Vaseys Paradise

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Vaseys Paradise is an oasis approximately 1.5 miles below the Mile 30 Sand Bar on the Colorado River in Coconino county, Arizona, United States. In a semi desert region it supports dense vegetation watered by waterfalls emanating from groundwater emerging from the upper cliff faces. The area hosts a federally listed endangered species of snail (Kanab ambersnail) and is a highly sensitive habitat. It is within the Grand Canyon National Park, at 36°29′52″N, 111°51′26″W.

[edit] External links

  • Brian D. Collins and Robert Kayen Applicability of Terrestrial LIDAR Scanning for Scientific Studies in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona - U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California Open File Report 2006–1198 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey. Page 21 (PDF) Accessed November 2006
  • Vaseys Paradise Falls Image at John Gavrilis Photography. Accessed November 2006
  • Location and map at . Accessed November 2006
  • Image gallery of Vaseys Paradise Accessed November 2006
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