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Vălari is also the name of some places in Romania.

Valari (Tamil:வளரி) is a weapon which has been used for thousands of years by Tamil people of Southern India and Sri Lanka. Valaris were used in war, fights, and hunt. It was the favorite weapon of choice in a deer hunt.


[edit] Shape

Unlike the the boomerang of the native Australians, the Tamilian Valari does not return to the thrower. Valaris were made in many shapes and sizes. The usual form consists of two limbs set at an angle. One is thin and tappering while the other is rounded. The rounded end was used as a handle. They were usually made of wood or iron. Other valaris had wooden limbs tipped with iron. Some had limbs which had lethally sharpened edges. Special daggers known as kattaaris, double-edged and razor sharp, were attached to some valaris.

[edit] Use

The thrower holds the Valari by one of its limbs and throws it. There are several ways of throwing and aiming. It is usually given a spin while throwing. While flying through the air, it maneuvers and executes several types of movements according to the throwers purpose. It may spin in the vertical axis, horizontal axis, or just fly without spinning. The spin may also vary in speed. A lethal throw is given a spin and aimed at the neck. A non-lethal throw is given a spin and aimed at the ankles or knees. This is to capture a fleeing vitim. A simple hurting blow does not have any spin.

[edit] Source

[edit] External Link

  • Dynamic Silambam[[1]]

[edit] See Also

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