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Vegabondsx, 18 year old College student attending Central Michigan University.


[edit] Languages

English: Fluent

Spainish: Basic

Polish: Developing

[edit] Interests and Hobbies

My current interests include Computers (information technology), Handheld Computers, Art, Sociology, and Human Rights.


I have used computers ever since my family bought a 486 Packard Bell. Since then I have owned countless PCs including a 286, an IBM Aptiva, and a custom built performance machine. I have also owned serveral Macintosh computers. My first Macintosh was a Macintosh Plus and my current Macs include a Macintosh Plus, a Macintosh SE Superdrive, a Mac Mini (PPC), and a Macbook Pro. I have also in my free time studied the history of the Macintosh Line (128k to Current Models) and also am familiar with all versions of Mac OS. For a short time I studied computer programming. I learned BASIC, Quick BASIC, Visual Basic 6, and some C. I have recently stopped developing software when I realized that I was more interested in Hardware, Software Management, and Software Engineering. Recently I have started relearning Visual Basic along with other programming languages. For a few years I was a member of a computer user group named GUPR later known as Celthrex. Celthrex GUPR has however been disband as of late 2005. Recently A former Celthrex member, a friend, and I have started a new unrelated site Celthrex-Reborn I am currently an active member of #celthrex, #nnsoftware, #palm, #applefritter, #imagi-nation and ##nonlogic on as well as #townsquare and #kfi on

Perhaps one of my largest hobbies is researching and staying familiar with technology as a whole. I am always reading reviews and staying informed with the current state of technology as well as products on the market. In my spare time I enjoy helping people with their computer problems as well as educating people on technology. I also enjoy testing current beta versions of software and helping developers improve their products.

I am familiar with nearly all handhelds running PalmOS with the exception of the Sony Clies and a few other small manufactures such as Qool and Garmin. I have owned a total of about ten PalmOS handhelds. These handhelds would include two Visor Deluxes, an m130, a Tungsten|T, a Tapwave Zodiac 1, three Palm IIIcs, a Zire, and a Zire 21. I have also own a Hitatchi HPC running Windows CE 1.0. My current Palm is the Tapwave Zodiac, which I love. It makes a great all-round organizer, office processor, media, internet, and gaming device.

A large hobby of mine is working on various art projects. In high school I have taken four credits of art, two of which are graphic art and design, and one and a half of drawing and painting. I have done extensive amounts of Printed Design such as Note Pads, Posters, and Calanders. I have also created and designed various T-Shirts. I am trained to operate printing machinery such as a Risto Graph, High-DPI Camera, Plate Burner, AB-Dick 9810 Press, AB-Dick 9820 Press, and a Heidelberg Quickmaster press. Also trough the three years that I've taken classes in the fine arts 14 pieces of my work have been featured in the school Art Fair.

Another area that strongly interests me is Sociology and Psycology. I have taken intoductory classes on both subjects and do a lot of independent study. I have also worked on serveral projects including studies of Social Deviance, the Muslim Culture, and Medicinal Drug Abuse. My studies also tie into my strong feelings regarding Human Rights. I am strongly against discrimination, conceptial ignorance, malice, and intollerance.

For a long time I have owned both a PC and MAC. Now I have only a Macbook Pro with me.

I am also a gamer. I am mostly a computer gamer, but I also game often on my n64.

[edit] Gaming

I am also a big gamer. I mostly prefer computer gaming over console gaming, although I have owned serveral consoles.

Some of my favorite Games include: (in no particular order)

The Longest Journey (Possibly my favorite) - Windows

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (Sequel) - Windows


The Dark Forces/Jedi Kight Series - MS DOS, Windows, MacOS

The No One Lives Forever Series - Windows, MacOS

Unreal Tournement Series (Especially UT04) - Windows, MacOS

Escape Velocity Series - MacOS

Earthbound - SNES

Metroid Prime Hunters - Nintendo DS

Zap 'Em - Zodiac (PalmOS 5)

Command & Conquer Series - MS DOS, Windows, MacOS, N64

Getforce Gemini - N64

The World is Not Enough - N64

More, i'm sure...

[edit] Consoles I Own

As you can see I havent been a big console fan lately (with the exception of handheld systems)

Nintendo 64: I loved my 64... and still do. The 64 had great games, and it's graphics and audio were nice for its time.

Playstation: I have a PSX, but honestly I'm not really impressed with it. Most games that I like for PSX I have for PC. And despite what some people might say... The 64 does have better graphics.

Dreamcast: I really don't have a lot of games for my Dreamcast, but its a great system never-the-less. I wish it stayed on the market for longer.

Gameboy: I have owned every gameboy model with the exception the Micro. The gameboy has a lot of great titles, and is portable.

Nintendo DS: I was a little weary when I first bought mine, but after a year I'm more than glad I did. The DS has many great games. The presence of two screens, a touch screen, and a microphone deliver many original games...

Mac/PC: What I mostly game on. ;)

Future: Maybe I will start buying consoles. I'm not really impressed by any of the current or upcoming consoles though. I am interested in Nintendo's Wii. The Wii's focus on gameplay rather than graphics is rather attractive to me.

[edit] Contributions

Pages that I have created or contributed greatly towards:


List of Palm OS devices

Tapwave Zodiac

Several Pages of different Sony Clies and other PalmOS devices.

[edit] Screen Name(s)

My screen name has changed a bit over time, and my current version has several suffixes in which have meaning.

Old Screen Names:

dgsinc: No longer used

amadeus: No longer used, although I still really like this one...

CelthrexCXK02: Name I used to use on occasion while a member of GUPR/Celthrex

Current Screen Name(s)

Vegabond: Often pernounced wrong, It's Vay-gah-bond. And no, its not supposed to be vagabond.


I often attach a suffix to my screen name that differs between what devices I use.

Vegabondsx/Vegabondx: Standard. Neutral Screen Name.

Vegabondux: Unix/Linux

Vegabondmx: Macintosh (Macbook Pro). Formally used for my Macintosh SE

Vegabondzx: Tapwave Zodiac

Vegabondpx: PC (Microsoft Windows Computer)

Vegabondcx: Secondary standard name, or bot

Vega_SE: My Macintosh SE

Vegabondlx: Laptop (No longer used)

Vegabondp3x: Pentium 3 (No longer used)

[edit] Web Sites

Web sites that I reccomend to check out.

My DeviantART page

Celthrex Reborn Site

Zodiac User site

Leo Laporte's KFI Site


Pandora, customized radio

My DeviantART page

G3 Place