Urban ecosystem

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Editing Urban ecosystem----- < more coming soon>

Urban ecosytems are the cities, towns and urban strips constructed by humans where a rapidly expanding number of Australia's population now reside.

This growth in the urban population and the supporting built infrastructure has impacted on both urban environments and also on areas which surround urban areas. These include semi or 'peri-urban' environments that fringe cities as well as agricultural and natural landscapes.

Scientists are now developing ways to measure and understand the effects of urbananisation on human and environmental health.

By considered urban areas as part of a broader ecological system, scientists can investigate how urban landscapes function and how they effect other landscapes with which they interact. In this context, urban environments are effected by their surrounding environment but also impact on that environment. Knowing this may provide clues as to which alternative development options will lead to the best overall environmental outcome.

CSE's urban ecosystem research is focused on:

Understanding how cities work as ecological system Developing sustainable approaches to development of city fringe areas that reduce negative impact on surrounding environments Developing approaches to urban design that provide for health and opportunity for citizens.

Current Research

Urban Systems - research developing new technologies and providing integrated infrastructure solutions to reduce Australia’s urban ecological footprint and increase infrastructure effectiveness.
Creating urban sustainability - (CSIRO.au Web site) CSIRO is applying its technological expertise to help Australia improve the sustainability of its cities.
TwinCam Futures - a new and innovative research partnership that will build regional capacity in Campbelltown and Camden for exploring the opportunities and risks of a range of possible future development pathways.