Vasilis Christidis

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Vasilis Christidis before entering the court
Vasilis Christidis before entering the court

Vasilis Christidis is a Greek television broadcaster based in northern Greece. He owns the channels OPION, TOP,EURO and BEST.


[edit] Business

He is currently in jail after being convicted for numerous crimes including blackmail, vandalism, human trafficking, fraud, and gang leadership. He used to run (and still runs) the majority of the Northern Greek TV-Channels. He managed to avoid competition by vandalising the buildings and equipment of other minor channels or through terrorising his rivals. On March 3, 2006 he was convicted and sentenced to 8 years in prison.

[edit] Programmes

His TV-Programmes may be divided in three categories:

  • National Orthodox
  • Prize winning Games
  • Porn shows

[edit] National Orthodox

In the first category belong broadcasts promoting jingoistic, anti-semite and anti-liberal ideas. They are also heavily conspiracy-oriented, with theories about a massonic New World Order, the coming (or current domination) of one or more "antichrists", satellites which control human thought and emotion by sending "special beams", black helicopters, anything from smartcards to barcodes and the Tamiflu interpreted as the Biblical "seal of the beast", et al. Their structure consists of one or two speakers looking into the camera and preaching their opinions. Many of these TV shows are also broadcast in other ultra-nationalist media, such as Georgios Karatzaferis Teleasty television station. They have relevant names such as

[edit] TV Games

In the second category belong TV-Shows where the viewer would participate in naive games via telephone. Calling incurred substantial charges and the "winners" would usually not receive their prizes ; these competitions were a profitable sham.

[edit] Porn Shows

In the third category belong TV-Shows projecting stripping girls. Most of them where kidnapped from neighbouring countries and were put to the job. On the bottom of the screen there was a telephone number to provide "live chat" with the girl on screen.