Template talk:US-airport-mil

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[edit] Usage

This template is suitable for U.S. military airports.

To use this on an airport page, simply add the following under the "External links" section of the airport:


Substitute the XXX with the IATA code for the airport (which is typically a 3-letter code). Note that this template assumes that you can prepend "K" to the IATA code to derive the 4-letter ICAO code, so this template is not appropriate for airports that do not follow that rule or do not have an ICAO code.

[edit] Example

[edit] See also


  • Use this for airports that have scheduled flights. It includes an "FAA Delays" link that does not work for U.S. military airports.


  • Use this for general aviation airports that have no scheduled flights. At this time it contains the same links as the above template, but that is subject to change.


  • Use this for airports that do not have an ICAO code which generally includes minor general aviation airports.

[edit] WHy are there two links to weather observations???=

There is some... erm... stupidity going on with the whole linking of supposedly "current" observations and "historical" observations from NOAA. That stupidity is the fact that the "current" link goes back a day, while the supposed "historical" link goes back... you'll never believe this... 3 days! I suggest STRONGLY that the "current" link be dumped and the "historical" link be called simply "weather observations from NOAA"... the current linking structure is, IMHO, false advertising.Famartin 03:07, 11 February 2007 (UTC)

With no debate to the contrary, I have removed the duplications. Famartin 10:44, 3 March 2007 (UTC)