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The Kabuto Mon entrance to the Urasenke Konnichi-an in Kyoto
The Kabuto Mon entrance to the Urasenke Konnichi-an in Kyoto

Urasenke (裏千家;, literally "rear of the Sen house") is the name of one of the main schools of Japanese tea ceremony. The other two are Omotesenke and Mushanokōjisenke.

The head of the Urasenke group is Zabosai Genmoku Soshitsu. He is the 16th generation Grand Tea Master.


[edit] Generations

Generation Personal name Tea name
1st Rikyu Sōeki (1522-91) 利休 宗易 Hōsensai 抛筌斎
2nd Shōan Sōjun (1546-1614) 少庵 宗淳
3rd Genpaku Sōtan (1578-1658) 元伯 宗旦 咄々斎
4th Sensō Sōshitsu (1622-97) 仙叟 宗室 Hororisai 朧月斎
5th Jōsō Sōshitsu (1673-1704) 常叟 宗室 Fukyūsai 不休斎
6th Taisō Sōshitsu (1694-1726) 泰叟 宗室 Rikkansai 六閑斎
7th Chikusō Sōshitsu (1709-33) 竺叟 宗室 Saisaisai 最々斎
8th Ittō Sōshitsu (1719-71) 一燈 宗室 Yūgensai 又玄斎
9th Sekiō Sōshitsu (1746-1801) 石翁 宗室 Fukensai 不見斎
10th Hakusō Sōshitsu (1770-1826) 柏叟 宗室 Nintokusai 認得斎
11th Seichū Sōshitsu (1810-77) 精中 宗室 Gengensai 玄々斎
12th Jikishō Sōshitsu (1852-1917) 直叟 宗室 Yumyōsai 又玅斎
13th Tetchū Sōshitsu (1872-1924) 鉄中 宗室 Ennōsai 圓能斎
14th Sekisō Sōshitsu (1893-1964) 直叟 宗室 Tantansai (AKA: Mugensai) 淡々斎 (無限斎)
15th (current grand master) Hōsō Sōshitsu XV (Sen Genshitsu) (b.April 19, 1923) 汎叟 宗室 Hōunsai 鵬雲斎
16th (current iemoto) Sen (Genmoku) Sōshitsu XVI (b. June 7, 1956) 玄黙 宗室 Zabōsai 坐忘斎

[edit] References

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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