Valentina Visconti

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Valentina Visconti (died December 4, 1408) was the wife of Louis de Valois, Duke of Orléans, a younger brother of Charles VI of France.

She was born in Milan and was the daughter of Giangaleazzo Visconti, the first Duke of Milan, and his first wife, Isabelle of Valois (a daughter of John the Good). Because of intrigues at the court of Charles VI and the enmity of the queen, Isabeau de Bavière, Valentina was exiled from the court at St Pol and had to leave Paris.

A patroness of Eustache Deschamps, who wrote poetry in her honor, she was also the mother of one of France's most famous poets, Charles of Orleans.

She outlived her husband, who was murdered by his cousin John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy in 1407, by only a little over a year, dying at Blois at the age of 38.

Her children were: