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{{NavigationBox | Title = [[Image:Flag of Denmark.svg|20px|Flag of Denmark]] [[Regions of Denmark|Regions]] of [[Denmark]] | Color = | Image = [[Image:Flag of Denmark.svg|50px|right|Flag of Denmark]][[Image:Map DK Regions.png|100px|right]] | List = [[Region Hovedstaden|Hovedstaden]] • [[Region Midtjylland|Midtjylland]] • [[Region Nordjylland|Nordjylland]] • <br>[[Region Sjælland|Sjælland]] • [[Region Syddanmark|Syddanmark]] | Category = [[Category:Regions of Denmark]] | Summary = }}<noinclude> [[Category:Danish navigational boxes|{{PAGENAME}}]] Code for Template:Regions of Denmark
"Nobel Prize in Physics Laureates 1901-1925"
1901: Röntgen | 1902: Lorentz, Zeeman | 1903: Becquerel, P. Curie, M. Curie | 1904: Rayleigh | 1905: Lenard | 1906: Thomson | 1907: Michelson | 1908: Lippmann | 1909: Marconi, Braun | 1910: van der Waals | 1911: Wien | 1912: Dalén | 1913: Onnes | 1914: von Laue | 1915: W. H. Bragg, W. L. Bragg | 1917: Barkla | 1918: Planck | 1919: Stark | 1920: Guillaume | 1921: Einstein | 1922: N. Bohr | 1923: Millikan | 1924: Siegbahn | 1925: Franck, Hertz |
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1901-25: Completed.
"Nobel Prize in Physics Laureates 1926-1950"
1926: Perrin | 1927: Compton, C. Wilson | 1928: Richardson | 1929: de Broglie | 1930: Raman | 1932: Heisenberg | 1933: Schrödinger, Dirac | 1935: Chadwick | 1936: Hess, Anderson | 1937: Davisson, Thomson | 1938: Fermi | 1939: Lawrence | 1943: Stern | 1944: Rabi | 1945: Pauli | 1946: Bridgman | 1947: Appleton | 1948: Blackett | 1949: Yukawa | 1950: Powell |
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1926-50: Completed.
"Nobel Prize in Physics Laureates 1951-1975"
1951: Cockcroft, Walton | 1952: Bloch, Purcell | 1953: Zernike | 1954: Born, Bothe | 1955: Lamb, Kusch | 1956: Shockley, Bardeen, Brattain | 1957: Yang, Lee | 1958: Cherenkov, Frank, Tamm | 1959: Segrè, Chamberlain | 1960: Glaser | 1961: Hofstadter, Mößbauer | 1962: Landau | 1963: Goeppert-Mayer, Jensen | 1964: Townes, Basov, Prokhorov | 1965: Tomonaga, Schwinger, Feynman | 1966: Kastler | 1967: Bethe | 1968: Alvarez | 1969: Gell-Mann | 1970: Alfvén, Néel | 1971: Gabor | 1972: Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer | 1973: Esaki, Giaever, Josephson | 1974: Ryle, Hewish | 1975: A. Bohr, Mottelson, Rainwater | |
Valentinian/Sandbox/Code Valentinian/Sandbox/Code
1951-75: Completed.
"Nobel Prize in Physics Laureates 1976-2000"
1976: Richter, Ting | 1977: Anderson, Mott, van Vleck | 1978: Kapitsa, Penzias, R. Wilson | 1979: Glashow, Abdus, Weinberg | 1980: Cronin, Fitch | 1981: Bloembergen, Schawlow, Siegbahn | 1982: K. Wilson | 1983: Chandrasekhar, Fowler | 1984: Rubbia, van der Meer | 1985: von Klitzing | 1986: Ruska, Binnig, Rohrer | 1987: Bednorz, Müller | 1988: Lederman, Schwartz, Steinberger | 1989: Ramsey, Dehmelt, Paul | 1990: Friedman, Kendall, Taylor | 1991: de Gennes | 1992: Charpak | 1993: Hulse, Taylor | 1994: Brockhouse, Shull | 1995: Perl, Reines | 1996: Lee, Osheroff, Richardson | 1997: Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Phillips | 1998: Laughlin, Störmer, Tsui | 1999: Hooft, Veltman | 2000: Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Kilby | |
Valentinian/Sandbox/Code Valentinian/Sandbox/Code
1976-00: Completed.
"Nobel Prize in Physics Laureates 2001-2025"
Valentinian/Sandbox/Code Valentinian/Sandbox/Code
2001-25: Completed.
"Nobel Prize in Physics"
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Complete list: Completed.
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