University of Pennsylvania Health System
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The University of Pennsylvania Health System is a diverse research and clinical care organization in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that operates under the direction and auspices of the University of Pennsylvania, its umbrella organization Penn Medicine and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. It encompasses three hospitals, two regional medical centers in Radnor, Pennsylvania, and Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and a multitude of clinical care providers in the greater Philadelphia metropolitan region. The University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine, opened in 1765, the nation's first, works closely with the hospitals and practices.
The three hospitals include Pennsylvania Hospital in Center City, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (located on the University's main campus) in the University City district within West Philadelphia. A fourth hospital, Phoenixville Hospital in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, was recently divested.
On January 23, 2007, an announcement was made that UPHS would purchase Graduate Hospital, located in southwest Center City. The hospital was previously owned by Tenet Healthcare Corporation. The site will be converted into a comprehensive rehabilitation center in a partnership with the Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network called Good Shepherd Penn Partners.[1] [2]