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UnrealScript is the scripting language of the Unreal Engine and is used for authoring game code and gameplay events.

Similar in basic design principles to Java, UnrealScript has object-oriented features and is recognizable as a member of the curly brace family. As in Java, UnrealScript does not support multiple inheritance, classes all inherit from a common Object class and are defined in individual files named after each class. UnrealScript is case-insensitive, does not support interface classes, and does not have object wrappers for primitive types.

The language was also designed for simple, high-level game programming. UnrealScript was created by Tim Sweeney, who also created an earlier game scripting language called ZZT-oop.

By making the process of modifying the game easier, UnrealScript helped enable the growth of a large community of people on the Internet dedicated to modifying Unreal. This ability greatly added to the overall longevity of Unreal and provided an incentive for new development.

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