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VBOT stands for Visual Basic Off Topic and is the premier mailing list for off topic discussions pertaining to Visual Basic. What this means practically is that any topic is valid for conversation, with the exception of the Visual Basic programming language or any issues that deal with the VB programming language. This is a rule that is frequently and loudly broken.

Many of the members of VBOT have been actively participating in the Microsoft language development community for over 10 years. They are readily recognized as experts in their fields and add tremendous value when they participate in community discussions, conferences (such as Tech Ed and the PDC), and consulting opportunities. They are all also uncannily attractive.

The member list is private and by invitation only. In general a new member must be active in the community and display personality and a distinct style in their contributions in other forums. The VBOT list is also a great place to spot, view, rate, and generally talk about boobs.