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Official artwork of Valtiel.
Official artwork of Valtiel.

Valtiel is a fictional monster in the Konami's survival horror video game Silent Hill 3, as well as a governing angel in the religion of Silent Hill. His name means "attendant" by the way of the French word "valet", his existence as an angel is derived from suffixing "-el.". Thus he is "Valet of God".


[edit] History

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Valtiel was first mentioned in the third instalment of the Silent Hill series. Because of its passive role in the game and its designation as a servant, it is thought that Valtiel is the subordinate of another dominant supernatural prescence in Silent Hill. In the long standing tradition of Silent Hill, the Valtiel is a saintly being corresponding to an angel. Possibly, Metatron.[1]

In the religious tradition of Silent Hill Valtiel was one of the beings said to be created by God in order to lead people to obey her. It is worshipped as the one who is closest to God. A special sect was made in the honor of the Valtiel, founded by Jimmy Stone, called the Valtiel Sect. In it this angel is venerated as a way to get closer to God. Likewise, the Pyramid Head wears similar ceremonial robes, gloves, and appears to have cloth stitching, all in homage to this being.(ibid)

Whenever a shift in the Otherworld occurs, Valtiel appears before Heather, the protagonist from Silent Hill 3. In many instances Valtiel is seen turning a valve, this is both a symbolic gesture of the cycle of rebirth, which he governs, and an implication that Valtiel has some control over the shifting to the Otherworld that takes place throughout the series. If Heather were to die in certain locations, Valtiel can be seen dragging her corpse, intending to resurrect the holy "Mother of God". Valtiel has little or no actual concern with Heather, but rather for the God that sleeps within her.

Heather first encounters Valtiel when going down an elevator in the shopping mall. It appears to be hanging another monster. Heather sees the creature behind a fan.

Her next major encounter with this creature is in Brookhaven hospital when Heather is climbing up a ladder. Valtiel is seen turning a valve in the background. After that, Valtiel can be seen several times in the chapel hanging nurses and crawling around in vents.

[edit] Physical appearance

It is humanoid in appearance, but its head vibrates and twitches rapidly, obscuring its facial features. It's garbed in ceremonial robes and wears gloves. It bears two Seal of Metatron tattoos on each of its arms, while its skin is pale and takes on the "blood and rust" look, classic of Silent Hill.

The famed Pyramid Head is modeled after this being, both of them are described as taking different forms depending on the person. [2] In further connection, they both stalk the protagonist profusely, wear similar garments, and it is said that if the Pyramid Head were to take off the helmet, these two would be surprisingly similar in appearance.[3]

Valtiel is usually seen crawling along the ground, up walls, or across ceilings. An interesting feature, is that Valtiel has the seal of Metatron on both of his shoulders, Metatron and Valtiel are both considered the "Agents of God" (Although this mark suggests that Valtiel is in Metatron's servitude or that he himself is actually Metatron.)

[edit] See Also

[edit] References

  • Book of Lost Memories, Konami