University of Limerick Students' Union

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ULSU logo

The University of Limerick Students' Union (Aontas na Mac Léinn, Ollscoil Luimnigh) is the representative body for all students at the University of Limerick, situated in Limerick, Ireland


[edit] History

The National Institute for Higher Education (NIHE) was founded in Limerick in 1972. The 113 students who started in NIHEL, that year, founded the Students' Union, which was later to become the University of Limerick Students' Union. From its inception in 1972, the union had been involved with USI. ULSU withdrew in 1991 from USI after it decided that the national union was no longer doing what it should be doing for ordinary students on the ground. ULSU has never reaffiliated to USI, although an inquorate referendum held in 2001 on the issue indicated significant support among students for such a move. However since the organisation is unable to represent students on a national level, it has on occasion supported campaigns organised by USI. Following moves by USI to welcome non-affiliates 'back into the fold', ULSU has instituted a process of review of the non-affiliation. Depending upon the results of this process a referendum may be held in early 2007 to decide on the issue of reaffiliation.

ULSU is also one of the more active members of FUSU (Forum of University Students' Unions). FUSU recently welcomed Dublin Institute of Technology into the group in recognition of the Institute's size and similarity to a university. FUSU is not a competitor organisation for USI, rather it is more of a discussion forum and information exchange. This is particular useful for ULSU, as its remoteness from USI can be a problem when national issues arise.

[edit] Organisation and Services

The Union represents UL Students at many fora within and external to the university. There are currently five full time sabbatical officers (President, Deputy President/Welfare Officer, Vice-President/Education Officer, Vice-President/Campaigns & Services Officer and Vice President/Publications and Publicity Officer), combined with a number of voluntary non-sabbatical positions, which are elected each year by the students. Until 06/07, ULSU had only four full time officers - the Vice-President/Communications & Campaigns Officer position was discontinued and a new Vice-President/Publicity & Publications Officer and a Vice-President/Campaigns & Services Officer took office. The Union employs six other full time members of staff and owns a company, ULSU Services Ltd., which run both Students' Union Shops on campus. The Union also provides other services to students - graphics, Nitelink bus service, education advice, welfare advice, second-hand bookshop, etc.

The Students' Union has two publications, a fortnightly newspaper, An Focal, and a monthly arts magazine, Review. These are edited by the Publications and Publicity Officer.

The Students' Union in UL has two main differences from other Students' Unions.

  • It runs its own clubs and societies - these are administered through the union by and for the students.
  • It has a Postgraduate Students Association - to represent all Postgraduate Students on postgraduate issues only. The Postgraduate students elect a full-time sabbatical president for the PSA.

[edit] Notable officers

Diarmuid Scully (SU President 1992-93) is a Limerick City Councillor and became Mayor of Limerick in 2005.

[edit] External link