together with a number of the Palladian Villas.

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Montagnana is a commune in the province of Padova with great famous perfectly conserved medieval walls

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Bassano del Grappa with its wooden covered bridge or Ponte degli Alpini on the river Brenta, designed in 1569 by the architect Andrea Palladio

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Marostica : The 'Chess Game' event takes place on the second weekend of September and it involves over 550 characters and lasts two hours.

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Asolo is known as 'The Pearl of province of Treviso', and also as 'The City of a Hundred Horizons'.


Este : The House of Este held the city until 1240, when they moved their capital to Ferrara.

[edit] Ville Venete

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All over the Venetian plain, but especially in the Provinces of Treviso, Padua, Vicenza and Venice, there stand numerous remarkable artistic rural constructions, the Ville Venete. The dates of construction of these villas range from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries. There are approximately five thousand Ville Venete, of which 1,400 are declared of historical and monumental interest.

  • CISA : The Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio (Palladio Centre and Museum) in Vicenza is an independent Foundation, supported by the Veneto Regional Government and by the Italian state

[edit] Parks

Cansiglio is a pre-alpine massif located in the northeastern Veneto within the provinces of Treviso and Belluno.

[edit] Mountains and Lakes

Punta San Vigilio
Punta San Vigilio

Lake Garda: the area is a major tourist destination with the picturesque lakeside resorts of Lazise, Cisano, Bardolino, Garda, Torri del Benaco and Malcesine, which offer the possibility of a quiet holiday, made more pleasurable by a mild climate and a Mediterranean-type environment.


Cortina d'Ampezzo: Probably among the three most exclusive mountain locations in Europe, Cortina is known for its first-class hotels and shops.

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Arabba, between the Sella group and the Marmolada.


Auronzo, in the upper Cadore.


Sappada, in the extreme north of the region;

[edit] Rivers

The most important rivers of the Veneto are the Piave, the Livenza, the Po, and the Adige. Smaller rivers include the Meschio and the Sile.

[edit] Thermal bath

The thermal baths at Abano Terme are also an attraction. Although the most famous, Abano is by no means the only thermal town in the area. It is however one of the prettiest and most tranquil.

[edit] Beaches

Venice's Lido is an 11-mile long sandbar, home to about 20,000 residents, greatly augmented by the (mainly Italian) tourists who move in every summer.

Jesolo is one of the most important seaside resort on the Adriatic coast, just few kilometers far from Venice. With a sandy beach more than 13km long, Jesolo is one of the longest beaches in Italy. Every year Jesolo accommodates over 4.5 million tourists.

Caorle: it is extremely pleasant to spend some time swimming in Caorle’s beautiful blue sea or sunbathing in its golden beaches, often awarded for being one of the cleanest beaches in Italy.

Bibione The clear and gentle Adriatic Sea, offer to Bibione a wide beach of golden sand. It is 10 km long, Bibione is also an important and fully equipped thermal resort

Eraclea is a small and tranquil paradise right in the middle of pine forests.

[edit] Food and wines

There are some fine wines from the Veneto region of Italy, these include: Soave, Bardolino, Recioto, Amarone, Torcolato, Prosecco, Tocai Rosso,Garganega, and Valpolicella. Other coomon wines include Verduzzo, Raboso, Moscat, Cabernet Franc, Pinot Nero, Pinot Grigio, and Merlot. Homemade wine making is widespread. From the pressed grapes grappa is made.

See also: Wines of Veneto and Wineries in the Veneto

Among the well-known cheeses of the Veneto are: Asiago (PDO) (from Asiago), Monte Veronese (PDO), Piave (PDO), Morlacco , Grana Padano (PDO).

Garda and Veneto olive oils (PDO) are other remarkable products of this region.

[edit] Fresh & cured meats

The Sopressa Vicentina (PDO) is an aged salami, cylindrical in shape and prepared with raw, quality pork meat. It may or may not include garlic in its ingredients and comes in medium and large sizes.

Prosciutto Veneto Berico-Euganeo (PDO) is obtained from the fresh meat of a top breed of adult hogs. The aroma is delicate, sweet and fragrant.

[edit] Cereals, vegetables & fruits

Radicchio Rosso di Treviso (PGI) is a peculiar vegetable with a faintly bitter taste and a crunchy texture. The production area encompasses many town districts in the provinces of Treviso, Padua and Venice.

The Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco (PGI) has a delicate and slightly sweet taste and a crunchy texture.

Veronese Vialone Nano Rice from Verona (PGI)  : a white rice with short, plump grains, which have a creamy consistency when cooked. They are commonly used in risotto dishes and have a high starch content.

The Bean of Lamon (PGI) type is particularly prized for its delicate flavour and extremely tender skin.

The White Asparagus of Cimadolmo (PGI) has a characteristic scent and a very delicate taste.

The White Asparagus of Bassano is a delight of northern Vicentino, is a shoot which has not yet broken the earth and owes its characteristic whiteness to its brief underground existence.

The S.Zeno di Montagna (Verona) chestnut (PDO) with its sweet taste.

Cerries of Marostica (PGI) in those the pulp varies in consistency from crisp to soft and the flavour is finely graded from sour to sweet.

[edit] Miscellaneous

According to Robert Putnam,[1] the "institutional performance" of Veneto's regional government is higher than average in Italy, thus Veneto belongs to what Putnam defines as "civic North". Veneto has a long tradition of high quality public health care, which can be traced to the historical heritage of the Republic of Venice.

Less satisfactory is the region's education, because, despite the presence of one of the oldest universities in the world at Padua, its rates of high school and college/university graduates is lower than the national average.[verification needed]

Veneto is also the name of the main battleship class which Italian navy possessed during World War II. The Veneto class battleship includes Vittorio Veneto and Rome. Both ships were damaged in the famous Taranto raid of the British Royal navy and participated in most of the major sea battles between Britain and Italy in the Mediterranean.

[edit] Notable people from the Veneto

[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ Putnam, R. D. Making Democracy Work. Civic traditions in modern Italy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993.

[edit] External links

Coordinates: 45°30′N, 11°45′E