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[edit] UPS

The UK Players Society was established circa 1814 , in Southport England, by several then gangsters known in UPS circles as "the founding fathers". Although relativly little is known about these terribly secretive men, it is well known that they developed the idea of macking and introduced it to their social circle. Operating under almost complete secrecy the UPS became much more than a group of like minded gangsters and eventually went on to become what it is today, a global organisation with member requests coming in in their thousands every day.

[edit] History

Within a few months several members of the UPS ventured out of the underworld of crime, and established drinking holes such as Waverlies (the popular bar/club) which are now sadly,taken for granted. Over time, the UPS opened more pubs such as Springboks, Republik and for the increasing African community, 'Bakers R&B/Soul experience'. Within only a few years of existence the UPS owned and controlled most of the doors in the north west. As generations passed more and more "Bruvas" as they are known were recruited into the society. As the 20th century loomed, parliament knew that they had to make strong bondz with this powerful organisation, and famously, Winston Churchill applied for an application but was denied, hence D-Day. At this stage, it was rumoured that the Deans of Oxford & Cambridge Universitiez had been spotted with senior UPS members swigging the now infamous apple sourz and generally macking around. It was now most certainly clear that the UPS had become the most powerful organisation in the world, moving their headquarters to the flats above Sugar, Southport. Current leaders, Motown Willy and The GMBB (GRAND MASTER BAD BOY) are the 2 most dangerous men in the North West. Although there are no lawyers, judges or policemen who dare to question their gangsta ways.

[edit] Current Leading Members

The current member list includes the following notable people: -Motown Willy -GMBB -Ben to the mo' f'ing T -Wayne "MC" Waverley's -MC Danimull -LAPD Martland -DJ Riggers The issue of certain S.Forshaw becoming a member is still one of great controversy. Although initially denied membership on several occasions, along with his long term partner, it is now believed that he will never gain membership to the UPS due to his constant sucking up, being a tit, hanging round with ant wilson, drinking whisky on nights out, refusal to have b.n.o's in bar non, constant scruffy attire etc.