University of Molise

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University of Molise
Università degli Studi del Molise

Logo of the University of Molise

Established 1982
Type State-supported
Rector Prof. Giovanni Cannata
Students 10,000
Location Campobasso, Italy
Sports teams CUS Molise (

The University of Molise (Italian: Università degli Studi del Molise, UNIMOL) is a university located in Campobasso, Italy. It was founded in 1982 and is organized in 8 Faculties.

[edit] Organization

These are the 8 faculties in which the university is divided into:

  • Unimol Management Centre

"Unimol Management" provides for high specialising courses in the field of Public and Private Management. Its aims are the promotion and spreading of managerial and entrepreneurial culture in public and private sectors through the development, the organisation and the management of high quality courses.

  • "Colozza" Centre

The aim of the specialisation Centre “Colozza” is a specific professional training for prospective High School teachers. The didactical activities include not only mere teachings, but also laboratory activities and traineeships aiming at the integration between theoretic knowledge and practical abilities. The Centre offers the following diplomas:

Curricula: Linguistic – literary

Natural Sciences

Physics, Mathematics, Computer Sciences

Economic – judicial Sciences

Sport Sciences

The educational offer, which abides to the principles set out in the Bologna Declaration, counts 25 first level degree courses, 11 specialist degrees and 4 master courses, distributed over the main seat, Campobasso, and the other three sites of Termoli (course of Tourism, faculty of Engineering), Isernia (Course of Political Science, Courses of Literature and Heritage), and Pesche (Faculty of Natural Sciences).

The University is equipped with several laboratories, multimedia labs, a linguistic centre, a central library, recently restructured and enriched with new publications and technological tools, which counts over 93,000 monographic texts, 1350 periodicals, 850 newspapers’ titles.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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