Universities Open Source Project

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By Husam Ulayan

The UOSP is a new project whose goal is to provide more coherent, comprehensive solution-driven that will offer software to different industries

To be UOSP certified, the software must be distributed under a license that guarantees the right to read, redistribute, modify, and use the software freely

within the universities network.

The basic idea behind University open source is very simple. With graduation projects students can read, and modify the source code for a piece of software that is controlled by a managing firm, for the software to evolve; the managing firm developers improve it till it's a bug free. The UOSP will provide help to students in their graduation project,and they will give us access to the source code that will be posted to the public to help in improving the code by means of reviewing and enhancing the code. So we encourage every student who is doing a project to get help. email your request to hulayan@ctit.biz