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The Veleek is a fictional alien creature from the Animorphs series of books. The creatures resembles a cloud of dust but can form blades and teeth to attack its prey with. It isn't strictly one creature but millions of tiny beings acting as one.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

It was discovered by the Yeerks on one of Saturn's moons who after attacking it (unsuccessfully) with wave after wave of Hork-Bajir decided that it would be a useful weapon against the "Andalite bandits".

The Veleek could not be taken as a host so it was controlled by mutating it. The mutated form was attracted to morphing energy and would seek out and attack those it sensed morphing. The veleek's one weakness, however, was water which prevented the individual creatures from acting as one.

According to Visser Three, the word "Veleek" means "pet" in the Yeerk language.