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Vadama is a sub group of Iyers who are believed to have originated in regions north of the Tamil Kingdoms. History suggests their presence in Tamil regions for more than 1000 years. However, certain accounts state that the latest wave of their migration came as late as the late 1600s and early 1700s.


[edit] Etymology of the term

The term Vadama is believed to have originated from the Tamil term 'Vadakku' meaning North. This claim is substantiated by the fact that, unlike other subsects of Iyers, Vadama pay oblations to the river Narmada in North India.

[edit] Sub categories

Though still a separate Iyer community, intermarriage with other Iyers has been increasing in recent times. They have further sub-categories among themselves based on the region or place of origin. Some of these are the Vadadesa Vadama, the Choladesa Vadama,the Sabhaiyar and the Injee.

[edit] Occupation

They are held to have been the land-lords of and to have constituted the administrative and fighting class of the purely Brahmin villages called agraharams.

[edit] Well known members

Some well-known members of this group include Ramanujacharya, Appaiah Dikshitar, Muthuswamy Dikshitar, and Syama Sastri.

It is also not uncommon for some Iyengars, especially among vadakalai iyengars, to claim origin from this community. This is indicative of the fact that during Ramanuja's time, many Iyers joined his movement.