University of Lethbridge Students' Union

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The Students' Union at the University of Lethbridge represents the 8,000 students at the University of Lethbridge, including the Calgary and Edmonton campuses.

The ULSU controls occupancy rights to approximately 60% of the Student's Union Building at the University of Lethbridge Campus. This space is used for the ULSU main offices, the ULSU Food Bank, The Meliorist offices, club spaces, The CKXU 88.3 FM Radio Society [1], The University of Lethbridge Campus Women's Centre, The ULSU Food Court, Galileo's Art Gallery, Lethbridge Public Interest Research Group office, the ULSU Service Centre (a convenience store), and The Zoo (a pub).


[edit] Student's Council

The ULSU is governed by The Student's Council, which consists of:

[edit] The Executive Council

  • President
  • Vice-president of academic affairs
  • Vice-president of administration
  • Vice-president of internal affairs

[edit] The General Assembly

  • 6 Faculty of Arts & Sciences representatives
  • 1 Faculty of Health Sciences representative
  • 1 Faculty of Fine Arts representative
  • 1 Faculty of Education representative
  • 1 Faculty of Management representative
  • 1 Residence Students representative
  • 1 Board of Governors representative(non-voting)
  • 1 Calgary campus representative
  • 1 Edmonton campus representative

[edit] Current Council Members

Member Position
Dustin Fuller President
Charlotte Kingston VP Academic
Joanne Luu VP Admin
Richie JDK Evans III VP Internal
General Assembly
Member Position
Nic Barker Arts and Science Rep
Samantha LeCerf Arts and Science Rep
Jeremy Girard Arts and Science Rep
Osman Shah Arts and Science Rep
Angela Ng Arts and Science Rep
Trish Harper Arts and Science Rep
JJ Machalski Management Rep
Andy Davies Fine Arts Rep
Eric Hawthorne Residence Rep
Ricardo Avelar Education Rep
Mark Hudson Calgary Campus Rep
Jason Rumer Education Rep
Christopher Ng Board of Governors Rep

The health sciences representative position is currently vacant.

[edit] Previous Councils

2005-2006 Executive Council
Member Position
Tyler Tanner President
Dustin Fuller VP Academic
Jason Blades VP Admin
Andrew Lunn VP Internal
2004-2005 Executive Council
Member Position
Loralee Edwards President
Jason Rumer VP Academic
Kelly Andres VP Admin
Clay Campbell VP Internal

[edit] Services

In addition to offering free rent to three not-for-profit, campus-based organizations (the Meliorist, CKXU, and the campus women's centre). The ULSU offers a broad range of services for its students, including (but not limited to):

  • Travel And Conference Grants
  • Student Emergency Funding
  • Club and Society Funding
  • Health and dental insurance programs
  • Students' Union Test bank
  • University Grade Appeals
  • Classified ads on the ULSU website
  • Student Representation
  • The Zoo Pub and Eatery
  • ULSU Catering and Ballroom Rental

[edit] Representation

Federally, the University of Lethbridge Students' Union participates in the Canadian Alliance of Students Associations and provincially, they are a member of the Council of Alberta University Students.

[edit] External links

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