Võro language

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"Voro" redirects here. For the Spanish footballer, see Voro (footballer).
võro kiil
Spoken in: Estonia 
Region: Southern Estonia
Total speakers: 70,000
Language family: Uralic
Official status
Official language of: none
Regulated by: Võro Institute (semi-official)
Language codes
ISO 639-1: none
ISO 639-2: fiu
ISO 639-3: est — Estonian 
Võro language area — Võromaa (Võro county) in its historical boundaries between Tartu and Seto areas, Russia (Vinnemaa) and Latvia (Lätimaa)
Võro language area — Võromaa (Võro county) in its historical boundaries between Tartu and Seto areas, Russia (Vinnemaa) and Latvia (Lätimaa)

The Võro language (võro kiil) is a language belonging to the Baltic-Finnic branch of the Finno-Ugric languages. Traditionally it is considered a dialect of South Estonian or Estonian, but it has its own literary language and is in search of official recognition as an autochthonous regional language of Estonia. Võro language has about 70,000 speakers (Võros) mostly in south-eastern Estonia, in the eight parishes of historical Võru County (Võromaa): Karula, Harglõ, Urvastõ, Rõugõ, Kanepi, Põlva, Räpinä, and Vahtsõliina. These parishes are currently centered (due to redistricting) in Võru and Põlva Counties with parts extending into Valga and Tartu counties. Speakers can also be found in the towns of Tallinn, Tartu and the rest of Estonia.


[edit] History

Võro is a descendant of the old South Estonian tribal language and is the least influenced by Standard Estonian (based on Northern Estonian dialects). Võro was once spoken further south and east of historical Võromaa in what is now Latvia and Russia. In addition to Võro, other contemporary variants of South Estonian include the Mulgi, Tartu and Seto language or dialect.

One of the earliest written evidences of South Estonian is a translation of the New Testament (Wastne Testament) published in 1686. Although the status of South Estonian began to diminish after the 1880s, the language began to undergo a revival in the late 1980s.

[edit] Present situation

Today, Võro is used in the works of some of Estonia's most well known playwrights, poets, and authors. Võro is taught once a week in 26 schools. The only Võro language newspaper, Uma Leht, comes out twice a month. Estonia's contribution to the Eurovision Song Contest in 2004, the song "Tii" performed by Neiokõsõ, was in Võro. Võro language is seriously endangered by standard Estonian due to the lack of the government's legal commitment to protect the language.

[edit] Orthography

Võro (like Estonian and Finnish) employs the Roman script. Most letters (also ä, ö, ü, and õ) denote the same sounds as in Estonian. Exceptions: q stands for glottal stop (ʔ), y denotes the barred-i (a vowel very close to Russian ы), ´ marks synchronic phonetic palatalization of consonants (like in Polish): ś, ń, ľ, ť, , , ḿ etc. Instead of the acute accent, an apostrophe is often used: s', l', etc.

[edit] Phonology

[edit] Vowels

Front Back
Unrounded Rounded Unrounded Rounded
Close i y ɨ u
Mid e ø ɤ o
Open æ ɑ

In Võro there is vowel harmony, typical in most Finno-Ugric languages but lacking in modern standard Estonian.

[edit] Consonants

Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Postalveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Plosive p pʲ t tʲ k kʲ ʔ
Nasal m mʲ n nʲ ŋ ŋʲ
Fricative v vʲ s sʲ h hʲ
Approximant l lʲ j
Trill r rʲ

All Võro consonants (except /j/ and /ʔ/) can be palatalized. The glottal stop (q, IPA [ʔ]) is a very common sound in Võro (see more about it).

[edit] Language example

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Võro: Kõik inemiseq sünnüseq avvo ja õiguisi poolõst ütesugumaidsis. Näile om annõt mudsu ja süämetunnistus ja nä piät ütstõõsõga vele muudu läbi käümä.

As comparison the same sentence in Standard Estonian: Kõik inimesed sünnivad vabadena ja võrdsetena oma väärikuselt ja õigustelt. Neile on antud mõistus ja südametunnistus ja nende suhtumist üksteisesse peab kandma vendluse vaim.

[edit] Differences between Võro and Estonian

  • Significant difference between standard Estonian and the Võro language is vowel harmony. There is no vowel harmony in the majority of North Estonian dialects and standard Estonian, but it exists in the Võro language; compare:
Estonian Võro Meaning
küla külä village
küsinud küsünüq (has been) asked
hõbedane hõbõhõnõ (made of) silver
  • Some morphological features of the Võro language are considered to be very old. For instance the 3rd person singular of the indicative mood can be either without an ending or, alternatively, with a s-ending:
Estonian Võro Meaning
kirjutab kirotas he writes
annab and he gives

Among the Finnic languages, such double verb conjugation can be found only in the South Estonian and Karelian languages.

  • Võro has a negative particle that is appended to the end of the verb, whereas standard Estonian has a negative verb, which precedes the verb. In standard Estonian, the negative verb ei is used in both present and past negation, whereas in Võro the same is expressed by different particles:
Estonian Võro Meaning
sa ei anna saq anna-aiq You don't give
ma ei tule maq tulõ-õiq I don't come
sa ei andnud saq anna-as You didn't give
ma ei tulnud maq tulõ-õs I didn't come
  • Differences in vocabulary between Estonian and the Võro language can be clearly seen in everyday speech (yet a common Estonian is able to understand most everyday Võro words, since many of them exist in Standard Estonian as dialectal synonyms for the words given or in literary language):
Estonian Võro Estonian (dialectal) literary word Meaning
punane verrev verev red
soe lämmi lämmi, lämbe warm
jahe oigõ - cool, chilly
õde sõsar sõsar- (in compound words) sister
uus vahtsõnõ vastne new
koer pini peni dog
pöial päss - thumb
pesema mõskma mõskma to wash
tänavu timahavva - this year
hunt susi susi wolf
mäger kähr - badger
laupäev puulpäiv - Saturday
surema kuulma koolma to die
sõstar hõrak - currant
kask kõiv kõiv birch
nutma ikma itkema to weep
märkama rõbahtama - to notice

[edit] Basic greetings

  • Tereq! - Hello! Good day!
  • (Tere) hummogust - Good morning
  • (Tere) õdagust - Good evening
  • Hääd üüd / hüvvä üüd - Good night
  • Näemiq - See you later
  • Hüvvä / hääd nägemist - Goodbye
  • Rõõm nätäq - Nice to meet you
  • Aiteh / Aitjumma - Thank you
  • Aiteh sullõ kah - Likewise
  • Kuis lätt - How are you / How you doing?
  • Häste - I'm fine
  • Olõq terveq tulõmast! - Welcome!

[edit] Important words

  • jah / jaa - yes
  • ei - no
  • ma olõ - I am
  • maq, saq, tä - I, you, he/she
  • miiq, tiiq, nääq - we, you, they
  • seo - this, it
  • taa / tuu - that, it
  • muidoki - of course
  • Üts silmäpilk - One moment!
  • Mul om - I have
  • Sul om - You have
  • Kas sul om? - do you have?
  • üts, kats, kolm - one, two, three
  • neli, viis, kuus - four, five, six
  • säidse, katõsa - seven, eight
  • ütesä, kümme - nine, ten
  • sada, tuhat, mill'on - hundred, thousand, million
  • vabandust / pallõ andis - sorry or excuse me
  • vesi - water
  • oluq - beer
  • Eesti - Estonia
  • Võromaa - Võro area
  • võro kiil - Võro language
  • võrokõnõ - Võro (person)
  • eestläne - Estonian (person)
  • saa-i arvo - I don't understand
  • saa arvo - (I) understand
  • Kas võro kiilt mõistat? - Do you understand Võro?
  • Kas inglüse kiilt kõnõlõt? - Do you speak English?
  • Ma olõ ingläne / ameeriklanõ / kanadalanõ / austraallanõ / vahtsõmeremaalanõ / iirläne / sotlanõ - I am English / American / Canadian / Australian / New Zealander / Irish / Scottish
  • Kas ti olõt ingläne? - Are you English?
  • Kon sa elät / kon ti elät? - Where do you live?

[edit] Bibliography

  • Eller, Kalle (1999): Võro-Seto language. Võro Instituut'. Võro.
  • Jüvä, Sullõv (2002): Võro-eesti synaraamat (Võro-Estonian dictionary). Publications of Võro Institute 12. Tarto-Võro.
  • Keem, Hella (1997): Võru keel. Võro Instituut ja Eesti teaduste akadeemia Emakeele selts. Tallinn.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Võro language edition of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Finno-Ugric languages
Ugric Hungarian | Khanty | Mansi
Permic Komi | Komi-Permyak | Udmurt
Finno-Volgaic Mari | Erzya | Moksha | Merya† | Meshcherian† | Muromian†
Sami Akkala Sami† | Inari Sami | Kemi Sami† | Kildin Sami | Lule Sami | Northern Sami | Pite Sami | Skolt Sami | Southern Sami | Ter Sami | Ume Sami
Baltic-Finnic Estonian | Finnish | Ingrian | Karelian | Kven | Livonian | Ludic | Meänkieli | South Estonian | Veps | Votic | Võro
† denotes extinct